Abraham Lincoln President of the United States
Hannibal Hamlin Vice-President
William H. Seward Secretary of State
Edwin M. Stanton Secretary of War
Gideon of the Welles Secretary of the Navy
Salmon P. Chase Secretary of the Treasury
Gustavus Fox Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Edward Bates Attorney General
John Nicolay First Secretary to President Lincoln
John Hay Secretary to President Lincoln
William Parker Parrott Gunsmith
Charles Francis Adams U.S. Ambassador to Britain
John Ericsson Inventor of USS Monitor
Captain Worden Captain of USS Monitor
General William Tecumseh Sherman
General Ulysses S. Grant
General Henry W. Halleck
General George B. McClellan Commander Army of the Potomac
General Ramsay Head of Ordnance Department
Lieutenant General Winfield Scott Commander West Point
Colonel Hiram Berdan Commander U.S. Regiment of Sharpshooters
General Benjamin F. Butler
Colonel Appier Commander, 53rd Ohio
General John Pope Army of the Potomac
Commodore Goldsborough
Charles D. Wilkes Captain of USS San Jacinto
Lieutenant Fairfax First Officer of USS San Jacinto
David Glasgow Farragut Flag Officer, Mississippi Fleet
Lieutenant John Worden Commander USS Monitor
Victoria Regina Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
Prince Albert Royal Consort, her husband
Lord Palmerston Prime Minister
Lord John Russell Foreign Secretary
William Gladstone Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lord Lyons British Ambassador to the United States
Lord Wellesley Duke of Wellington
Lady Kathleen Shiel Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen
Duke of Cambridge Commander-in-Chief
General Peter Champion Commander of British Invasion Forces
Major General Bullers Infantry Commander
Colonel Oliver Phipps-Hornby Commander 62nd Foot
Lieutenant Saxby Athelstane Cavalry officer
General Harcourt Garrison Commander of Quebec
Admiral Alexander Milne
Captain Nicholas Roland Commander of HMS Warrior
Commander Sydney Tredegar Royal Marines
Jefferson Davis President
Judah P. Benjamin Secretary of State
Thomas Bragg Attorney General
James A. Seddon Secretary of War
Christopher G. Memminger Secretary of the Treasury
Stephen Mallory Secretary of the Navy
John H. Reagan Attorney General and Postmaster General
Stephen Murray Secretary of the Navy
John Slidell Confederate Commissioner to France
William Murray Mason Confederate Commissioner to England
General Robert E. Lee Commander-in-Chief
General P.G.T. Beauregard
General Albert Sidney Johnston
Flag Officer Franklin Buchanan Captain CSS Virginia