Chapter 56

To prepare the way for a retrieval ship to land on the mountain, Tarkin ordered a swarm of droid starfighters to take any other ships in the area.He watched with satisfaction from his lofty orbit, Sienar at his side, as the starfighters harried the outmoded YT-1105 and another Sekotan ship.

"We'll sacrifice one to gain another," Tarkin said.

"Take care with the larger Sekotan vessel," Sienar said, though he was not at all sure that Tarkin was willing to hear reason."It may be exceptional."

"Sir," the captain said, "we are losing most of our starfighters over the inhabited valleys in the north.Their defenses are relentless and apparently without limit.And there are-"

"Quiet!" Tarkin shouted."I think you overestimate these primitives.Once we are done with our primary mission, we will sweep up the rest by main force.No more delicacy.If they do not submit, we will destroy them utterly."
