I was completely alone. I had people to talk with; mindless chatter to pass the time while I did my chores and ate my meals, but with both Xan and Becki gone, it wasn’t the same.

Over the next few days my routine became monotonous. I walked the same way through the living lot to the food tent, and then from there I did my chores. Then I would practice some fight moves alone by the creek, then back to the food tent and finally home where I would stay alone and sleep until Frank would wake me in the morning with his earsplitting crowing.

It went on like this until I was walking home from an afternoon bath at the swimming hole and I heard screams coming from the living lot. I raced toward the noise to find the clan in chaos.

A wide circle of people had formed around Onyx and Becki, who were only inches apart, foaming at the mouth.

“Don’t you think everyone should hear your good news Becki? Onyx was speaking unnecessarily loud. “Doesn’t the clan deserve to celebrate with you?”

Becki lunged at her but Onyx sidestepped her and laughed. She clucked her tongue a few times. “Becki, Becki…” She taunted. “You shouldn’t be fighting in your delicate condition.”

“I’m going to kill you, you horrible bitch!” Becki lunged again and this time her fist made contact. Onyx went down screaming, clutching her face as blood poured from her nose. Indiana grabbed his sister just as she was about kick Onyx in the stomach.

Pushing herself upright with one hand, holding her bleeding nose with the other, Onyx glared at Becki. “Tell them Becki! Tell them all what a slut you are! Do you even know who the father-

“SHUT UP!” Becki screamed shrilly causing everyone within hearing distance to wince.

Maisera pushed her way through the crowd and yanked Onyx by her elbow.

“What is the meaning of this?” She asked.

“She’s pregnant!” Onyx screamed, “Becki is pregnant!”

She shrugged out of Maisera’s grasp and grabbed Becki shirt, pulling it up. An audible gasp rippled through the gathered crowd as Becki’s secret was revealed.

I covered my mouth with my hand. Sure enough, her stomach had outwardly rounded in such a way that you could tell it wasn’t from weight gain. Becki was pregnant. More than a few months it seemed.

Poor Hockey. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he stared at his new wife’s stomach. My guess was they still had yet to consummate their marriage.

“I saw her bathing!” Onyx screeched. “And I’ve seen her puking several times-

Her words cut off abruptly when Maisera slapped her across the face. Blood from her broken nose arced through the air as her head spun sideways, spraying everyone nearby.

“Child, it is times like this when I am happy Merikano and Christine have gone back to Nature,” Maisera told her sadly, “and don’t have to see what you have become in their absence.”

Eyes wide with shock, Onyx’s bottom lip began to quiver. Becki, still held firmly in her twin’s grip was openly sobbing.

“Whore!” Aishe screamed breaking the silence. “Blight on my family!”

“You’ve soiled this family by marrying her!” Aishe turned on Hockey and started swatting him with her hand. “You are no longer my son! I disown you Stefan Sava, I disown you!”

Hockey didn’t even bat an eyelash, he didn’t try to thwart his mother’s smacks, he just stood there, stoic as ever and continued to stare at Becki, his expression unreadable.

“What is going on here?” All eyes turned toward Jaelle as she warily walked into the volatile scene. At the sight of her mother, Becki’s sobs grew louder.

Aishe pointed at Becki, “You’re daughter is-

“The copil is mine mamă!” Hockey interrupted. “Why do you think we got married?”

Hearing that, Becki collapsed in her brother’s arms. Aishe was stunned into a few precious moments of silence that unfortunately didn’t last very long.

“Whore!” She screamed at her son. “Sinner! Your child is a bastard because you couldn’t keep your ciocănitoare in your pants!”

The sound of Shandor’s incessant snickering had me turning around. Sitting with Xan and Tobar around the Vãdura family bonfire, he was as usual, highly amused by the scene in front of us.

Xan seemed oblivious to everything except his cigarette.

And Tobar… Tobar looked like he was going to throw up.
