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Lupo grinned as the information came in. "We've got them. And all the investigators in the universe won't find a thing because we haven't done a thing. Lupo, sometimes you're so clever you scare yourself."

"Don't crow yet," Two cautioned. "That woman may not understand the real universe, and she may not be a genius, but she's stubborn. Don't underestimate her."

"I won't. Four. What were you so anxious to say a minute ago?"

"Valerena's Voyager broke off the Web. She wants to see you up there. She wouldn't say why. She sounded scared. Station says she hasn't asked for docking."

"Odd. Tell her I'll be up soon. We have to go, anyway. See if Blessed has his people ready."

"They're headed for the port. Ours are, too. We can lift whenever you get there."

One of the Valerena Others met Lupo at the lock. She led him to the operating bridge. Three more Valerenas there, exhausted from working ship. But no Valerena Prime. "What's going on?"

"Valerena is dead. We've brought back information on the circumstances. Our duty to the House. But we won't dock without assurances for our safety."

"I couldn't get rid of you if I wanted. The situation here requires a Valerena in charge. Blessed says he won't take over before his thirty-eighth birthday. Guarantee me you won't try something like the Simon Other did and you've got twenty years sure. Your natural lives if you behave."

Lupo Provik's word was good.

"Let me see what you've got."

What Valerena had obtained impetuously she had squandered. That was a shot to the heart. That Guardship had become the core of his vision of the future.

"Come see me when you get down. We'll work out details. Right now I'm running an operation and can't take time. Don't tell anyone about this."

Lupo contacted One during the crossing to station, prepared him for the Valerenas and their bad news.

Why go on? Nothing ever worked out.
