Many of the usual suspects participated in the writing of The Frozen Sky; Ben Bowen, Ph.D, computational biologist with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Michael Stein, Ph.D, neurologist with Diablo Clinic Research; Charles H. Hanson, M.D.; my father, Gus Carlson, Ph.D, mechanical engineer and division leader (ret.) with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Matthew J. Harrington, evil genius, author of many of the stories and novellas in the Man-Kzin War collections and co-author of The Goliath Stone; and Penny Hill, plain old super genius.
I’d also like to extend special acknowledgements to Ben “The Other Ben” Metzler, super fan, whose vision of Europa was integral to this project finding new life; Jeff “The Other Jeff” Quiros, who’s always in my corner; Jeff “The Real Jeff” Sierzenga, an excellent buddy and contributor, whose daughter Ashley earned her way into the adventure; and Diana, my best friend, wife, and strongest supporter.
In the Czech Republic, Martin Sust and Karel Zeman must claim their share of responsibility for this story’s success. As editor of Pevnost Magazine, Martin brought the original novella to his country and introduced me to illustrator extraordinaire Karel Zeman, a man who knows his way around shadows and light. My thanks to you both.
In addition, I’d like to offer gratitude and praise to the good folks at NASA and JPL. Their work in the real world is more exciting than my imagination, and I devoured mountains of their reports, articles, online discussions, and slide shows. Professor Ted Stryk generously allowed me to include his work on the cover. You can also find images taken by the Voyager 1, Galileo, and Cassini probes on my web site at in a special Europa-themed photo gallery under the Galleries menu.
Also included in the Galleries is “The Making Of Alexis Vonderach,” where award-winning artist Jacob Charles Dietz has arranged a spectacular art sequence. It shows his initial concept work through the final cover of The Frozen Sky.
Last but not least, a tip of the hat and complimentary grapefruit (you had to be there) to my hard-working agents on all sides of the continent, Donald Maass, Cameron McClure, and Jim Ehrich.
Without these people, The Frozen Sky would not exist, so thank you.