Close to the southern continent, Sudmaieure, KEEILEN was originally developed as a neutral garrison island. The idea at the time was to encourage the forces of the opposing belligerent powers to use this bleak, remote and previously unpopulated island as a base, rather than have them force the use of the more densely populated civilian islands elsewhere. Two large bases were partially built, at opposite ends of the island, encouraging occupation, but although Keeilen came to be used as a port of call, for refuelling, picking up supplies and so on, the garrison buildings were never used.

Later, the Keeilen authorities converted one of the sites into a civilian high-security prison. A tidal-flood cell was readied and set aside for Kerith Sington, the vicious killer of the much-loved mime artiste, Commis, but he was sentenced to death, so the cell was never needed. As it had remained unused for more than a hundred years, it was allowed to revert to its wild state. The prison was later downgraded to Category 2, for long-term as opposed to high-security prisoners.

Keeilen is free of mountains, but the south-eastern zone is a high plain, exposed to southerly gales. The bitter wind of the winter, the CONLAATTEN, brings heavy snowfall for several months. Modern settlements are in the northern quarter of the island, where there is some shelter from the cold.

Keeilen Town, the administrative centre, is where most of the prison officers and other staff have their homes. There is some manufacturing industry and a small fishing fleet ventures out when the sea is not frozen. It is a cheerless, wind-blown place where rain or sleet often fall. The sun is rarely seen. The sky remains dark and cinereous for most of the year. In the interior of the island there is mining of a deep seam of coal.

Because of its location so close to the southern mainland, Keeilen is a common first stopping-off place for soldiers trying to desert from the war fronts. The Covenant of Neutrality defines shelterate provisions, under which deserters are guaranteed a safe haven should they manage to reach any of the free Archipelago islands of their own volition. Traditionally, Keeileners make these desperate and unhappy young people welcome, but strictly speaking Keeilen is not a free island, as defined in the Covenant.

Because of the recent upsurge in hostilities, and thus because of a greater number of deserters, islands such as Keeilen have been experiencing problems with housing and employment. Now there is an unofficial policy of encouraging deserters to move on to other islands. Many stay, though, and as a result escouades of black-caps are often seen scouring the island. This is a breach of the Covenant, but there seems little the people can do.

Visitors are welcome because Keeilen is not a wealthy place, but in truth there are few attractions. For fell walkers the southern cliff do provide a harsh challenge, but it is dangerous to move away from the marked viewpoints. The cliffs should not be attempted during winter as there are no emergency or rescue services on the island. The former tidal-flood punishment cells are well worth a visit, but only at low tide. Again, great care should be taken. Tunnelling is allowed on Keeilen, and there is a practice area close to the coal mines. Local architecture is vernacular; what few public buildings there are were built in the masonic style.

Currencies: Archipelagian simoleon; Ganntenian credit.
