In the dark-paneled office that is scarcely more than ten cubits by ten, Vyanat looks up from the antique ebony Hamorian desk at the sandy-haired man who steps into the room and slides into the equally antique ebon armchair.

“You requested I visit you, Vyanat,” Tasjan says pleasantly. “I could have refused, but I did not see the value in that. So I am here. What do you wish?”

“You are continuing to purchase blades from the cupritors in Summerdock,” Vyanat observes.

“I am. Every blade has remained in Cyador, I am sure you will be pleased to know.”

“For now.”

“For quite some time, I believe,” Tasjan says, his tone almost indolent. “Or aboard my vessels. I am training a somewhat larger number of guards for all vessels under the Dyjani ensign. With the decline in the number of fireships, and their voyages, this is but prudent, do you not think?”

“Were it any merchanter but you, Tasjan, I would have little difficulty believing that there would be a need for an additional fivescore guards. But you…and Sasyk…already, you have that many under arms, and that is in addition to the arms for the seamen on your vessels.” Vyanat’mer smiles, coldly.

“What can I say?” Tasjan laughs. “The warships being built by the Mirror Lancers will not be completed for yet several seasons, if then, and they look less than sufficient to protect our ships and cargoes. We of the Dyjani must look to our own interests in these days.”

“Yes, you must. That is why I hoped you would come.”

Tasjan’s eyes narrow. “You are being devious. What happened to the honest and straightforward Merchanter Advisor?”

“He occasionally has to use a devious phrase to get your attention.” The dark-haired merchanter’s smile is off-center. He waits, letting the silence fill the small study, before he finally speaks again. “Tasjan…do you want Rynst to bring the Mirror Lancers into Cyad and hint the harbor red with blood?”

“And leave the north unprotected? He won’t do that.”

“He can do exactly that. Don’t you listen? Don’t you read? Did you read that battle report from that sub-majer?”

“He razes Jera and kills a few score barbarians. It’s about time. The Hamorians will think twice about trading so close to Cyador.”

“He destroyed every town of any size close to the Grass Hills, and he slaughtered most of the barbarians. And he also brought back some six thousand golds, all too many of them coined in Cyador. For the next season or two, perhaps longer, there won’t be that many raids. There won’t be any, I’d wager, for a year.”

“And that will free Rynst to bring in more lancers and provide the coins to pay them-without raising our tariffs.” Tasjan smiles. “Who will command them? There’s not a decent field commander in Cyad. They’ve all been sitting at desks so long most couldn’t find the release on a firelance-if there are even any left in working order in a season. There haven’t been that many good field commanders anyway. Not in years-except perhaps for this fellow, and they’ll get him killed one way or another. Quickly, I’d wager.”

Vyanat nods. “I thought you might find it interesting that Sub-Majer Lorn is being ordered to Cyad to work for Rynst directly. Over the Captain-Commander’s objections.”

Tasjan smiles broadly. “That…that…my friend, is worth my honoring your request.” He nods. “Indeed. Indeed, it is.”

“So…now what will you do?” inquires Vyanat.

“What everyone else will do. Wait…and watch.”
