Rohant shut down the sldpcom and came tbthe arch. "That's…"

The crack of a pellet gun-Shadith blown back against the wall, failing in a sprawl behind the table.

Rohant roared and charged at the muzzle flash and the Pihtatipli who was yelling and laughing and waving the antique he wore at his belt (a large bore muzzle-loader considerably older than he was), full of himself for doing what the Nish'mok and his array of, guards couldn't manage to accomplish.

There was a shriek from Kikun that soared into the supersonic, then the lacertine blew the top off the Pihtatipli's skull with the pistol he'd taken from the kana guard.

Rohant roared again, satisfaction and commendation saturating the sound. He swung round, heading for Shadith, but pulled up at a bellowed command from the Nish'mok. The Kiskaid had scooped up the darter when Shadith dropped it and now was swinging it between him and the cats.

"Stand back and call off your beasts, or one will kill them, then you."

Rohant whistled Magimeez and Nagafog to him and stood with a hand on each head. "Let me look at her. Is she dead?"

Makwahkik ignored him. "Nahwac, take the gun from the Dancer. The rest of you get out of here and keep your mouths shut or one will have you playing heretic for trainee Na-priests. Back off, Hunter, I mean it. You come a step closer and you're dead as that fool."

Far more aware than anyone else in the room, even his Aide, how much the death of that idiot Plicik was going to complicate all their lives, he watched the kanaweh file out; he didn't expect his reputation or his threats to keep them silent long, they had to disappear. One more count to set against those interfering offworiders.

He scowled the Hunter to silence and stood watching the girl bleed until he heard the door to the outer office close, then he transferred his scowl to the corpse leaking brain and blood onto his rug. "If there ever was an unused organ," he said. "Nahwac, get an emergency team up here, the girl's alive. Her shoulder's a mess, but it's nothing serious. You have the names of those guards?"

"Yes, sir. You want one to send Cipapil and his crew to deal with them?"

"Yes. Scrub the flakes and dump that…" he jabbed a forefinger at the dead Plicik, "in the eel vats. Get onto Piskwakan, tell him… you know what to tell him. The medics, make it Doctor Meskew and his mutes. Tell him to bring a bodybag for the kana; one wants a reading on the poison if he can manage it. One doesn't expect miracles, chances are it's something organic and impossibly complicated. Besides being offworld muck. The girl goes to the infirmary in this building. If she has medications In her gear, tell Meskew and his to try them first. Oppalatin only knows what her internal workings are like; she looks normal enough, but make sure Meskew knows better than to take that as given. I want a noleak seal on that room, a round-the-clock watch on her, make sure the guards know one will have them hung from their foreskins if half a whisper slips out. Get hold of Ocipahweh, one doesn't care what he's busy with. One wants him for them," jab of his finger at Rohant and Kikun, "have him and his men take them to the quarters you, got ready for them. Signal through when Meskew gets here, the door's going to be locked and barred until this mess is cleaned up."

"Yes sir. If Ocipahweh Is Outcity? One seems to remember he went into the Wetlands two days ago."

"You're right, one had forgotten. Call him in, he should be here within the hour. Meantime, hmmm, when you get a minute, take them over yourself with a squad of kanaweh. Take men you can trust…" a tight, sour twitch of his mouth, "or men we won't miss."

"Hmm. Ajeri tiszt, have you got through to Puk yet?"

"No, but he's on his way back. Better have the tranx ready, he's going to be in one of his things."

"See to it. When he is capable of reasoned discourse, bring him here."

"May take a while."

"We have time. There is no hurry now. The Avatars have seen to that."



"Never mind."

Ginbiryol watched the fourth cell a few moments longer, grunted as the medics carried Shadith out and the Aide led Rohant and his beasts and Kikun away, then he went back to his scan of the developing scenes in the other Cells.
