By the fire, Hunter and Laura had moved on from the beer and were working their way through a bottle of tequila.

‘You enjoy doing this?’ Hunter lounged in his chair, boots on the table. ‘Risking death. Fighting a war you can’t win. Going up against things that would give most people nightmares.’

‘Life’s about living, dude. What’s the point in inching forward just so you can arrive at death safely? Experience, that’s what we all want.’

‘If you want experience …’ He held out his arms.

‘What kind of women do you normally get, Hunter? Do they fall for that big-man act?’

‘What do you fall for?’

‘I’m class. I expect dedication, hard work, attention to detail and complete adoration. Because I deserve it.’

Hunter thought for a moment as he weighed his shot glass in one hand. ‘I might be able to do that.’

‘I’ll get back to you.’

Laura shivered. It felt as if the door had been thrown open, but it was firmly shut and there was no discernible draught. She looked around the bar. ‘Where is everyone?’

‘It’s just you and me-’

‘Stop being a dick.’ The hairs on her neck tingled. ‘Something’s up.’ Her attention fell on a clock in the shape of a sunburst over the fire. It showed two minutes to midnight.

‘And the clock’s stopped.’
