Chapter 7

The abandoned warehouse stood outside of town. No one in their right mind would be out there at night, including the police. What did that make them? Nuts? Sugar scanned the secluded area, left for nature to reclaim. Nobody would hear their screams if things went wrong.

“I heard the mob uses this place to get rid of the trash,” Tyler whispered to her.

She elbowed him to be quiet. He didn’t need to add to her vivid imagination or feed her fears. The crunch of gravel under her boots sounded loud as they drew closer to the warehouse. She would have felt better if Daedalus had come with them instead of with Eric. They needed to arrive later, so he sent the rest of them to represent the pack.

Eric begged her to come with them to the challenge when she started to doubt her earlier decision. He’d said, “I need you to be there. I won’t be able to concentrate if I don’t think the others are safe. If you’re there they’ll be too busy protecting you to get into trouble. Especially Sam.”

Sam draped his arm over Sugar’s shoulders, waking her from the memory. He gave her a squeeze. “Don’t worry, Sugar. Daedalus sent me to protect you.”

She sighed. He didn’t stand much taller than her, but the training had added some bulk to his body. Even though Daedalus released the others from training, Sam insisted on continuing. Eric told her they didn’t mind. He needed a sparring partner and appreciated his company.

The warehouse door slid open, and bright lights spilled out, blinding them.

“Who are you?” An outline of a burly man glowed in the doorway. As her eyes adjusted she saw he stood with his legs apart and his arms crossed over his muscled chest. The sleeves of his shirt were torn off to make space for his bulging biceps.

Sam stepped in front of their group. “We’re witnesses for the Omegas.”

The guard moved forward and sniffed the air, others gathered behind him. He pointed at Sugar. “She doesn’t carry our blood.” His eyes traveled up her body. “She stays here with us.” A few snickers came from the men behind him..

Sugar stepped back, colliding with Katrina. Small hands steadied her and rubbed her arms. Her stomach cramped as she imagined exactly what kind of ‘stay’ she’d have to endure with them.

“Sugar’s with us.” Sam glanced at his pack mates, a devilish twinkle in his eye. “She’s almost pack. She’s Eric’s mate.”

The guard continued to examine her. “Not for long.” He laughed and stepped back to allow them access to the warehouse. More perverse laughter followed them in.

Werewolves from different walks of life milled around. They chatted and got reacquainted. It felt like they were crashing an Ayumu party. They had even brought bleachers.

Sugar latched onto Sam’s arm. “Did they sell tickets to this?”

Sam made a slight gesture, toward a stage between the bleachers, with his chin. “The Ayumu Lead Alpha is the one sitting in the throne on the dais. His name is Michael.” His chuckle carried a nervous tremor. “Eric invited him to bear witness to this challenge. He also invited neighboring packs.” Sam led them away.


He shrugged and tried to stare down curious onlookers. “Daedalus kicked my ass when I tried talking Eric out of it. Something about bystanders keeping the Ayumu honest.”

It made sense to her. She’d wondered what would prevent the Ayumu from attacking them if they actually won. Daedalus’s forethought impressed her.

A voice boomed, “Are these the Omegas’ witnesses?” A hush settled over the room and the crowd parted like the Red Sea, exposing the Alpha to their view.

Sugar dug her nails into Sam’s arm. “We should have all come together.” Katrina, Tyler, and Robert hovered close behind them.

“I’m starting to agree with you,” Sam said through gritted teeth.

Michael motioned for them to come closer.

Sugar felt helpless surrounded by preternaturally strong and deadly werewolves. She was a small woman who wanted a semi-normal quiet life. “What do we do when we get there? Bow?” she whispered as the four of them shuffled together.

Sam shrugged.


They approached the dais. Michael sat on his throne and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped between them. He assessed Katrina and Sugar with an indecent smirk. “How does such a pitiful pack of dogs attract such beautiful women?” He brushed a lock of his black hair over his shoulder. The inner glow of his amber eyes became more apparent.

Sam placed a hand over Sugar’s, where her nails still dug in, and he patted it. His eyes pleaded with her to keep her mouth shut.

Michael watched with interest. He gestured to a bench next to him. “I’ve arranged special seating for you.” His intense stare ensnared Sugar, and she found it difficult to break it. Where Daedalus made her feel risqué, Michael made her feel like prey.

Sam’s gentle tug pulled her toward the bench with the others.

“No, not her.” Michael motioned at Sugar. “Eric’s mate has a seat of honor next to me.” He patted a stool beside his throne.

Anger boiled inside of her, ready to pour out of her ears. “Sam,” she growled. Why did she let them talk her into coming? This shouldn’t be part of her life. She took the two steps to get to the stool on heavy feet.

Michael offered his hand and assisted her to the seat.

She watched the Omegas sit on the bench next to the dais.

“Sugar, is it?”

She twisted to face Michael; she’d never told him her name. The dryness in her throat made her swallow reflexively. Word from the front door guards traveled fast to their leader.

She nodded and gazed out at the crowd of Weres, trying to think positive thoughts. It was difficult since her host continued eying her like candy.

He reached out to run a finger through her curls. She flinched before she could control it. “If I knew Eric kept such a pretty mate, I would have challenged him much sooner.”

She glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

A lecherous grin spread across his face. “It means when he loses, you’ll be mine.”

She gulped the ball of fear that rose in her throat. “I’m not his mate, just his friend.” Her heart hadn’t stopped racing since she’d climbed out of the car. Now it beat double time.

“I have witnesses who heard otherwise.”

A trace of sweat trickled down her neck. “I’m not a Were.”

He leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “Not yet.” His voice burned with hunger. “I can’t wait to turn you.”

A cold shiver froze her to the spot. She shouldn’t have come, the thought kept repeating itself. Never did she desire to change, not to Were, nor to vampire, nor anything else.

Daedalus and Eric had stuck her in the middle of this situation. Had they even thought of this scenario? It took one bite, witnesses or no, she’d still become a werewolf.

Michael leaned back in his chair, never taking those fiery amber eyes from her. If they got out of this unharmed, she was going to kick Sam’s werewolf ass.
