Alantea held Hurricane to a canter as they moved up Thaisia’s East Coast, followed by Air riding Twister. Waves that could swallow buildings and winds that could shred anything in their path kept the humans hurrying and scurrying—too busy trying to save themselves to think of anything else.
But there were places where other Elementals made their presence felt to soften the punishment, and that was right and proper. After all, it wasn’t her job to thin the herds who clung to the land. That was the task of other forms of terra indigene. Her task . . .
She aimed Hurricane at the city of Toland.
Air let out a triumphant scream as waves rose high enough to turn city roads into rivers.
Distraction. Diversion. This wasn’t the real battle.
Alantea turned Hurricane away from Thaisia, leaving Toland to the sharp mercy of Air and Twister. Giving her steed his head to run and run, she gathered the waters of her domain and aimed her fury straight at Cel-Romano.