The Captain-Commander of Mirror Lancers sees a figure in shimmering merchanter blues and angles across the wide corridor before the vacant Great Hall of the Palace of Eternal Light, his steps gauged so that his path intercepts that of the shorter man. “Greetings, honored Merchanter Advisor.”

“Greetings to you, Captain-Commander,” returns Vyanat’mer. “How go matters in Lancer Court?”

“As well as can be expected.” Luss bows his head slightly. “I wish to commend you on your dispatch. You were most quick to ensure that the battle report on the Jeran…campaign was circulated to all trading houses.”

“We would not wish to unwittingly cause greater casualties for the Mirror Lancers. So all the large clan houses needed to know, as well as others trading to the north.”

“Including Ryalor House?”

“Ryalor House is a clan house, and larger than many,” replies Vyanat’mer. “The house trades widely, as do several.”

“And Lady Ryalth was not perturbed?”

“The lady is well-aware of her responsibilities to the Empire, as are all the most perceptive house chiefs.”

“I would hope so, especially now.”

The wiry but muscular Merchanter Advisor laughs. “What you hope, Captain-Commander, is for anything you can use to discredit the young majer who made you look like a donkey in a fancy uniform. Failing that, you will seek to make me resemble that same animal. I have also made that clear to all the clan heads. The merchanters do not intend to take sides in a struggle that will take place either within the Mirror Lancer Court, or the Quarter of the Magi’i. Nor do we wish to be forced to side with one faction or another.”

“Brave words, Vyanat. I recall that the majer also brought back some six thousand golds, many coined in Cyador, and it might be most interesting to discover how those reached the hands of the Jeranyi.”

“They reached them because people everywhere hold good coins and spend the poor. Now…if you had found clan houses with Hamorian-minted golds or Suthyan coins…then I would be concerned-and rightfully so.” Vyanat’mer shakes his head, but not a strand of the gray-streaked black hair moves. “As for my words, they are not brave. They are accurate. Chyenfel cannot live that much longer. The old Hand of the Emperor is dead; there is no new Hand. Rynst will live long enough to ensure that you will not succeed him unless you can have him murdered, and then all will look to you. If you can discredit Majer Lorn, then you hope to discredit Rynst, for you dare not kill him.”

“That is a most interesting set of observations.”

Vyanat smiles coolly. “What I do not see is why you need to discredit young Lorn. He is far too young to threaten your position or Rynst’s. It is clear that the Majer-Commander only wishes him to remain in Cyad for a year or two, so that he understands how matters are. He can also be used, if necessary, to command any lancers Rynst may need to bring into Cyad. He is clearly ruthless enough for that, and Rynst can disclaim responsibility. Then he will go back out to Syadtar or Assyadt as a commander for several tours, and only then, if he succeeds, will he be considered as a possible Captain-Commander. You will either have consolidated your position as Majer-Commander, or you will be dead, long before that can possibly occur.”

Luss frowns.

“Is that not true? So why do you worry?” Vyanat laughs. “Perhaps you are concerned for the Second Magus? Rynst cares little for Kharl’elth, and would do all he could do to keep him from succeeding Chyenfel. Have you noticed how carefully the clever Kharl has suggested problems with both the Third Magus and with the late Kien’elth? And with what Rynst does?” A second laugh follows. “And who would that leave for First Magus?”

“And you, of course, have no ambitions at all?” asks the Captain-Commander.

“I make no secrets of my ambitions, and I have several. The first is to ensure that my head and my body both remain healthy and attached to each other. I have no desire to follow the example of my predecessor. The second is to ensure that the Magi’i and the Mirror Lancers do not meddle excessively in each other’s affairs, because the merchanters will be the ones who suffer from such. I do not delude myself into thinking that we will ever have the esteem accorded to either the Mirror Lancers or the Magi’i. Look at Bluoyal. He actually thought he could use intrigue to fill the chests of his house. And where are those of his house now? Fearing that I will take away their clan status, cowering in the corners of their warehouses, and watching every shadow cast by every lamp on every corner of the merchanter quarter of Cyad.”

“Those are fine words,” Luss replies.

“Fine words are but as fine as the truth they portray,” counters Vyanat. “I do not ask you to believe my words, Captain-Commander. Test them yourself. Ask who would benefit from any action to discredit each of those men. How does young Lorn benefit? He has a consort and a young son, and he is recently consorted enough that he would like to enjoy both. He knows that he must support Rynst, or perish. Rynst has doubtless told him not to anger you. If he angers you, he angers Rynst. He will try not to anger Kharl, for his sister is consorted to Kharl’s son. His consort is a merchanter. Thus, everywhere he turns, he must tread with care. So why is he a danger? Who uses him to divert prying gazes? And why do we never hear of the other young man favored by the First Magus? Is it because Kharl wishes him to be thought of less? Or to be unseen until it is too late? Or does Chyenfel position the other?”

“You seem to have the answers, honored Merchanter Advisor.”

“I have the questions. You must find the answers that satisfy you, not the ones that satisfy me.” Vyanat smiles gently. “You might also ask why the honored Second Magus says little about the lesser number of firelances that your lancers receive, and why he opposed the sleep barrier for the Accursed Forest. Or perhaps why young Majer Lorn relinquished his elder-claim to his younger brother before he returned to Biehl and then to Inividra. Such an action could not benefit him.”

“It is most intriguing that you know so much.”

“Merchanters must traffic in information as much as golds, or we would perish, Captain-Commander. Would you like me to recall that in your first posting, in Pemedra, you were commended for bravery?”

Luss shakes his head. “And what other tidbits would you pull forth?”

“That you discouraged your eldest-your daughter-from consorting with a young magus, perhaps on the advice of the honored Kharl’elth.” Vyanat smiles almost sympathetically. “About that, I have learned, Kharl was doubtless correct. The young magus was demoted and sent to the Mirror Engineers in Fyrad, where he will doubtless supervise the repair of the Great Canal for many years to come.” The Merchanter Advisor nods. “Now…if you will pardon me…I am already perilously close to being late to meet with several clan heads to resolve a dispute over the classification of cottons. And I do not seek to give you false information. As I said, I but pose the questions. You must find those answers which satisfy you.” A last smile follows his words.

Luss nods, belatedly, then frowns after he turns and begins to walk toward the staircase that will carry him to the lower level and the walkway to the west, and toward the Mirror Lancer Court.
