A Word from Michael Bunker

Michael and Kristy, ca. 1982.

My first time up on the Shelf! That’s right. Although the Pennsylvania stories—including my original stories that have been gathered into The Pennsylvania Omnibus, the short stories I’ve written in the Pennsylvania world, and the dozens of fanfic stories (some of which were published in the Tales from Pennsylvania anthology)—have had fun exploring the world of New Pennsylvania, I personally have never written any stories set in the derelict cities built on the limestone Shelf that cuts across the primary occupied continent of New PA. A few of the short stories, including Bob Crosley’s fantastic short story Shelf Life, were set in the cities on the Shelf, and it’s from Bob’s story that I drew life and inspiration for “Kristy’s Song.”

I mention this because it highlights a fantastic reality that’s been brought about by the new paradigm that is indie publishing. “Kristy’s Song” is substantially fanfic written by me based on fanfic from another author set in my own original, created world of Pennsylvania! It’ll be fun to see if any other authors (or Bob himself!) decide to expand on the world of New Detroit, upping the game even farther!

Also, I should mention that Kristy—the brilliant, brave, and indomitable mutt from my story—is based on my real childhood dog named Kristy, whom I loved and still miss terribly. I hope you’ve enjoyed my little story, and if you liked it, make sure to pick up all of the other Pennsylvania tales while you wait for Oklahoma, the next Amish/Sci-fi novel set in the Pennsylvania universe. And hey, the universe is expanding. In October of 2015, I sold a film/TV option for Pennsylvania to Jorgensen Pictures. JP is currently developing the universe for production into a feature film or television series. So, stay tuned!

And if you’d like to keep up with me, please visit my website at http://www.michaelbunker.com/ and sign up for my newsletter. I’m always giving away free books and writing blogs about things like how to roll the perfect cigar.
