So much more goes into getting a book ready than just the writing. I’d like to thank my fabulous editor, Monique Patterson, for her brilliance and utter awesomeness. To the best assistant editor I know — Holly Blanck. Thanks for always answering my most mundane questions and never getting irritated. (At least not that I know of. lol.) My thanks to everyone at St. Martin’s who helped get this book ready.

A special thank you to Tricia Schmitt for the gorgeous cover. And to my agent, Irene Goodman.

Also, a note to Melissa Bradley, who does the most marvelous job on the Danger: Women Writing reader loop. You give so much of your time for us, and I can’t thank you enough.

Last, but not least, my family. To my husband for listening endlessly to plots, worries, and frustrations, and still having the perfect answer every time. To my kids, who get as excited as I do about my books, and who are always willing to tell everyone (even the drive-thru workers) that I’m an author. Love y’all!
