Allmother, Meerclar, Creator of the Folk
Bandyleg, Firsthome cat
Bast-Imret, Boneguard
Beetleswat, young Meeting Wall torn
Bitefast, Clawguard
Bite-then-Bark, Rauro, Dog-king of Eatbugs' story
Blueback, a prince of the Folk
Bobweave, a First-walker
Brightnail, a prince of the Folk
Brindlesides, Fritti Tailchaser's father
Bristlejaw, Meeting Wall Master-singer
Brushstalker, First-walker Thane
Cleanwhisker, a prince of the Folk
Clearsong, Tirya, Tailchaser's oldest sister
Click, Master, a squirrel
Climbfast, a prince of the Folk
Cloudleaper, Cat-queen of Eatbugs' story
Crushgrass, Clawguard chieftain
Dandlegrass, Firsthome cat
Dayhunter, companion of Fencewalker
Dewtreader, Prince Sresla, Prince Consort to Queen
Earnotch, Vastnir prisoner, storyteller
Earpoint, Meeting Wall elder, delegate
Eatbugs, mad cat, Tailchaser's companion
Eyeshimmer, Far-senser to the First-walkers
FenceWalker, Prince, son of Queen Sunback
Firefoot, Tangaloor, one of the Firstborn
Fizz, Master, a squirrel
Fleetpaw, young Meeting Wall torn
Fiickerswift, sister ofjumptall
Fumblefoot, Vastnir prisoner
Furscuff, First-walker; Squeakerbane's companion
Glideswallow, Firsthome cat
Glitterfur, a queen of the Folk
Goldeneye, Harar, father of the Folk
Grassnestle, Indea, Tailchaser's mother
Hangbelly, a First-walker
Hearteater, Grizrsz, one of the Firstborn; lord of Vastnir
Hissbiood; master of Toothguard
Howisong, apprentice Master Old-singer
Huff-so-Gruff, Villa-on-Mar dog
Hushpad, Tailchaser's friend
Jargum, a mythological frog
Jumptall, young Meeting Wall torn; delegate
Karthwine, a fox
Knet-Makri, Boneguard
Krelli, a young raven
Leafrustle, a young Meeting Wall torn
Longtooth, Clawguard
Lungeclaw, ancestor of Quiverdaw
Morningstripe, a queen of the Folk
Mudtracker, cat from Beyond-Edge-Copse
Nightcatcher, companion of Fencewalker
Ninebirds, mythical prince, progenitor of the Big Ones
Nipslither, Toothguard
Nuzzledark, Toothguard
Pawgentle, Firsthome cat
Pawgrip, Vastnir prisoner
Pfefirrit, a prince of birds
Plink, Master, squirrel messenger
Pokesnout, Firsthome cat
Pop, Lord, squirrel-ruler
Pouncequick, Tailchaser's companion
Quiverclaw, First-walker Thane
Rebum, Mother, a frog
Redlegs, Cat-prince of Eatbugs' story
Renred, a mythological fox
Riptalon, Clawguard
Roofshadow, Firsa, Tailchaser's companion
RumblepuiT, Chamberlain of the Court of Harar
Satinear, a queen of the Folk
Scratchnail, Clawguard chieftain
Scuffledig, a First-walker
Shredfang, Clawguard
Skinwretch, Toothguard
Skoggi, raven father
Skydancer, Fela, mother of the Folk
Skystone, Irao, a prince of the Folk
Sleekheart, a prince of the Folk
Slipwhisker, Roof shadow's father
Slitbelly, Toothguard
Smackbush. Firsthome cat
Snagrat, cat in Hangbelly's song
Snap, Lord, squirrel-lord, brother of Lord Pop
Snapjaw, Clawguard
Snaremouse, Firsthome cat; dancer
Snifflick, Meeting Wall elder
Snoutscar, Clawguard overseer
Snufflenose, Roofshadow's brother
Softwhisker, Tailchaser's youngest sister
Sourweed, First-walker Thane
Squeakerbane, Ranking First-walker Thane
Streamhopper, Meeting Wall delegate
Stretchslow, Meeting Wall elder, Tailchaser's benefactor
Strongclaw, a prince of the Folk
Sunback, Queen Mirmirsor, the Queen of the Folk
Tailchaser, Fritti, our hero
Thinbone, Tailchaser's Meeting Wall friend
Treesinger, a princess of the Folk
Twitchnose, Snifflick's mate
Voienibble, Firsthome Master Old-singer
Wavetail, Meeting Wall elder
Whir, Mistress, mate of Master Fizz
Whitewind, Viror, one of the Firstborn Windflower, strange cat in Squeakerbane's story
Windruffle, a queen of the Folk Wolf-friend, a prince of the Folk
A, to; at; toward
Akor, eagle
An, sun
Ar, yes
Az, cat; person
Az-iri'le, "we-cats:" the Folk
Az'me, "earth-cat:" tree
Cef, water
Cefaz, "water-cat:"fish
Cir, sing; speak
Cu, sibling
Cu'nre, "heart-brother:"friend
E, hot
E'a, "toward-hot:" south
Erunor, sheep
Fa, jump
Fe, mother
Fela, female
Fik, loud, frightening
Fik'a, "loud-cat:" dog
Fikos, "terrifying badness"
Fla, run
Fla-fa'az, "run-jump-cat:" bird
Garrin, bear
Hat, father
Hlizza, snake
Iri, I; me
Iri'Ie, "many-me:
Ka, spirit; soul
Krauka, raven
La, birth
Le, many
Ma, away from; out of
Me, earth
Mela, "birth-ground:" nest
Mela'an, "sun-nest:" sky
Me'mre, "food-soil:" droppings
Meskra, hawk
Mre, eat; food
Mre'az, "food-cat:" mouse
Mii, sleep
Mri'fa, "sleep-jump:" dream
Mri'fa-o, "good dreaming:" good night
Nre, heart
Nre'fa, "heart-jump:" dance
Nre'fa-o, "good dancing:" hello; goodbye
O, good
Oel, master; chief
Oel-cir'va, "Master Old-singer"
Oel-var'iz, "master seer:" Far-senser
Os, bad, incorrect; wrong
Praere, rabbit
Pril, salmon
Qu, big
Ri, head
Rikchikchik, squirrel
Ruhu, owl
Tesri, deer
Tom (ptom), male
Ue, cold
Ue'a, "toward-cold:" north
Va'an, "old-sun:" west Vaka'az'me, "old-spirit-tree"
Var, sight; sense
Vez, young
Vez'an, "young-sun:" east