4 Sleep—and the foolishness of overindulgence

A faint sound brought me somewhat awake, though I felt the drag of far too much daru. I lay upon the sleeping furs in the second chamber, not far from the fire, somehow knowing that darkness had fallen without and had not yet ended. So soft were the furs beneath my face and belly and breasts, so strongly did they call to me to return to the comfort of sleep that nearly did I do so, and yet there was something I must recall. I thought upon the thing with mind unmoving and eyes closed, and then did I become aware of the hands at my breech. So taken with daru had I been that I had not removed it before falling to the furs, yet were quiet, gentle hands doing it for me. The vague question as to who it might be reminded me that S’Heernoh was to have come to me at darkness, and then was the breech pulled away and a hand boldly astroke upon my now bare bottom. I moved in displeasure, having no true wish to be touched in such an insolent manner, annoyed that the heat would begin to build so quickly within me from so small a thing. Made for the use of males, had Aysayn said to me, made to feel too great a pleasure at their touch, yet was S’Heernoh there at my command and easily sent away again in the same manner.

“I no longer wish the use of a male,” I said with some difficulty, the words soft even in the silence of the chamber. “Take yourself from me, and wait for another time.”

My eyes had not opened and my face had not abandoned the softness of the fur, and indeed did I begin to merge once more with the darkness all about—till the hand of the male I had sent from me slid down to my thighs. Greatly pleased with the feel of me did the touch seem, a faint sound of delight coming from the throat of he who sat or lay beside me, the fingers of the hand quickly seeking what might be found between the thighs he had caressed. Again I moved in protest, this time dragging my head up, what little strength the daru had left immediately taken by the touch upon my desire. In desperation I attempted to turn from the sensations and face the one who dared to refuse my commands, however a hand came to rest itself upon the fur to my free side, the arm keeping me from turning as I wished. With very little effort was I held in place for what continued to be done to me, and anger rose beneath the growing waves of need.

“Release me, accursed male,” I said with a slur of effort, without the snap I had wished the words to have. “You have been given my command, S’Heernoh, and I demand that you obey. ”

“Most certainly would S’Heernoh obey—if he were here,” said a voice softly, a male voice, one I knew. “Such a man is not for you, wench, for you require a man who will instead see that you obey. Have you no desire for me after so long a time?”

Indeed did my body flare with uncontrollable desire even in the midst of the vast confusion I felt, for it was Ceralt who had come to me, Ceralt who now touched me as he had so often done in the past. My face returned to the fur as I strove to crawl from the touch which so easily brought forth the moisture from my body, yet did the arm about me tighten and again was I held.

“Were you given my permission to move about so?” the Mida-forsaken male asked with a chuckle, the strength in his arm seeing easily to my struggles. “You may not deny me, you know. As I am your guest, such a denial would be quite dishonorable. ”

“You are—the guest of—Aysayn,” I gasped out, searching frantically amid the fog in my mind for that which would free me. “Seek—him out instead—for I wish—naught to do with—a male.”

“For one who has no desire for a man, you respond with astounding speed,” said he, refusing to halt that which brought me such weakness. “And what man would seek out a follower of the dark god, when he might have a follower of the golden goddess instead? And I shall have you, wench, for I have come for no other thing.”

I knew a moment of relief when his hand finally left me, yet was the moment very brief indeed. The next saw me turned quickly to my back, and then was I held in the arms of the male, my body pressed to his, naught left of the leathers and furs and belt he had worn. So warm and strong was the body against mine, so broad and hard and impossible to ignore. The flames of the fire illuminated half of the face so close above mine, yet was the brightness shown in the light of his eyes arisen from another source entirely.

“Have you any conception of how sorely I have missed you?” he asked in a voice like smoke, soft and light yet impossible to avoid. “In my dreams you often remained beside me, and when I woke, held by the pain and strengthlessness of wounds, I wept to find you gone. No longer am I hampered by wounds, yet I continue to weep at thought of losing you. Sooner would I have wounds impossible to recover from.”

His lips came to me then, softly demanding, refusing to be denied, allowing me no words of my own. Indeed was it difficult to know what words I would speak, for I might not accept this male who held me so tightly. Were I to do so his life would surely be lost, his and Mehrayn’s as well—and yet the feel of him against me, the taste of his lips, the touch of his hands to me! In the name of all those who had gone before me, I could not refuse the demands he put, could not keep from allowing my own hands the hard-muscled feel of him. His lips left mine to go to my breasts, and my fingers tangled in his dark, unruly hair, a moan forced from me by the lightning he so easily evoked. Had he left me then I would surely have died, charred to nothingness by the heat which lapped so high about me. Feyd had it been since last I had had the use of a male, and no Midanna was made to go so long without. I moved upon the softness of the lenga fur, held in his arms, consumed by the need he had put upon me, and moaned again when his hand stroked my middle.

“So long has it been since last I had this belly and these breasts to lie upon,” he murmured, the heat clearly a part of him as well. “I shall now take you, woman, and show that you have always been mine and ever shall be.”

With great deliberation did he then put himself above me, spread my knees with his hands, and bring his manhood to my desire. Sudden memory of the vow he had stolen caused me briefly to attempt to deny him despite my need, however the strength of his hands upon my thighs refused denial, as did the quick thrust within me. I gasped as he made me completely his, and then was I again held in his arms, his lips to mine as his hips began the movement I longed for. The male took me completely, made me his despite my wish to protest, turning all struggle to mist and memory. Well used was I for uncounted time, and then was I permitted to find sleep again.

Much did it seem that a very long time had passed, yet did the time also seem very little. I awoke a second time unable to consider the confusion of time, for the need I had thought so well seen to had in some manner returned to me. And then I knew it had been returned, for hands and lips touched me all about where I lay on my back in the furs, hands and lips which took what they wished. At last had S’Heernoh appeared, then, bringing desire to me before bringing wakefulness. Again I felt annoyance at such presumption, for one summoned by a war leader did not presume to take. It was he who would be taken, and this would I make certain he knew as soon as I was able to open my eyes and speak. Again the hands upon me forced me to move as they willed, and this at last brought words to my tongue.

“Enough, S’Heernoh,” I said, speaking with the same difficulty I had earlier had. “You may now lie back, and this Midanna will use you.”

I attempted to raise myself to sitting without opening eyes which lacked all will to open, knowing I had no need of sight to find and use a male, yet was I unable to do so. Much did it seem that I was held close to the fur by the hair, as though the male leaned upon it, and also had he failed to obey my command to cease his touching. Truly was I unable to bear being done so and I struggled to free myself, and then came a chuckling which increased my distress.

“I am not S’Heernoh, I shall not lie back, and no Midanna will use me,” said he who had chuckled, one whose voice I had reason to know well. “S’Heernoh is to be left in peace, for the man who claims you will allow no other in his place.”

It was, of course, Mehrayn who spoke, a thing my body had known even before I awoke. Ever was the male able to bring need upon me, fully as easily as Ceralt, for what reason they two were best able to do so I knew not, yet did I know well the anger the realization brought.

“Release me,” I demanded with what strength I was able, groping back to the wide hand which rested upon my hair, seeking to free myself. “I will have naught to do with males, therefore must you release me.”

The breathless scratchiness of my voice caused the male again to chuckle, yet no other thing was accomplished. The wide hand remained immovably firm upon my hair, I remained flat to the furs, and in no manner did I find easing from the touch which moved me to madness.

“I am pleased to hear you will have naught further to do with other men,” said Mehrayn, his voice low and murmuring as his lips came to my throat. “Your squirmings indicate you will not deny me, however, which is as it should be. You may not deny me, for you are mine and ever shall be.”

“Mehrayn,” I gasped, and then was I well beyond the ability to speak. Though I moved in desperation I could not escape the arousal of his touch, nor was I able to make him cease. I fought in vain with the hand which held my hair, and then were there lips upon mine, demanding a response to their commands, demanding all I had no desire to give. What I would not have given was taken from me, and then was there no longer a hand between my thighs but the male himself, preparing to take even more. As slowly as always did he approach and begin to enter me, forcing a moan from me which was a plea for greater hurry, a plea the male refused to hear. The use was his and his alone, a matter well proven before he was fully within; truly was I unable to deny him, just as I had been unable to deny the other, and then came the storm I had whimpered and begged for. Completely swept up by the storm was I, and then, after uncounted time, I was not.
