The rains started soon after, sheeting from the heavens to cascade off the roofs and gutters, gushing from the mouths of gargoyles and spewing from rusty pipes until the winding, cobbled streets became streams rushing down towards the main gates.

Mallory and Caitlin emerged from the comforting light and warmth of the Hunter’s Moon to find Sophie waiting beneath a leaking porch over the dark doorway across the street. She was wrapped in a sodden cloak with scant regard for the downpour.

Happy to see her, Mallory ran across the street and took her in his arms, and if there was a moment of stiffness, he didn’t notice it. ‘Why didn’t you come in?’ he asked, giving her a discreet kiss on the forehead.

Sophie eyed Caitlin waiting uncomfortably beneath the Hunter’s Moon’s front porch. ‘I thought I was followed. I didn’t want to lead anyone to you.’

‘Smart move. From now on, we’ve got to be even more cautious.’ He told her what Rhiannon had said. ‘I reckon we’re getting close to something.’

Sophie responded with her own observation of the court from on high. ‘I don’t know if the court is based on the calendar or vice versa, but it can’t be a coincidence. It has to be what Math was leading us towards.’

‘It fits. Switching the seasons. The Gateway to Winter has got to lead somewhere.’ Mallory peered into Sophie’s face. ‘Is something wrong? You seem-’

‘Just cold.’ She pulled her cloak tighter as Caitlin crossed the road.

‘Brigid says someone’s coming.’ She glanced up the slope where the street wound away into the dark. ‘We need to hide.’

The sound of marching feet rose up above the driving rain. Mallory herded Sophie and Caitlin into an alley where they pressed themselves against a wall in the dark.

With torches sizzling in the rain, Evgen led an armed guard of twenty men, and in their midst was Jerzy, badly beaten and bound with chains that made him repeatedly fall into the gushing rainwater. Jerzy shrieked loudly, tears running down his cheeks.

As Mallory went for his sword, Caitlin grabbed his arm and pressed her body against him to stop him moving. Behind them, there was a cold, hard sound that could have been the wind.

Once the guards had passed, Mallory said, ‘Niamh’s given up pretending. Jerzy was the easy target. She’ll be coming for us next.’

‘Niamh didn’t order this,’ Sophie said.

‘Come on, be real. You know it’s her.’

‘How can you defend her?’ Caitlin added.

‘Ganging up on me now, are you?’ Sophie snapped.

‘This isn’t the time to argue,’ Mallory said. ‘I’m going to see where they’re taking Jerzy. If I can get him out without facing the whole damn army, I will. You go and wait with Decebalus. We need to find the Gateway to Winter quickly.’ Mallory slipped out into the street, keeping close to the buildings.

Caitlin peered out after him. ‘Come on,’ she beckoned.

‘Wait.’ Sophie put a hand on her shoulder. ‘I have a better idea.’
