A Word from E.E. Giorgi

Elena and baby chicks, ca. 1975.

Kael’s story is set in the world of my book series titled The Mayake Chronicles, a post-apocalyptic world where only two human races have survived on the planet: the Mayakes, who avoided extinction thanks to nanobots and electronic implants, and the Gaijins, who dominate the Mayakes using state-of-the-art technology and weapons.

Kael makes his first appearance at the beginning of book one as the pet falcon of Athel, the boy in my story, and Akaela, the girl. I realized then—as the bird soared with Akaela over the mesa and joined the brother and sister in the attack on one of the Gaijins’ droids—that he deserved his own backstory. I’m grateful to Chris Pourteau for the opportunity to reveal this bit of the Mayakes’ world and tell the story of how one family was so generous as to use the little technology they had left not for their own ends, but to save a bird’s life.

I write sci-fi thrillers and young-adult dystopian fiction. For a complete list of my books, please visit my website at http://eegiorgi.thirdscribe.com/my-books/. Join my newsletter at http://eegiorgi.thirdscribe.com/newsletter/ and you’ll automatically get a free story as well as the opportunity to read my books for free before they are released.
