Colin Stevenson’s hand tightened on the receiver, gripping it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. ‘Did you hear what I said, Colin?’ The caller was a detective sergeant in the Met, a long-time friend of Stevenson’s who worked in the Paedophile Unit.

‘Yeah, I heard you,’ said Stevenson. ‘Basically I’m fucked.’

‘With a capital F,’ said the sergeant. ‘Look, the investigation is going into overdrive, the shit is well and truly going to hit the fan.’

‘I understand. Is there any way out?’

‘You can run, but there’s already a stop on you at the ports and airports and they’re coming for you first thing tomorrow morning. They don’t trust the locals.’

‘What about a deal? Can I cut a deal?’

‘They’ve got stuff off your hard drive, Colin. It got emailed to them. That’s all they need.’

‘Who the hell did that?’

‘I don’t know. But it came from your computer. That’s what I’m told.’

‘That’s impossible.’

‘Impossible or not, it happened. Look, I don’t see there’s anything you can do. They’ve got you bang to rights and they’ve got your mailing list. The only reason I’m tipping you off is that my name isn’t on that bloody list.’

‘Shit.’ Stevenson banged the receiver against his head.

‘I need to know you haven’t got my name anywhere they can find it.’

‘You’re okay,’ said Stevenson.

‘No number on your mobile? Nothing written down?’

‘You’re fine.’

‘For fuck’s sake keep it that way, Colin.’

‘I said, you’re fine,’ said Stevenson.

‘I fucking hope so,’ said the sergeant. ‘This is huge, Colin. You know the names that are on the list.’

‘Yeah, I know.’

‘What the hell were you doing keeping them on your computer?’

‘It’s a bit late to be crying about spilt milk,’ said Stevenson. ‘Do you have any idea who screwed me over?’

‘It came out of the blue, I’m told. And like I said, it came from your computer.’

‘I don’t see how that can have happened,’ said Stevenson. ‘No one else has access to my place.’

‘Yeah, well, seriously, I’m sorry it’s worked out this way,’ said the sergeant. ‘What are you going to do?’

Stevenson didn’t say anything.

‘Colin? Are you okay?’

Stevenson laughed harshly. ‘No, I’m not bloody okay. But I’ll sort it. And don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.’
