Chapter 9

Sugar woke with a start early the next morning. Nightmares had plagued her sleep; something chased her through a dark forest threatening to eat her. Sometimes the hunter wore Daedalus’s face. What a horrible night.

She rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Her arm ached where the brute had squeezed it. A purple handprint was her souvenir from the challenge. When Tyler and Katrina dropped her off last night, they saw the marks on her arm and knew something had happened, but she didn’t want to discuss it. She needed time alone.

On her way to the kitchen, she found Eric on a chair in her patio garden. He gave her a little smile and a weak wave. There were dark circles under his eyes. Looked like she wasn’t the only one who hadn’t slept well. She signaled for him to wait, then set the coffee maker to start brewing.

The crisp morning air showed signs of an early fall. She pulled her robe closed and tied it tight. The clear, blue sky brought light to everything around them.

Eric sat bent over in the chair, leaning his arms on his knees. He lifted his weary head. “Hope you don’t mind my breaking in. I love sitting here. It’s like a small island of solitude.”

She pulled a chair next to him and looked closer at his face. It seemed he’d aged overnight. The worry lines between his brows were new. She reached out to smooth them away. “You look like crap.”

He jerked in his chair with a surprised chuckle. “I got into a fight last night.”

She smiled in return, finally recognizing some of the old Eric. “Really?” She allowed her voice to drip with sarcasm. “I heard it was a doozy. Did you at least win?”

His smile faded, and he leaned back to stare at her with sad eyes. “Yeah.”

It tore her heart apart to see her childhood hero upset. Maybe joking about it wasn’t the best way to cheer him up. He should have been celebrating. The Omegas were safe, and he ruled the Ayumu. He’d accomplished the impossible. She reached out for his hand to find it trembled under her touch.

He released a heavy sigh. “I didn’t think killing Michael would affect me much. We hunt in the woods and kill regularly. I thought it would feel the same, but it doesn’t.” He looked away.

Helpless, she watched him suffer. His kind and gentle nature took a worse beating than his body did. It would make him a great leader. She squeezed his hand and tucked away her own selfish misgivings in relation to werewolves and vampires. Her best friend, even if he had swallowed someone’s throat, needed a shoulder to lean on.

“I’m glad you feel bad.”

His head snapped up to face her. “What?”

She smiled, hoping it would soften her words. “Hold on to this feeling. It’s right to suffer after you’ve killed someone, Eric.”

His eyes widened, a flash of anger reflected in them.

“You killed a monster last night. That was a good thing to do, I’m glad you didn’t enjoy it though. I think Michael would have loved killing you, and I think the majority of his pack would have loved watching him destroy you. It’ll prevent you from turning into a monster like Michael.” She tilted her head and pleaded with her eyes for him to understand.

He stared at her a moment as the anger melted away, then he nodded. “My suffering protects what I have left of my humanity.”

“I don’t know much in regards to pack life, but after what I witnessed last night, I’d say what the Ayumu have left of their humanity needs to be saved.” She released his hand. “Tell me about the Accords.”

A light of interest sparked in his saddened face. “The Accords were developed centuries ago by paranormal creatures, even the ones who refused to ‘come out’ with the declaration of citizenry. They’re laws to protect humans, to protect our identities, and to protect against one individual gaining too much power.” He grinned at her. “Let’s face it, you humans outnumber us. In a war you’d win. Also, without humans there wouldn’t be Weres, vampires, or merpeople.”

“Merpeople?” Delight twinkled through her, making her want to do a dance. She always wanted to be a mermaid as a little girl. Some dreams don’t die. “They really do exist?”

He threw back his head with a belly laugh. “I thought you’d like to know. Don’t be running off to a beach yet, they secluded themselves long ago.” His face split with the usual goofy grin. “Thanks.”

“My therapeutic garden is always open to your pack.”

“The pack’s grown.”

She blinked. “I guess I’ll have to start charging.” They shared an easy laugh.

His nose flared. “Coffee’s ready.”

She got up and fixed them each a big mug, then returned with the steaming hot brew. She handed him one with the logo ‘Got Blood?’ on the side.

He read it. “Daedalus give you this?”

She nodded.

He took a careful sip. “He’s pretty sweet on you.” He watched the city, and she looked at her plants.

She hated talking relationships with Eric. He knew her too well and thought she guarded her heart too much. She could never just give it away, especially after last night. She started wondering if she truly knew anyone in her life.

She could fall in love with Daedalus easily, but she wanted him to be human. Tears swelled in her eyes.

“He’s a good guy, as vampires go. I don’t think he’d lead you astray.”

Like she predicted, Eric defended the guy. “Why?”

“’Cause he doesn’t have to. He’s got all the time in the world.” He sighed. “He could have moved out last night, Sugar. Our contract is complete. Instead he’s resting in my cramped, crappy apartment. He didn’t say much, except he scared you. That’s got to mean something.” He sipped his hot coffee.

“We don’t fit. It was supposed to be a fling. He turned it into more and expects me to…” She found herself at a loss for words.

“Accept him for what he is?”

She nodded and stared at her mug, fighting the tears.

“You have a chance at a relationship, even if it lasts a day, a month, or a year. Who cares? It’s better to have experienced happiness in life, even with a vampire, than through those stupid romance books.”

She wiped her eyes and smacked his arm lightly, it spilled some of his hot coffee from his mug onto his hand. “I didn’t buy those books, Casanova. Now I feel worse, thanks.”

He shook his fingers and splattered coffee in her direction. “Payback’s a bitch.” He grinned at her.
