Darcy had called her father to let him know they were on their way home. He still hadn’t told her mother that their daughter was part alien. That should prove interesting.

Or not.

“I’ll be here beside you,” Surlock told her as they walked up to the front door.

She nodded and took a deep breath, then straightened her clothes. Karinthia had returned to the Bishop estate with a database. It was a handy little device much like an IPod, only a little bigger. She had only to punch in what she wanted and it appeared.

Darcy liked Surlock’s sister, and after talking to Karinthia, she discovered that the goddess had told Karinthia that she was to protect the impures and bring them safely home. Darcy had had a brilliant idea; now she only needed to convince her mother.

She opened the door and stepped inside her home, making sure Surlock stayed right beside her. Ms. Abernathy was walking down the hall, but stopped when she saw Darcy.

“It’s about time you were getting yourself home,” Ms. Abernathy scolded, but in a soft voice filled with unshed tears.

Darcy rushed to her and wrapped her arms around her. The housekeeper hugged her tight, sniffed loudly, then let go and stepped back.

“Your mother has been fit to be tied. You’d best make an appearance soon or we’ll be calling the doctor to give the poor woman another shot.”

Darcy smiled. “Then I’ll do just that. Where is she?”

“In the living room with your father.”

Ms. Abernathy looked at Surlock and gave him a rare smile. “Thank you for bringing her home.”

“I could do no less,” he said.

Ms. Abernathy looked between the two. “Yes, I suspect that’s the God’s honest truth.”

Darcy and Surlock went to the living room. Her mother was half sitting, half lying on the sofa, a tissue wadded in her hand. Her father was sitting in one of the armchairs, looking more haggard than she’d ever seen him.

“Mom, Dad.”

Her mother looked up, then jumped from the sofa and ran to Darcy. “My poor baby.” She squeezed her tight, then held her at arm’s length, then pulled her back for another bear hug. “I was so afraid. Dad told me you were okay, but I refused to believe it until I saw you with my own eyes.” She suddenly let go of Darcy and turned a frown on Surlock. “Who are you?”

Darcy took Surlock’s hand in hers and pulled him close. “Surlock saved my life.” She glanced at her dad, who had moved to stand close to her mother. “Did you tell her anything?”

He suddenly grabbed Darcy and hugged her close. “I love you, baby girl.” Then he whispered, “No, I didn’t tell her. I’m a coward.”

This was going to be a long day.

The phone rang. A few minutes later, Ms. Abernathy came into the living room. “Jennifer’s on the phone.” She glanced at Darcy. “She hasn’t been back since the night of the party, so she doesn’t know a thing. I thought you might say something to her just to let her know you’re okay.”

Darcy nodded, then took the phone. “Hi, Jennifer.”

“And just what are you up to, girlfriend? I’ve been trying to call your cell since yesterday. It was as if you’d dropped off the face of the earth. I was starting to worry so I thought I’d call the house. What? Did that handsome hunk kidnap you?”

Jennifer didn’t know just how close to the truth she was. “Something like that,” Darcy told her.

“I crashed at Peter’s, then we took a plane to Paris. We’ve decided to go into the party business together.” She laughed. “Do not even ask what got into us. Annette came along for the ride, and I have to admit, they make a great couple. And I’ve met this wonderful man who has the most seductive Parisian accent you’ll ever hear. I’m so sorry to leave you out of the loop, but I figured you and Surlock were having your own party.” She chuckled.

“Uh, my parents are here. Let’s talk when you get back.”

“Sounds good, darling. I have a feeling my news will top yours. This guy is very delicious.”

Darcy really doubted Jennifer’s news could even come close to hers, but decided now was not the best time to mention it. “Talk to you later.”

After she turned the phone off, Darcy looked at her mother. This was so not going to be easy.

“Mom, you’d better sit down.”
