Chapter Sixteen

“We have a slight change of plans,” Daniel said as he walked into Lacey’s dining room. “That was Andel Wattersson. He has a new lead on the cockatrice.” He handed Kael a piece of paper. “They’re about ten miles outside of Bangor, to the north and a little east, if the information’s correct.”

“Let’s go,” Lina said.

Jan grabbed her arm as she bounced up from her seat at the dining room table. “Calm down, lovely. I don’t know if you should be going anywhere in this condition.”

“You want to try rephrasing that?” Lina snapped at him.

Lacey laughed. “Jan, don’t worry. You’ll have more trouble on your hands if you try to keep her here.”

Rick looked at a map on his phone. “I don’t know if we can make it there and back before the Council meeting.” He looked at Daniel. “What should we do?”

“You should go,” Elain said. “Seriously. If you have a chance to get these fuckers, do it.” She realized what she said and looked at Ain, who only shook his head and laughed.

Lina looked worried. “You sure?”

“It’s okay,” Daniel said. “I’ll send Callie with you all after the cockatrice. The Montalvo brothers will be here any minute to go over final details. When we’re done at the Council meeting, I’ll call you, and if you’re still there and need us, we can all head on up there for backup.”

Zack pretended to hold up a rifle and imitated Elmer Fudd. “Kill da cockatwice…kill da cockatwice”

“That’s horrible,” Lina said as she laughed. “You’ll make me wet myself.”

The doorbell rang, interrupting them. Lacey went to answer it and returned a moment later followed by Ortega Montalvo and his brothers.

Ortega broadly smiled when he spotted Liam, who stood to greet him. “Liam!” The men embraced. “It is very good to see you here,” Ortega said.

“It’s good to see ye, too, Ortega.” He indicated Elain and Carla. “This is my daughter, Elain, and her mum, Carla Taylor.”

Ortega looked a little confused. “But I thought your mate died.”

“She did. This is Elain’s adopted mom.”

“Ah. Congratulations, my friend!”

Liam laughed. “No, she raised Elain. My mate and Carla were friends.”

“Ah! I understand now. My apologies.”

“Don’t worry,” Elain snarked. “It’s gotten pretty confusing around here the past few weeks.”

With introductions out of the way, Daniel detailed his plan to the others with Ortega contributing where needed. Should it be necessary to rule against Elain or Mai, the Montalvos would then bring their own challenge of an honor debt against Abernathy. Of course, Abernathy would reject the claim due to not being a member of that Clan. Daniel would rule that since Mai and Elain were of their Clan, they could be used as collateral for the honor debt and Ortega Montalvo and his brothers would immediately take custody of the two women and whisk them away to a safe house.

“Isn’t that kind of risky?” Jim nervously asked as he looked at Mai. Of the two men, he was by far the more overprotective one.

Daniel nodded. “It’s the best shot we have. We thought about the Montalvos abducting the women from the Abernathys, but that’s far too risky and gives Abernathy too much contact with them. It’d be too easy for him to hurt one or both of them.”

Brodey nodded. “I hate to admit it, but it’s the best way to do it. It’s bullshit, and everyone will know it’s bullshit, but everyone also knows what Abernathy’s son tried to do to Ortega’s daughter that time. No one will question it, and they’ll see Abernathy as getting the screwing he so rightfully deserves.”

“And then we just have to live on the run for the rest of our lives?” Elain asked.

“No,” Cail said. “We’ll sell and relocate. All of us.”

“What, you mean pick up and move to Bolivia?”

“Exactly,” Ain said, serious.

“So you’re telling me because this rabid jackass might get his way, we have to uproot our lives?”

“No one said it was a perfect solution, Elain,” Daniel said.

“It’s bullshit, is what it is.” She looked around the room. “I say we take the fucker out and be done with it.”

“We can’t,” Ain replied, his voice calm and patient. “That would play into exactly what he wants, a Clan war. No sane person wants that.”

“I’m not feeling particularly sane right now,” Elain shot back.

“Look,” Zack said. “Regardless, right now, we need to get going if we want any chance of making it back here before noon. Come on, kiddies. We have cockatrice to cook.”

Lina pulled herself out of her chair. “Let me hit the potty again.”

Mark stood. “Oscar, Wally, Doug, and I will go with them.”

Ain nodded. “That’s a good idea.

“Meanwhile,” Lacey said as she grabbed Elain’s arm, “you and I are going down to the thinking rock for a talk.”

Ain stood. “We’ll come, too.”

Lacey waved him down. “Nonsense. She and I need some time together.”

Lina returned from the bathroom. “Hey, give me hugs, you two.” She hugged Mai and Elain. “We’ll see you in a couple of hours, regardless.” She looked Elain in the eye. “Okay?”

Elain felt a wave of certainty from her friend and smiled. Whatever Lina had sensed, she apparently knew Elain and Mai would be all right. “Okay.”

Lina grinned. “Exactly.” She turned and headed for the front door. “Allons-y!”

“I’ve got to make her quit watching Doctor Who,” Zack grumbled as he followed her out the door.

* * *

Elain walked down to the thinking place with Lacey. “Lina knows something, doesn’t she?” Elain asked.

“Knows what?”

“Exactly,” Elain said. “She seemed pretty certain this would all work out okay.”

“Oh. Well then, I would suggest not worrying.” Lacey smiled.

From their serene perch, Elain looked out over the water. “He won’t give up without a fight, though. Will he?”

Lacey shrugged. “That I don’t know. Not likely, knowing his past history.”

They didn’t have long before they would have to head back so they could go to the Council hall. “What do I do?”

“Follow your instincts. And I don’t just mean today. I mean in your life as a whole. Always trust your instincts. You are a Seer. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You’re a strong, Alpha wolf. Let your heart guide you, even if it flies in the face of reason or what anyone else tells you.”

“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be.” Lacey looked at her. “There’s no reason to be scared. Trust yourself.”

“That sounds like a cop-out answer.”

“It’s not. You have no idea how strong you are. Mentally, physically. You’re a tough woman.”

“What have you seen in your visions?”

“About today? Nothing in particular.” She smiled. “I have seen enough about the future, however, to know I can tell you to relax and let your intuition guide you.”

Elain took a deep breath. “In other words, I need to go through this.”


“Are you coming, too?”

Lacey’s face darkened. “I’d rather not set my eyes on that bastard. I’d be liable to do something even Daniel and Callie couldn’t save me from.”
