Words became thoughts conveyed as a wind that riffled the surface of lakes; as a taste in grass; as the smoke rising from a short-lived natural fire. Those thoughts, those ideas, moved swiftly to the north, the south, the west, the east.
Tasting the thoughts when they reached the surf, Alantea spun them back into words.
Distraction. Diversion. Attack in one place in order to destroy the true prey that lived in another place.
I can create distraction. Alantea sent that thought back to kiss Thaisia’s shore.
We can be a diversion, offered other Elementals.
They waited for Namid’s teeth and claws to reply.
For two days the Elementals, from the smallest to the most powerful, waited for an answer.
Then, for just a moment, an odd and terrible silence formed a skin over the whole world. Then it was gone, leaving behind the answer.
Destruction of the true prey.
Thin the herds.
A wind began to blow from the northernmost part of Thaisia.
A wind began to blow from the south, teasing the water Elementals who lived around the gulf until they slapped at the wind, creating surges that slipped over the retainer walls that humans had built to protect their cities.
One of the Elementals known as Earth pretended to pick a quarrel with Pacifikus, the Elemental who ruled the Pacifik Ocean. Earth stamped her foot, then leaped onto Tsunami’s back and raced for the West Coast of Thaisia. Pacifikus laughed, mounted Typhoon, and gave chase, still undecided if he would steer the coming storm away from most of the coastline or run with Earth and feed the storm until it reached its full potential.
And off the coast of the eastern Storm Islands, Alantea mounted Hurricane and began to limber up her steed.