About the Author

Jeff Carlson is the international bestselling author of the Plague Year trilogy, Long Eyes, and Interrupt. To date, his work has been translated into fifteen languages worldwide.

He is currently at work on a new thriller novel.

Readers can find free fiction, videos, contests, and more on his website at www.jverse.com including a special Europa-themed photo gallery featuring images from the Voyager 1, Galileo, and Cassini probes.

Also included in the Galleries is “The Making Of Alexis Vonderach,” where award-winning artist Jacob Charles Dietz has arranged a spectacular art sequence. It shows his initial concept work through the final cover of The Frozen Sky.

Jeff welcomes email at jeff@jverse.com.

He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter at www.Facebook.com/PlagueYear and @authorjcarlson

Reader reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and elsewhere are always appreciated.
