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Again there were three men in the embassy. These three were accustomed to Canon ways. Their spokesman was a florid, heavy man who smiled a lot even when he was alone with his own kind.

"Their top gun," Two told Provik.

"Yes. Anything more from station?"

"It's done."

"Set the stage, then."

Two brought in a Valerena Other, Blessed, the Ku, and Cable Shike. Lupo said, "Sorry we ruined your holiday, Kez Maefele. You deserved it. Have you heard the word from J. Belaria?"

"Yes. I expect it explains why they are conciliatory."

"I didn't think it would work. Nobody ought to be so dumb they run from decoys into an ambush."

"You knew they were decoys. They could not tell what was real and what wasn't. They should now think House Tregesser much stronger than it is."

"Let's find out. Let them in, Two."

Blessed asked, "Why the hell do you call her Two?"

"It's her name."

"It's weird."

Even the Valerena smiled at that from someone named Blessed.

Blessed blustered. "Can't she talk? She never says anything."

"Of course she can. When she has something to say."

Two winked at Blessed before she opened the door.

Lupo got up from behind his desk, met the florid man. "Welcome to Tregesser Horata, Mr. Korint. It's been a while."

Startled reaction. "You know me?"

"You were often there when Simon was arms shopping. You preferred the name Rejins." Lupo resumed his seat. "We appreciate your coming in civilized instead of like pirates. Though the presence of that Godspeaker thing was a provocation. We disposed of it. Let's get down to business."

"You messed with the Godspeaker?"

"No. We killed it. Those things aren't welcome in Tregesser space."

Korint was aghast. Likewise, his companions.

"I want you to understand that I find your religion loathsome. It deserves everything the Guardships are doing. But I don't let prejudice get in the way of business. What do you have to offer?"

The encounter had Korint turned around. "A chance to survive, Provik."

"Are we in some danger? We've had nuisance level problems with pirates but haven't had any trouble handling it. Heard about J. Belaria? Twenty-four pirate ships destroyed?"

"I've heard."

"Good. You're against the wall. You want help. We might be willing. If there's something in it for us."

Korint opened his mouth.

"Don't tell me you'll betray us to the Guardships. We rewrote that chapter starting when the shooting stopped in that end space. You've helped our image, trying to leverage us."

Korint forced a smile. "I was told you could run a bluff with a straight face."

Lupo set a cosmetic jar on his desk. "There's Jane in this. You know Jane?"

Korint knew the lady well. His companions would not approve. Who had who?

"Come, Mr. Korint. What do you have to offer?"

Blessed said, "We're as sure of ourselves as the Guardships are. We have something to sell." He leaned against a wall instead of sitting.

Lupo said, "We can't give you victory. But we might sell you a stalemate."

Blessed said, "Your Mr. Marin, of the second mission, had an intimate knowledge of your assets inside Canon space."

The Valerena Other said, "We had to neutralize those in a position to trouble House Tregesser. We left the rest undisturbed. They'll help us more where they are. For now."

One of Korint's companions muttered, "You're a murderous bunch."

Cable Shike giggled. Lupo glanced at him, startled. "Sorry. It was him getting righteous."

Korint snapped, "Let's cut the shit, Provik. You claim our only leverage is financial." ‘

"We can be bought."

"You no longer cling to the idealism that obtained in that end space?"

"Hell no! The Guardships are awake now."

The Ku said, "The dragon never sleeps, Mr. Provik."

Korint said, "I can't see that we have a basis for discussion."

"Then what the hell are you doing here?"

"The Godspeakers are used to taking what they want. But you're right. We should hear you out. What do you have?"

"The key to Starbase. Two of my people have been in there." That put the fire in their eyes. "We also have talent to rent. Kez Maefele, formerly of the Dire Radiant, whose strategies have made your attempts to harass us so costly." They recognized the name.

They looked at the living legend. He looked back. Lupo hoped the Ku would not have one of his moral seizures before the game was snared. If he sold this, they might be home free.

"I'll relay this," Korint said. "How would you price knowledge and talent?"

"Megatonnages of platinum, paladium, iridium, rhodium, transuranics, other rare elements. Information. Like everything you ever collected about the Guardships but haven't shared. What you know about the Web that we don't. Put a package together that will blind us, triple it, remember your alternative to going broke is getting wiped out, triple it again, and come back. Because you planned to screw us in the end space, we'll want payment in advance. We'll pick the time and place. Outside."

"And we'd have to trust you?"

"House Tregesser keeps its word. It's House policy. Consider. We do have a commercial interest in keeping you in business."

Three pairs of eyes drilled him with javelins of contempt. Korint said, "We have no authority to negotiate."

"I said, go see what it's worth. We'll wait. When you come back, don't bring any monsters. That would upset us. Two, turn these people over to T.W. Tell her to see to all their needs."

Turtle refused to react to the face of what he had seen. Provik was up to something. No point assuming a stance till he knew what that was.

Provik stared at the door after the Outsiders left. "Our problem is, they can take us down."

Blessed asked, "You going to tell us what you're thinking?"

"It's only starting to shape up. Till now I wasn't sure we could work anything. Now I know it won't be anything mutually beneficial. Now I know they were going to screw us in the end space. If they pull off the miracle of the ages and dump the Guardships, we're cooked just as done as if the fleet finds us out."

"You just offered them Starbase."

"We have to look like we're helping. In a way that will convince them while showing the Guardships nothing. That's why I offered. It's what they'd expect of a commercial enterprise, where the only god is profit. The rest I threw in because they wouldn't believe it if I said we were rooting for them. They know what we think of them. The ideal strategy would be to help but in some way that would take a long time. They'd keep quiet while the Guardships ate them up."

Turtle agreed.

"Kez Maefele. Can you fit your moral and ethical sets to that framework?"


"We couldn't sell them any of your contingency studies. They depend on Starbase not being alert."

"I have an idea that should appeal. If the Godspeakers have any vanity. An operation predicated on their ability to communicate across the Web."

Provik said, "You've been holding back."

"Of course. We're comrades in arms but we're not fighting for the same things."

"I see. And there's a little something you want from us."

"More or less."


"There's no rush, Mr. Provik. Does House Tregesser undertake censuses of its empire? Particularly on worlds other than Tregesser Prime?"

"Periodically. Their accuracy is suspect."

"You might review those, perhaps running back a thousand years."

"That's all you have to say?" Provik was vexed.

"For now. There will be time later. When you have a contract with those devils."
