It didn’t take Logan and the other Druids long to catch up to Galen and Reaghan. He’d have liked to have had more time with Reaghan, but that would have to wait until they reached the castle.

Reaghan had been lost in thought, and Galen had left her alone. She had much to digest after what she had learned. He knew the elders would not like it, but Reaghan had a right to know.

The long, low whistle that came from Logan at the back of the group caused Galen to turn around. Logan pointed to the sky. Galen spotted the falcon almost instantly.

“What is it?” Reaghan asked.

“That same peregrine was with us as we left MacLeod Castle and when we reached your village. It’s also decided to make the return trip with us.” “You believe there is something to it?”

He smiled and resumed walking. “Oh, aye, Reaghan. For sure. I’ve learned when dealing with magic that there is no such thing as coincidence.” “What will you do about the falcon?”

“Nothing. For now. We’ll see what happens when we reach the castle.”

They walked in companionable silence the rest of the morning. When they stopped to rest for the noon meal Galen left Reaghan to the Druids and sat beside Logan some ten paces away.

“What did you learn from Reaghan?” Logan asked.

Galen picked a stem of grass from the ground and sighed. “After what she had told me she saw in her dreams I knew she had to know the truth.” “You told her?”

“I did.”

“And?” Logan asked. “How did she take it?”

Galen looked at Reaghan. “She was upset, but she is handling it well. It willna be an easy path for her, but keeping it from her seemed wrong.” Logan grunted as he swallowed his food. “I think you did the right thing.” While Galen had been listening he spotted something in the sky. A dark shape that was too big to be another bird of prey. “Logan,” he said in warning.

Logan shot to his feet, a smile spreading over his face. “I think we might be reaching MacLeod Castle sooner than expected.” Galen climbed to his feet. There was only one Warrior who could fly, and thankfully, he was on their side. “It appears they are still some ways out.” “Is Broc carrying someone?”

“I pray it’s Fallon.” Galen glanced at the Druids, who were now staring at him and Logan.

Logan groaned. “God’s teeth. Now they get to meet more Warriors.”

“They would have eventually,” Galen mumbled. He walked over to the Druids. “We will be reaching the castle very soon. Somehow the other Warriors at MacLeod Castle learned we were on our way. They’ve come for us.” Odara looked around before she turned and frowned at Galen. “Where are they? And how do you know?” “Because Broc can fly,” Logan said, and pointed to the sky.

The Druids as one looked in the direction he indicated. Several gasped.

“Do not be afraid,” Galen said. “Broc is a friend.”

Logan shook his head as the Druids huddled together, talking. “They willna ever stop being afraid, will they?” “It’s been ingrained in them. It will take time and patience on our part.” Though Galen wasn’t sure the Druids’ fear could be eliminated completely.

“Time we doona have.”

Galen didn’t bother to respond since Broc now hovered just off the ground, allowing Fallon to jump down before landing beside him.

Galen hurried to greet them. For the first time since leaving Loch Awe, he felt everything would be all right. “It’s good to see the two of you.” “How did you know where to find us?” Logan asked.

“The trees,” Broc said.

Galen nodded, needing no other explanation. Somehow the trees had spoken to Sonya, and that was enough for him. “The Druids are frightened of all Warriors. We will need to be careful.” “Once we get them to the castle and they see Cara and the others they’ll know they have nothing to fear,” Fallon said.

Logan snorted, his lips twisted in a grimace. “Doona be so sure. It’s the elders you need to win to your side. It hasn’t worked for us, especially since Galen has taken a liking to one of the Druids.” “Good for you,” Broc said with a grin.

Galen shook his head. “There is much neither of you know. We need to get Reaghan to the castle with all haste.” “Why?” Fallon asked as he let his gaze wander over the Druids.

Galen glanced at the group, his gaze lingering on Reaghan. “We found the artifact.” “As we knew you would,” Broc said.

“The object isn’t a thing. It’s a person.”

“Reaghan,” Fallon whispered.

Galen nodded. “I told her just this morn. I’ll explain everything at the castle. Just, please, get her to safety.” “I’ll take her first.”

Galen, Logan, and Broc followed Fallon to the Druids. Galen listened as Fallon explained who he was, and how they were going to arrive at the castle, and during that time Galen’s eyes never left Reaghan.

Fallon called for Reaghan, Braden, and Fiona, along with Odara, to be taken first. Reaghan hesitated, but Galen nodded at her to go with Fallon as he jumped them to the castle.

As soon as they were gone Galen expected the tight knot of fear that had nestled in his gut to disappear. Instead it worsened.

“You’ll be with her soon,” Broc said.

Galen shook his head. “I always thought myself cursed to have the god inside me and to have been the unlucky one to have it unbound. Deirdre says we’re blessed to have the god and our abilities.” “I think we’re cursed and blessed. Blessed because we are able to stay alive and fight Deirdre as well as protect the ones we care about.” Broc sighed softly. “But we’re also cursed, because the thing that allows us to protect people is the same thing that prevents us from being with them.” “Yet the MacLeods have found a way to have their women.”

“And Hayden as well.”

Galen turned his head to Broc. “Hayden and Isla?”

“I knew there was a possibility,” Logan said with a knowing smile.

“More than a possibility,” Broc said with a grin. “I will let Hayden tell the story, though I’m sure he’ll leave several things out.” Galen laughed, eager to return to the home and family he had found. “And I suppose you’ll be happy to provide those details?” “Of course,” Broc said with a nod. “As will Ian, I’m sure.”

“Much has happened while we’ve been away,” Logan mumbled.

Broc caught Galen’s eyes and jerked his chin to the Druids. “I could say the same thing, my friend.” Fallon soon returned, and in a blink he had taken four more Druids.

“I doona know how the trees knew, but I’m thankful they told Sonya,” Logan said.

Broc growled. “Was it happenstance the wyrran found the village?”

“I’m no’ sure,” Galen answered. “Reaghan’s magic is strong. None of the other Druids have very much, so despite the village’s being protected, they might have sensed her magic.” Broc’s mouth twisted into a scowl. “If that’s the case, then it’s a wonder they haven’t found Reaghan before now.” “And why it was so important to get her to the castle. I suppose Isla’s shield is still up?” Broc nodded.

Logan waited until Fallon had left for a third trip before he said, “I expect there to be another attack.” “Of course,” Broc agreed. “They’ve sensed Reaghan’s magic.”

“They’ll know we’re returning to the castle,” Logan continued. “Whether Isla’s shield is active or no’, they will come.” Broc’s smirk was lethal in its intensity. “And we’ll be waiting for them.” Logan gave a single nod. “I cannot wait.”

Fallon returned, and then left for a fourth time. Galen wondered how Reaghan fared at the castle. He knew Cara and the other Druids would see to her, but he wanted to be there with her.

“It willna be long now,” Broc said as if sensing Galen’s frustration. “Fallon has learned to use his power well.” It took Fallon one more trip before he stood in front of the Warriors. “Ready?” he asked.

Galen faltered. In order to return to the castle by Fallon’s power, Galen would have to touch him.

“Galen?” Logan said.

He looked up to find Broc’s hand on Fallon’s shoulder and Logan’s hand on Broc’s arm.

“It’ll be quick,” Fallon said.

Logan sighed. “Think of nothing but the castle.”

Galen took a deep breath and steeled himself as he placed his hand on Fallon’s shoulder the same instant Logan grabbed hold of his arm.

The castle flashed in Galen’s mind the moment a low, simmering anger filled his head. In the next instant, both were gone and he stood in the bailey of MacLeod Castle.

Galen turned and looked at Logan. That anger, the seething, festering fury, had come from Logan, and it was tearing his friend in two.

Logan’s hazel eyes met his, seeming to dare Galen to say a word. When Galen said nothing Logan turned on his heel and walked into the castle.

“What was that about?” Broc asked as he stared after Logan.

Galen glanced to Broc and shrugged. “Things I shouldn’t know.”

“But you do,” Fallon said. “Is there something we need to know about Logan?” “Doona ask it of me, Fallon. What is inside Logan is his to bear and to share as he chooses,” Galen said.

Fallon bowed his head. “I hope you will let us know when the time comes to help him, because it is coming. I doona need to read his mind to see that. It’s in his eyes.” Galen forgot all about responding to Fallon when he caught sight of Reaghan with Marcail and Sonya. She stood on the castle steps, a smile on her face as she took in everything and everyone.

Her gaze moved over him. In a blink, she jerked her eyes back to him. Her smile widened and her gaze softened. All he could think about was getting her alone and kissing her.

And he was going to make sure that happened very soon.
