“New Symtaria does exist,” Surlock began, “but it’s another planet. When the old planet was dying, the elders went in search of a new one. There weren’t enough spacecraft so some of our people chose other planets. When a new home was found, there was much to be done. Many years passed. The old ruler died; the lost people were forgotten. They integrated with people from Earth, adopting their ways.”

“How sad that your own people would forget about you,” she said. “But why are these rogues trying to kill us?”

“Your blood isn’t pure. Your father was an Earthling and your mother a Symtarian. They think it’s an abomination, but it isn’t. Our blood has become too pure. In some of our people, the animal guide has become more aggressive. That isn’t what our goddesses and gods had hoped to accomplish when they chose to join with our people centuries ago. They wanted us to coexist.”

“And I have an animal guide living in me?” Okay, she wasn’t so sure about all this now.

“The humming in your ears, that’s your guide trying to speak to you, but you’ve pushed her away for so long she can’t communicate with you unless you let her out.”

“I’m not sure I want her to come out.”

He stood and moved next to her, taking her hands in his. “Your animal guide is just as much a part of you as your Earth side. If you’ll let her, she’ll protect you from harm.”

“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be. I’ll stay with you.”


“Yes, I love you and I’ll never leave your side.”

“And all I have to do is let my animal guide through?”

He nodded.

“Will I shift into an animal?”

“If she thinks you’re ready.” He brushed his hand down her cheek. “Just close your eyes and think about her.” His hand rested over her heart. She could feel the warmth of it against her skin and knew he wouldn’t lead her down the wrong path.

She closed her eyes.


“Nothing is happening,” she whispered.

“Just concentrate. Communicate through your thoughts.”

“You won’t leave me?”

He took her hand in his. “I promise to stay right here with you.”

“Good.” She held fast to his hand and took a deep breath. Okay, he’d said she had to communicate through her thoughts. That would be like thinking to herself. She could do it.

Hi, I’m Darcy.

Sheesh, how lame could she be?

Surlock said I have an animal guide and that you’ve been trying to reach me. Her hands began to tremble. This wasn’t quite as easy as it had sounded. Okay, she had to concentrate.

Did you know I was adopted? Learning I’m part alien is all kind of new to me. I’m sorry that you tried to communicate with me. I didn’t know. That scared me, too, I guess. But I want to meet you. That is, if you still want to meet me.

The humming in her ears grew louder. Rather than block the sound or cover her ears, she accepted it, even though it became so loud, she could barely stand the noise.

There was a loud pop, as though her ears had cleared, then silence.

Are you there? Darcy asked.

I’m here.

The voice was soft, almost like musical notes. You do exist, Darcy said with awe. She hadn’t really believed until this moment. Oh, she’d seen Surlock and his siblings shift, but she hadn’t actually thought it could happen to her.

I’ve always been inside you, but I couldn’t communicate. You always shut me out, her guide told her.

I’m sorry.

I understand you were frightened. We’re together now.

What’s your name?

I am called Amara.

Amara, it’s a beautiful name. Darcy didn’t quite know how to ask what she needed to ask so she just decided to blurt it out. Am I going to shift into your animal form?

Maybe we should get to know each other first.

Darcy tried to hide her relief, but she had a feeling Amara sensed her reluctance. I think I’d like to get to know you better, too.

They communicated their thoughts for what seemed like hours, and maybe it had been hours because when she finally opened her eyes, it was getting dark outside. Surlock was still beside her, still holding her hand. She smiled at him, then threw her arms around his neck.

“Thank you for giving my animal guide to me.”

“She’s been with you the whole time. I just aimed you in the right direction.”

She pulled away and looked into his face. “The humming in your ears, that was your animal guide trying to communicate?”

Surlock laughed. “Yes, and he was getting quite irritated that he couldn’t get through to me.” His forehead wrinkled. “There’s something I should tell you. When a male Symtarian mates, if he has extreme pleasure, he’ll shift into his animal guide.”

Her eyes widened as it dawned on her what he was saying. “You shifted in the park. I thought I saw the eyes of the wolf. Your animal guide is the wolf?”

“Yes. His name is Chinktah.”

“I guess I’ll meet him the next time we make love. Will he attack me?”

He snorted, then quickly covered the sound with a cough, but she knew he thought her question was funny. Well, what did he expect? She was new to this shifting stuff.

“It was an honest question,” she said, scooting to the end of the sofa and crossing her arms in front of her.

He quickly joined her, wrapping his arms around her. “I swear I will never laugh at anything you might wish to ask.”

“You’re forgiven. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to meet your animal guide.” Her words were husky with need. She turned until she could wrap her arms around his neck.

He was only too happy to oblige as his lips met hers in a heated kiss. Surlock tore away what there was left of her clothes with little effort. Not that she cared. The dress was ruined anyway.

No, she was more concerned with the way his hands came around the front to cup her breasts, to squeeze the nipples. He ended the kiss and lowered his mouth to one breast. She cried out as his tongue scraped across the nipple, then sucked it inside his mouth.

She leaned back as the pleasure he created exploded inside her body. It was all she could do to pull away, but she did. She wanted this to be special. She came to her feet, then tugged on his arm. She already knew the utilities were still on.

“You’ve changed your mind?” he croaked out.

She laughed. “No, but I’ve been dragged through dirt, and locked in a cage. I feel grimy and dirty. There’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Now’s a good time. I’ll race you upstairs.”

Not waiting to see if he followed, because she was certain he would, she took off toward the stairs. He caught up to her before she had made it up the first step and scooped her into his arms. Not really fair since she was still so weak, but she didn’t offer any protest.

“Which way?”

“To the first door we come to.” She clung to him while he took the rest of the steps as if she weighed nothing at all. He made her feel sexy and oh, so alive.

At the top of the stairs, he turned right, then balancing her with one hand, he opened the first door. Good, it was the master bedroom.

“Ah, a bed. You want to mate in bed.”

She laughed, wiggling out of his arms, and waltzed over to the bathroom door and opened it. “In the shower.” Her voice was seductively husky and by the look in his eyes, she had pulled off being a temptress.

He didn’t move.

Or maybe not. She wondered if there was a reason he didn’t like the idea of making love in the shower. “Is something wrong?”

He slowly raised his gaze. “No, I just don’t think I will ever tire of looking at you. You’re beautiful.”

Heat rose up her face, but her embarrassment was soon forgotten when he sauntered toward her, and the heat that flooded her body turned to that of passion.

He stopped when only inches separated them, and brushed the hair away from her face. “I thought I’d lost you forever. Nivla told me you were dead. I wanted to die. My life would have been nothing without you.”

“I know because I feel the same.” She took his hand and led him to the shower. She turned the water on, tested the temperature, then pulled him inside with her.

She kissed his lips, then his chest. She met his gaze, saw the fire flare in his eyes. She moved lower, her lips lightly kissing him. He drew in a sharp breath, moaned when she took him into her mouth and began to gently suck. She wanted to do this, wanted to know everything there was to know about him, wanted to make him feel like he’d made her feel.

She tasted, she caressed, then she moved back up, stroking, touching. He slipped inside her, filling her. She gasped, wrapping her hands around his neck. He pulled her legs up so they were around his waist, and he sank deeper inside her heat.

“Yes,” she cried out.

He drove inside her. Flames of passion licked her body. He increased the tempo. In and out. In and out. She threw her head back, moaning, body quivering.

He cried out, and his body stiffened.

They gasped for each breath, clinging to each other.

“I don’t think I will ever tire of making love with you,” she finally managed to say.

He suddenly groaned. “I can’t stop the shift,” he said as he doubled up, sliding to the floor.

“Then don’t. This is who you are, who we are.” She turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a robe, glad that her neighbors had left so much behind.

She belted the robe as the fog rolled in. She heard Surlock moan. The fog slowly dissipated and she was left staring into the eyes of the wolf.

“Chinktah,” she said. She braced herself as the wolf stepped from the shower and walked toward her. She tentatively held out her hand, praying Surlock had told the truth and the wolf wouldn’t harm her.

The animal sauntered closer and licked her hand.

She smiled. This was her past, this was her future. A burst of adrenaline rushed through her. She was part alien. Amara, I welcome you into my life!

Sudden pain gripped her and she wasn’t so sure she welcomed her after all. A moan escaped from between her lips as she crumpled to the floor. Chinktah lay down beside her as if he offered his support.

Was she dying? Her gut clenched. She blinked as her world went dark. The burning inside her intensified. She clutched her stomach. She could feel her body shifting, voices swirling inside her head.

Do not be afraid.

Not as long as you’re with me, Darcy said. She closed her eyes tight and prayed for strength.

Then nothing.

Darcy didn’t move. Something was definitely different.

Amara, are you here?

I am. Open your eyes and see your world through mine.

Darcy blinked several times. It was as though she were seeing through someone else’s eyes. She saw Chinktah, but everything looked different.

What happened?

I’m Amara, your animal guide.

She could feel herself moving, and yet, she wasn’t moving her feet. Then she was looking into the mirror and seeing her animal guide. Darcy relaxed as she looked into the eyes of a wolf.

Hello, Amara.

I have much to show you. Much more to tell you.

I’m ready.

With Chinktah at her side, they left the house, running through the woods. Darcy felt a freedom such as she had never known before. Her thoughts melded with Amara’s. They were separate, yet one. Darcy realized her life had never really been complete until now. The missing piece of who she was had been found. Happiness soared inside her.

The circle of her life had finally joined.
