“We want to apologize,” Briana said.

“We’ve been kind of rough on you,” Jan added in her scratchy voice. “We’re really sorry.”

“We’ve been talking about it,” Briana said. “We-”

“We decided we’ve been really unfair,” Meg interrupted. “We’re sorry, Sarah.”

“I–I’m sorry too,” I stammered. I was so stunned by their apologies, I could barely speak.

“Let’s start all over,” Briana suggested. She grabbed my hand. “Nice to meet you, Sarah. My name is Briana.”

“Excellent. A fresh start!” Jan declared.

“Thanks. I’m really glad,” I told them. And I meant it.

Jan turned to Briana. “When did you do that to your nails?”

Briana grinned and raised both hands. Her fingernails were a shiny, bright purple. “It’s a new color,” she said. “I did it after our swim.”

“What color is it?” Meg asked.

“Grape Juice, I think,” Briana replied. “They all have such crazy names.” She dug the bottle of nail polish from her pack and held it out to me. “Want to try it?”

“Well… sure,” I replied.

All four of us stayed up far past Lights Out, making our fingernails purple.

Later, I lay in my bunk, drifting off to sleep. I had a smile on my face, thinking about my three bunk mates. My three friends.

They had really cheered me up.

But my smile faded when I heard a whispered voice float across the dark cabin. “Sarah… Sarah…”

I gasped.

And then the frail voice-soft as the wind-was so close… so close to my ear.

“Sarah. I thought you were my buddy, Sarah. Why did you leave me?”

“No-please-” I begged.

“Sarah, I waited so long for you,” the ghostly voice whispered. “Come with me. Come with me, Sarah….”

And then an icy hand gripped my shoulder.
