[Document #RJ9002C (“Jedha Query”), forged timestamp unreadable; actual timestamp presumed concurrent with the Jedha crisis. Sent from Mon Mothma to General Draven and six other recipients (“Operation Fracture Oversight”).]

I just received a troubling message from a contact in the Senate. She claims that a total evacuation of Imperial forces has taken place on Jedha and that there are rumors of a massive energy burst in orbit. Her source conducts illegal asteroid mining at the far edge of the Jedha heliosphere, and she stresses that “instrument error” is a possibility.

Nonetheless, she’s seeking additional information from me. Whether she knows more than she’s sharing and what exactly she suspects, I’m not sure.

Can we confirm this data? Do we have an update on Operation Fracture?

[Document #RJ9002D (“Reply to Jedha Query”), sent from General Ria to Operation Fracture Oversight.]

I don’t have any new information, but can you clarify: Did you tell this contact about the rumors of a planet killer?

If not, this could be a fishing expedition by the Empire. She may want to see how you react to a false story.

[Document #RJ9002E (“Reply to Jedha Query”), sent from Mon Mothma to Operation Fracture Oversight.]

Some brief background: My contact refuses to aid the Alliance directly but she’s kept in touch with me since my departure from the Senate. If she can be won over, she could be important to our political strategy. I don’t think she’s serving Imperial military interests.

I have not shared anything about the planet killer with her. If we can’t confirm her data, however, I’d like to judiciously broach the subject. It may serve us in both the short and long terms.

[Document #RJ9002F (“Reply to Jedha Query”), sent from Admiral Raddus to Operation Fracture Oversight.]

We have a cargo freighter outfitted for long-range scans four stops down the nearest hyperlane from Jedha. She’s tasked on another operation, but I can divert her if Captain Andor doesn’t report in soon.

I find the possibility that the planet killer is at Jedha extremely troubling.

[Document #RJ9002G (“Reply to Jedha Query”), sent from General Draven to Operation Fracture Oversight.]

I’m working as we speak to obtain solid intel on Jedha. For now, there is no confirmation of any unusual Imperial activity. Strongly recommend that we do not share our intelligence and do not initiate new investigations.

I will update the group on Operation Fracture and Captain Andor’s status when I have reliable information that can be securely shared. Until then, suggest we shut down this conversation as a precaution.
