Tarkin was beside himself with cold rage, his face almost purple. He hunkered beside Sienar in the escape pod as the elderly mine ship captain sealed them in with a sad, fatalistic nod.
"Two minutes from docking!" Tarkin shrilled, pounding the thin bulkhead with his fists. "We were that close!"
"Careful," Sienar said. "These interiors are none too sturdy."
Tarkin froze, quivering with anger, and stared very hard at Sienar.
"Lowest bidder, you know. I designed them for lightness, not strength," Sienar said.
Tarkin grabbed for a comlink and yanked it from the wall. He was connected directly with the Einem. "Captain, whatever you do," he shouted, "destroy that damned cargo ship, and destroy all that remains on the planet!"