Five minutes later, Will pulled the Buick into the parking lot of an abandoned mall that appeared to have been gutted by fire in the recent past. It was 4:00 P.M., the light beginning to lengthen. Kalyn helped Misty and Raphael out of the backseat, removed the handcuffs from the boy’s ankles, and led them at gunpoint through one of the shattered front windows of a Belk Store, Will following close behind.

It was dark inside, and smelled like a fireplace. Kalyn had brought a flashlight, and she swept the beam through the store as they followed one of the aisles past the footwear section, the south wall scorched black, the odor of melted plastic and glass and linoleum growing stronger. Clothing racks still populated the store, most laden with singed, molding clothes. Will didn’t know if it was the stench of the place or the fear of the situation, but he felt sick to his stomach.

“What are we doing here?” Misty asked. Her question went unanswered. “My nose is burning.”

In the far corner of the store, they came to the children’s department.

“Head back toward the dressing rooms,” Kalyn said.

Misty was crying again. They arrived at the door to the last dressing room, which Kalyn pushed open. On the floor lay two sleeping bags, a stack of paperback books, four flashlights, two cases of bottled water, and a canvas bag brimming with nonperishable food.

“What’s this?” Misty asked.

“Sit down, both of you.” Kalyn uncuffed Raphael and Misty, then recuffed their hands to two of the metal legs of a bench that was bolted to the floor. She put the water and the food and the flashlights within reach.

“You’re gonna leave us here?” Misty asked.

“Think how terrified the women your husband kidnapped must have been.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Right. Am I going to find him at the Boulders?”


“You do not want to lie to me.”

“I’m not.”

“If you’ve told me the truth, the police will come get you tonight. If you haven’t, I will, and God help you.” She looked at Raphael. “Nothing’s going to happen to you, okay? I need you to be brave for me for a little while longer.”

As Kalyn and Will walked out of the dressing room, Misty screamed after them, her voice filling the dark, empty store.
