Bob said, “You’re welcome to stay with us.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it. But tomorrow, or day after tomorrow, when I’m rested, I’m going to start after Sue Ellen. I owe her that. I went sort of nuts when I found Timothy, panicked, took off in the opposite direction. But I’ve got to go back now and find her.”

“You don’t have a car,” I said.

“If I can get to Shit Town, I think I can get a car and some gas. If not, I’ll go on foot.”

“I’m going too,” I said.

“What?” Bob said.

“I can’t sit here the rest of my life.”

“See a set of titties and you go all to pieces, don’t you?” Bob said.

“If what she says is true, we know what’s at the end of the highway,” Crier said. “So why go?”

“Let Grace be the White Knight,” Bob said. “She’s into that kind of shit. Kung fu lady and all that. We’re into surviving.”

“I may have to do some ugly things when I catch up to Popalong,” Grace said. “It won’t be an easy trek, especially if I end up on foot.”

“Listen to her,” Bob said.

“This isn’t living,” I said. “This is existing. It’s giving up. I did that once before. Won’t do it again. You’re the one made me do something last time, Bob. You’re the one pulled me of out just getting by.”

“But this isn’t so bad,” Bob said.

“Maybe we can find a way home at the end of the highway,” I said. “Maybe there’s something more than what Popalong told her about. And there’s that little girl, Sue Ellen.”

“I’m not asking anything of you,” Grace said.

“Not much you’re not, lady,” Bob said.

“Shit,” Crier said. “We’ve been through some things together, the three of us. I feel like we’re the three musketeers or something.”

“Oh hell,” Bob said. “Here it comes.”

“We’re all we got,” Crier said. “I’d like to see us stick together. Hell, fellas, you’re the first real friends I ever had.”

“Well, fuck,” Bob said. “Guess we could use a change of scenery. We can take the camper to Shit Town and get some gas there.”

“Hey,” Grace said. “I’m not asking-”

“Hush,” Bob said. “I might come to my senses.”
