The squat black powerboat surged past a long string of barges, swept round a bend and went into a wild, slew as Asteplikota saw the Branch he was looking for, where the ancient delta was once, where the present-day Wetlands began. Shadith fought the current, clawed her way back to the mouth of the Branch and started down it, slowing as quickly as she could so she wouldn't run aground before she got far enough from the river Kinosipa.

The trees closed in over the boat and the POV dipped lower. The stream was sluggish, a greenish-ocher brew that looked solid enough to walk on.

The boat-worked north along the edge of the Wetlands as the sun passed zenith and crept toward the western mountains. it was twilight-a stinking, steamy twilight under the giant ferns and the squat, spongy palms with their festoons of moss and tangles of vine-when they reached an islet of fair size, relatively dry, with thick grass, a cluster of trees and even a small, clear stream.

They piled out of the boat, unloaded it, stood arguing for several minutes, then Kikun turned his back on Rohant and walked away. He stepped into the boat, reversed the water jets until it was clear of the mud, then went scooting away from the islet, vanishing almost Immediately into the murk.

Hands on hips, Shadith stood looking after him, then she shrugged and went to join the others setting up the camp.

Pukanuk Pousli scowled at the cell, swung round. "Ginny, should I give the Makh Hen a yell? You don't want that bunch runnin loose in Aina'iril. They're too hard to handle long distance."

Ginbiryol Seyirshi looked up from the pathecorder. "Not yet. And not when they are with Asteplikota. I prefer to keep him out of the hands of the Nistam or the Gospah. He is the planner; the balance wheel, the rebellion will sputter to nothing without him." That is so obvious, he thought, why do I have to keep saying it? Ah well, it is the nature of the beast; if he were smarter, he would be unusable. "No, Puk. Kiscomaskin needs his brother. If the Avatars decide to go with Plikota to the Islands until the stir dies down, we will let them keep running. The Islanders have no skipcom for us to worry about and time is a thing we have plenty of. If the Avatars break off and head for Aina'iril, then you may inform Makwahkik where they are so he can pick them up. I will expect you to see that Plikota is sent on his way unharmed."

"That might be touchy, sir. What if that little bitch starts dumpin what she knows? He'll be spooky as a three-legged rabbit."

"I think you will find he cooperates with whoever is sent to draw him off. He is a modest man, but a clear sighted one. He knows the weaknesses in his brother, he knows how much he is needed to keep Kiskomaskin steady. Discretion, Puk. You know whom he would be most likely to trust, arrange for such an individual to be available if he is required."

"Yes, sir. Ahh, one thing I might mention, the Makh Hen's gettin resty, he wants us to Pin the Avatars for him."

"Quash that immediately. Inform Makwahkik that we will withdraw completely if he presses us."

"He's not goin to like that. He don't follow the bit, he got a hard mouth on him."

"You must simply be harder, Puk. I trust your gifts in that direction. Once the point has been made, however, you may sweeten him with a personal handarm and slightly more advanced surveillance equipment than we have provided before. Tickle his ambitions and he will quickly forget the strings."

"Yes, sir."
