List of Names

[The spacing here is as it appears in the manuscript.]


Tūva (w. Nyēli) Ulto

Kampa (Nyēli) Ūlto Kem

or Kēma (Puhōsa his land)

Sāaki Wanōna

or hontō

Black dog Mauri

Smith Āsemo

cf Āse

Lumya the Marshland

Teleä land of Kēme’s birth

Kěměnūme or The Great Land

Ilu Iluko God of the Sky

(the good God)

often confused with Ukko:. ran

Amuntu hell

Tanto god of hell Pūh

Lempo plague & death

also cal[l]ed Qēle or as a [huntsman?] Kuruwanyo

The great black river of death


Ilwe Ilwinti Sky heaven (Manatomi)

Wanwe armed goddess

Sutse the marshland

Samyan god of the forest

Koi Queen of [illegible] Lōke


the seven daughters of Ilwinti

Eltelen Mēlune

and Saltime


Malōlo a god the maker

of the earth



3. Draft list of character names [MS Tolkien B 64/6 folio 6 recto].
4. Discontinuous notes and rough plot synopsis [MS Tolkien B 64/6 folio 21 recto].