[Document #NI3814 (“Situational Analysis Regarding Jedha, et al.”), timestamped approximately thirteen years after the conscription of Galen Erso by Orson Krennic; from the personal files of Mon Mothma.]

There is no hard evidence of an interplanetary engineering project consuming Imperial resources (living, financial, and material) on a massive scale. That remains the bottom line, as it has since our investigation began.

Yet as before, we consider this statement insufficient and our situation grave.

Major tactical deployments of Imperial forces to strategically insignificant worlds continue on Jedha, Patriim, Eadu, Horuz, and twelve others of note. Frequent communications blackouts make analysis of these deployments exceedingly difficult, and we strongly suspect our list is neither accurate nor complete. Nonetheless, we know that a majority of the worlds in question contain facilities for resource harvesting, manufacturing, or scientific research and development. More recently, we have learned that several of these worlds share a set of nonstandard security protocols far exceeding the Imperial norm.

We have intercepted multiple communiqués sent to Orson Krennic, the Empire’s advanced weapons research director, from these worlds. We are not yet able to decrypt them.

We have intercepted multiple communiqués sent to one “Galen Erso” from these worlds. We are not yet able to decrypt them or confirm that the “Galen Erso” referenced is the former head of multiple high-energy research projects (including “Celestial Power”—see notes) once housed on Coruscant.

We have intercepted multiple communiqués referencing a future weapons test of indeterminate scale.

Our attempts to surveil Imperial activities related to this matter have resulted in the loss of several operatives. We request additional personnel. Attempts to obtain the cooperation of Saw Gerrera on Jedha have been ended at the recommendation of General Jan Dodonna.

We understand that our concerns are considered controversial inside Alliance council leadership. We do not dispute that intelligence resources should be focused on the Senate if there is to be any hope of a peaceful political resolution to the larger struggle. Several analysts have declined to attach their names to this document for fear of giving it “undue credibility.”

But this is not a conspiracy theory, and ignorance will not protect us from whatever the Galactic Empire is building.

Full report is attached.
