Aisley held onto Phelan tightly. She feared as soon as she let go he would disappear, just like her dreams. Her hands itched to run over his sculpted chest and washboard stomach again, to marvel at the width of his shoulders and his muscular arms.

She dragged in a breath, her body quivering as he settled between her legs. He kissed and licked her hip bone before leisurely kissing across to her other hip.

He was torturing her in the most wonderful, sensual way. Her senses were heightened, her blood like lava in her veins. He was the center of her world.

For a second fear flared through Aisley. Phelan had given her release in the shower. It had been quick and amazing, but even then she’d felt whatever was between them almost … strengthening.

That was one thing she couldn’t allow to happen.

To herself.

Or to Phelan.

He suddenly lifted his head, deep lines furrowing his forehead. “What is it, beauty?”

Aisley blinked away the tears that threatened. Why did he have to be so damned nice? She was used to callousness. She could handle cruel.

“This … you … scare me.” It felt good to speak the truth. And she wished she could tell him more.

Like telling him she was Jason’s cousin. It would shatter what was between them—even if it was just attraction. A heavy weight settled on her as she realized just what a disaster she had created by allowing Phelan close.

It was then she comprehended that she needed him to keep Jason at bay long enough for her to do whatever magic she needed to kill Jason once and for all. Making Phelan understand that before he killed her would be the problem, which is why she had to keep it from him.

She should have refused Phelan’s help. But then he was difficult to resist.

His blue-gray eyes held hers. She caught a glimpse of his ancient soul, jaded and yearning. Her heart thundered in her chest.

Because in that instant, that millisecond of time, the connection between them was irreversible.

The fear should have frozen her. Instead, she saw in Phelan the same things she felt. It was selfish of her, but she wanted a few hours of peace. A few hours to pretend that she wasn’t a bad person and her soul didn’t belong to Satan.

She wanted to pretend she had the life she’d once dreamed of and a man who cared deeply for her. Even if in the end she would pay for it all with her death.

“Doona fear me,” Phelan whispered and kissed her stomach, his eyes still on her. “Doona fear this. Most of all, beauty, doona hold back from me. Let me take you away.”

Aisley’s eyes slid shut as his kisses took him closer and closer to her center. She raised her hips, needing contact with him, with the pleasure she found in his arms.

His large hands skimmed all over her body, touching, learning. She could feel herself come alive, almost as if she had been waiting for his touch her whole life.

Then his mouth was on her. Aisley moaned when his tongue licked her sex. He licked and laved her clitoris until she was trembling with need.

He brought her to the brink, only to leave her breathless and begging for more.

“No’ yet,” he murmured against her thigh.

He tongued her again, teasing her clit mercilessly. She cried out when his hands reached up and cupped her breasts. Instantly her breasts swelled.

She bucked against him when he pinched her nipples. The pleasure pain was too much. Desire was tightening low in her belly with each flick of his tongue.

The climax slammed into her, taking her breath as her body trembled with the force of it. She was sailing, floating, drifting on a sea of utter contentment.

Her sex was still clenching when Phelan rose up on his knees and grabbed her hips to lift them up. She watched as he held her steady while the blunt head of his arousal brushed against her.

She moaned. Her sensitive flesh ached to feel him inside her once again. Aisley met his gaze as his thick, hard cock filled her.

The position he had her in prevented her from moving. He was in complete control. And she loved it.

She needed it.

She craved it.

Just as she needed and craved him.

It should frighten her, but it didn’t. Nothing could as long as Phelan was touching her.

He buried himself deep, a satisfied moan rumbling in his chest. She locked her ankles at his waist and fisted the covers when he rotated his hips. He gave her a moment to accommodate his thick length before he began to move.

Aisley groaned at the feel of him thrusting inside her. She arched her back and tightened her legs, but he refused to loosen his hold on her hips.

His fingers dug into her flesh as he continued to plunge inside her, going deeper, harder each time. Already her body was building toward another orgasm.

A cry of pleasure fell from her lips when Phelan’s strokes grew faster. He set up a driving rhythm that she was powerless to ignore.

Her body was on fire. Every fiber of her being was attuned to him, waiting for the next time he would take her to paradise.

She might not be able to move her hips, but she met each of his thrusts by squeezing her legs and clamping down on his staff. He whispered her name and thrust harder.

“Phelan,” she murmured when she felt herself about to peak.

Suddenly he released her hips and leaned over her, his hands on either side of her head. Their gazes clashed, held as he relentlessly pounded her body with his.

Aisley grabbed his waist as she felt the first wave of her orgasm. She screamed his name when the climax took her. With one more thrust, Phelan buried himself deep.

Pleasure swept them, expanding and increasing until it coalesced into a dazzling glow of ecstasy.

* * *

It was becoming easier and easier to hold onto his memories. Whenever he’d forget, a name would suddenly appear in his mind.


He felt the power run through his body, felt the magic consume him with each moment. But there was no heartbeat, no breath.

If only he knew where he was, he could get back. There were things he had to do. Things like … and just like that, his memory faded.

Whatever awaited him was important. He knew that without a doubt. It drove him to continue to explore his mind and search for the answers.


She wasn’t far. If only he could reach her. She would help him. He was certain of it, just as he was certain that he would get back.

But where was “back” exactly?

It was on the tip of his tongue, but the more he struggled to grasp the name, the further it slipped from him.

He wasn’t giving up though. There was just a little more to do, and then he’d have everything he needed.

