Phelan stood on the porch and leaned his hands on the railing as he looked out over the loch. The evening had been wonderful. The most perfect evening he’d ever had.

Dinner had been a simple affair of steaks, bread, and carrots. Turns out Aisley has a particular hatred for carrots. Phelan smiled as he recalled her story of how her parents made her eat her helping of carrots when she was six.

He and Aisley had talked of nothing and everything. Phelan noted how careful she was not to bring up her past or much about herself. She didn’t ask questions of him either.

Not that he had anything to hide. There wasn’t any kind of pressure to dazzle her with witty conversation or do one of his many tricks to seduce.

Phelan couldn’t remember the last time he had such an enjoyable meal. The desire for her never dissipated. To his chagrin, it grew.

The brush of their hands as he’d passed her the wineglass singed him, causing a bolt of something primal and urgent to zing through him.

Phelan inhaled a breath of Scottish air and looked up at the moon. It was full, its light glowing like a beacon in the sky. The clouds drifted in front of the moon, causing a faint haze to appear like a ring around it. The real beauty was how the moonlight hit upon the clouds, outlining them.

It was nearing midnight. Aisley had been asleep for a couple of hours. Already Phelan had checked on her twice. Each time it was more and more difficult to leave her room.

How easy it would be to climb in bed beside her and arouse her body while she slept. By the time she woke, she’d be in such a state of need that she wouldn’t turn him away.

“What have I come to?” he asked himself in a soft whisper.

An owl hooted from a nearby tree in answer.

Phelan needed something to cool his lust. He briefly thought about a swim in the loch but didn’t want to be that far from Aisley. He opted for a cold shower instead.

He straightened and entered the house. He tugged off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans by the time he reached the bathroom. Phelan shut the door quietly before he quickly removed his boots and jeans. Only then did he turn on the water.

He stepped into the shower and gritted his teeth as the cold water hit him. It did very little since he hardly felt the cold thanks to his god.

Phelan put his hands on the tiled wall and let his chin drop to his chest as the water fell down his neck and back. He looked at the floor of the shower, suddenly thankful it was six feet long, since he had a suspicion he’d be spending the night there.

* * *

Aisley stared at the ceiling, one hand over her forehead and the other across her stomach. She hadn’t lied to Phelan when she claimed exhaustion and went to bed. At the time she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

It wasn’t long after she fell asleep when the dream that had plagued her for months returned. Except this time Phelan was doing much more than kissing her.

His hands, his big, calloused hands were caressing her body. Touching her in just the right places, making her moan and squirm with need.

She’d woken just before the orgasm.

After that, sleep had been far from her mind. The last time Phelan had come to check on her, she had almost asked him to stay.

He wanted her. She could see the desire in his eyes. Mostly he tried to hide it, but it was there. What she couldn’t understand was why he hadn’t made a move toward her.

At the club two months ago he hadn’t taken no for an answer and kissed her before she knew what was happening. Today he’d treated her with kid gloves. Almost as if he expected her to break at any moment.

The worst part was when she told him she’d heard the voice in her head whispering her name. Instead of asking her questions about who it could be, he’d simply gotten to his feet and began to talk about dinner.

Just when she thought she understood Phelan, he changed. No matter how he kept her mind in knots, her body knew what it wanted.


She looked to the door when she heard the shower turn on. He was still awake. The question was, did she have the guts to go to him?

Aisley sat up and wrapped her arms around her legs, which she’d drawn up to her chest. It had been years since she’d slept with anyone.

She imagined him naked in the shower, the water running over his tall, muscular form, and her mouth went dry.

Without another thought Aisley threw off the covers and rose from the bed. She opened her door and walked to the bathroom. There was a moment’s hesitation when she placed her hand on the doorknob.

Her lips tingled, reminding her how much she had enjoyed his kiss. That’s all it took to give her the courage to open the door.

But being in the bathroom was altogether different than stepping into the shower with him.

Aisley watched his silhouette through the shower door as he stood still as a statue. She drew the shirt over her head and slid her panties down her legs.

* * *

Phelan knew Aisley was in the bathroom. He’d felt her magic come toward him as soon as she left her room. He held his breath, waiting to see what she would do.

And then the shower door opened.

His gaze clashed with hers as he straightened. He might have seen her in skimpy clothes at the club but nothing prepared him for the sight of Aisley nude.

Phelan let his eyes travel down her face to her dark-tipped nipples and full breasts to the narrow indent of her waist and her flared hips. His balls tightened when he saw her lean legs and the triangle of black curls hiding her sex.

His gaze jerked back to her face. A silent question lurked in her eyes. There was desire and need, but a hint of fear as well. Not fear of him, but fear of rejection.

He held out one hand to her and turned on the hot water with his other. As soon as her hand was in his, Phelan gently tugged her into the shower, her free hand pulling the door closed behind her.

It seemed like an eternity since he’d last tasted her lips. No longer could he wait. He drew her against him, turning her to push her against the shower wall.

Her soft sigh at the first brush of his lips against hers was nearly his undoing. He wanted her too desperately. He was on the brink of spilling his seed, and he had just touched her.

Phelan cupped her face in his hands, angling her head so he could kiss her. He slipped his tongue past her lips and her fingers clutched his shoulders.

He deepened the kiss and felt her body shudder. With the water running around them, Phelan couldn’t stop touching her. He cupped her breast and ran his thumb over her nipple.

Aisley tore her mouth from his, her chest heaving. “Please. I need…”

She trailed off as he stared at her. Phelan kissed her jaw and then down her neck. “What do you need, beauty? Tell me.”

“You. I need you.”

He looked at her, the truth shining in her eyes. This wasn’t how he wanted to make love to her for the first time, but neither could he deny her.

Phelan gripped her hips and lifted her until her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms wound around his neck while her fingers delved into his hair.

Normally Phelan knew what his partner needed or wanted. He knew neither with Aisley, and it didn’t matter. His heart pounded like a drum in his chest while his blood burned hot with a hunger like no other.

He held her above his cock as he looked down to watch their bodies join. Dimly he heard her suck in a breath. Phelan squeezed his eyes closed at how tight and wet she was.

Inch by agonizing inch, he filled her. Her nails dug into his neck. Her legs tightened and tugged his hips closer to her, urging him onward.

When he was fully seated, Phelan opened his eyes to find Aisley with her lips parted and watching him.

“More,” she begged.

He smiled and bent his head to take one pert nipple in his mouth. She moaned as his tongue teased the turgid peak mercilessly.

She rocked her hips, sending a jolt of pleasure through him. Phelan lifted his head and pulled out of her before thrusting deep.

A soft cry fell from her lips. But Phelan wanted so much more from her. He wanted her screaming, her body no longer her own.

Again and again he plunged within her taut channel. Faster, harder, deeper. The more she took, the more he gave. He pounded her body, claiming it as his own, even if she didn’t know it.

He took her lips in a kiss meant to claim. He plundered her mouth, their tongues dancing together just as their bodies were.

As soon as he felt her body tighten, he stopped moving. She was so close to climaxing that he could’ve had her peaking a few strokes after entering her.

The longer the pleasure was held off, the stronger the orgasm. Inwardly Phelan smiled when she tried to move against him. He held her still with his hands on her hips.

“Please,” she begged breathlessly.

He began to move again, slowly at first and then building to a rhythm.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered in his ear. “Please, don’t stop.”

He had every intention of doing just that until he heard her breath hitch. Then she screamed his name, her body convulsing around his cock with such force that with one more thrust he climaxed as well.

For long minutes, they remained as they were, under the water, foreheads touching.

Phelan lifted his head to see her eyes closed. Gently he pulled out of her and sat her on the teak stool. Then he grabbed a sponge and lathered some soap.

He began washing her arms then moved to her shoulders and chest. When he came to her breasts he took extra time, making sure each one was thoroughly washed.

It was the smile on Aisley’s face that made something move in his chest. Phelan quickly washed the rest of her, and then pulled her to her feet to wash her back.

Only then did he turn her to face him. He lathered his hand with soap and gently washed away his seed from her sex. His cock stirred when she rocked her hips against his hand.

He rinsed her, but before he could open the shower door, she had the sponge in her hand. Phelan looked into her eyes, wondering what such a beautiful woman was doing with him.

Her hair was plastered to her head as she scrubbed the sponge over his chest and arms, and then turned him around to do his back.

She made quick work of his butt, and then turned him once more. Aisley knelt in front of him and began washing his legs from the feet up.

Phelan fisted his hands at his sides, refusing to move the closer she came to his cock. When she finally touched him, his rod jumped in response. Her gaze flicked to him.

“I’m no’ through with you yet,” he told her.

A small smile played about her lips as she washed his cock, now fully aroused once more. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. After rinsing off in record time, he shut off the water and opened the shower door.

Phelan stepped out, but when she tried to follow, he lifted her in his arms.

“I’m capable of walking, you know.”

He shrugged. “I like carrying you.”

“Are you afraid I’ll change my mind and run off again?”

“The thought has crossed my mind,” he said as he shouldered open the bedroom door.

“Put me down,” she demanded.

Phelan narrowed his eyes on her, and then unceremoniously tossed her onto the bed. Before he could find a response, she leaned forward and grabbed his hand. He wasn’t sure what she was about until she cupped his hand around her sex.

“Feel that?” she asked him. “I won’t be running from you.”

Phelan sucked in a breath at the dampness he felt on his fingers. He pushed a finger inside her and watched as her eyelids slid shut.

“I’d find you,” he whispered before he kissed her neck. He moved his finger in and out of her. “You know I would.”


“You wanted me to.”

“No. Yes. I don’t know. Just don’t stop touching me.”

“Never, beauty.”

Phelan kissed down her chest until he was at her breasts once more. He pulled a dark peak into his mouth and suckled as her hips bucked against his hand.

If she thought he prolonged her release in the shower, she was in for a surprise. Or he’d try. When it came to Aisley, he discovered he had no control. He might want to declare her body as his, but she owned him.

It was just a good thing she didn’t know that already.

Phelan added a second finger inside her, but didn’t increase his pace. Beads of water fell from their skin and hair that neither paid attention to.

He shifted his mouth to her other breast and ran his tongue around her nipple before gently scraping his teeth across it. She cried out, her hands clawing at the blankets.

“No’ yet,” he told her when he felt her legs squeeze his hand.

“I can’t help it. It’s coming,” she cried out.

Phelan pulled his fingers from her and played with the hair surrounding her sex. “I said no’ yet.”

Fawn-colored eyes glared at him. “Why?”

“It’ll be better.”

“Show me.”

With a smile he began to kiss down her stomach.
