The plains of the lower Danube, 1073 A.C.E.

There are so many stars in the sky,” Treime sighed, leaning back on the soft grass. “Stars and stars and more stars and no Gaje! Can we stay here forever Emilian?”

Emilian emerged from the lake waters, his long, lean body glistening with sparkling droplets that reflected brilliantly in the moonlight. He was perfect, Treime thought. Everything she could have ever hoped for.

He was also completely nude. Treime lowered her eyes as she caught sight of the most masculine part of him.

He grinned at her, “We can stay here for awhile, love.”

Taking in Treime’s still clothed body, his eyes narrowed playfully. “I thought you were going to take a bath?”

Her face heated. “I changed my mind,” she mumbled.

Emilian sprawled on the grass next to her, his arms behind his head. “Treime, you’re going to be my wife in less than a fortnight, will you not let me see you naked then either?”

She shrugged. “If I don’t, what will you do?”

His grin was merciless. “Then, I suppose I’ll have to find someone else who will.”

Treime leapt to her feet and with her hand over her heart she cried out in outrage, “Over my dead body!”

Emilian was up and on his feet lifting her into his arms. “Never that. You are too full of life to ever die.”

Before she could stop him, they had both toppled into the water together.

Arugh!” She splashed water at Emilian. “Another dress ruined. Mami will kill you.”

Emilian raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re going to tell her what we were doing?”

Mortified by that very thought, Treime splashed more water at him to which Emilian responded by pulling her flush against him and kissing her hard.

Their bodies responded naturally to each other and their kisses quickly became heated, frenzied and full of passion. As Emilian’s hands began to explore the length of Treime’s body, she froze. She didn’t know whether to be excited or afraid.

You’re safe,” He told her, his breath hot against her as his teeth tugged on her ear. Treime trembled with pleasure.

I’d never hurt you love, never,” He whispered.

She squeezed her eyes shut as Emilian untied her belt and slipped her kirtle and tunic over her head, leaving her naked and completely exposed to him. She was unable to stop the whimper of fear that escaped.

Look at me, Treime,” He whispered.

The sound of his voice, hoarse with emotion, speared right through her soul. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his and she was delighted in what she found there. Her fear instantly fled.

Now let me in.” He ordered.

Treime wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his.

I will never love another,” He said capturing her mouth in another heart stopping kiss.

This is forever puţin o.” He lifted her legs and Treime instinctively wrapped them around his waist.

His magic burst outward as he thrust into her body, causing ripples in the water. Again he thrust and stars burst from the heavens, the fragments rained down upon the entangled couple like glitter. Soon the entire lake was illuminated in tiny shards of light. The closer they became the more the surrounding valley bloomed with life. The trees exploded in varying shades of greens. Flowers grew fuller and higher than ever before, fat on the love Treime and Emilian were creating. All around them Nature’s scents had peppered the air with a thick honey sweetness like no other.

Treime gasped as she realized what was happening. Emilian wasn’t just inside of her, he had become a part of her. His magic had become a part of her. Power crackled wildly around them and within them.

My love is eternal,” he said harshly, his breathing ragged and uneven.

Sunlight exploded through Treime, a white hot fire that smelled of summer and felt like what she’d imagined heaven would. All past hurts fled and were replaced with love. Love and Emilian.
