Evnis looked out from the battlements of Uthandun and watched the last members of Queen Alona’s party disappear into the forest. Not long now. He felt a spike of fear, knew he was risking everything, now, with the next play of the dice. But it still felt good. He stood there a long while, then headed back down through the streets, down a shadowed alley, then through a door into a deserted house.

He sucked in a deep breath, closed his eyes and sent his thoughts within himself. ‘Athru mise, folaigh mise, cloca mise, talamh bri,’ he muttered. There was a tremor, as if the very earth and air rippled. He staggered slightly, then pulled out a brightly polished bronze mirror to check the results of his incantation. The face of another, younger, man stared back at him now, skin unlined, with full, fleshy lips. He almost laughed in amazement at his own glamour, then reached for the package he had left the night before. A few moments later he emerged from the house holding a thick-shafted spear, wearing an iron helm and a red cloak.

He smiled at the guards on the keep door, who grunted a greeting and let him pass unquestioned. Uthandun was full of red-cloaked warriors at the moment, a large honour guard having arrived with Owain from Dun Cadlas, so one more did not stand out.

He walked purposefully through the keep, mounting the stairs to Uthan’s chambers until he faced the guard at his door. He continued smiling even as he rammed his spear-tip into the man’s throat. Evnis caught him as he fell and lowered him gently, dragging the body into a shadowed alcove.

Uthan was a serious young man, he had discovered, old before his years and feeling the weight of leadership on his young shoulders. He was often alone in his chambers, and so Evnis found him. He was looking out of his window as Evnis slipped in through the door.

‘Is it time already?’ Narvon’s heir said when he heard the door open and close, still lost in thought.

When no one answered, Uthan looked round, but it was already too late. Evnis grabbed Uthan’s hair, raking a knife across his throat in one brutal movement.

Evnis stood there a moment, shaking from the sudden violence of the moment. He wiped his knife on Uthan’s shirt and gazed at the view recently admired by the Prince. A distant rider was moving erratically away from the Darkwood. Braith has done his job well, if that is one of Alona’s guards. Time to get out of here.

He sheathed his knife, and exchanged the red cloak for another in his bag.

The new cloak was grey.

He gathered his energies, then began to sing, soft and quiet. The air rippled about him and he staggered. When he looked into his bronze mirror the face of Marrock stared back.

He walked calmly through the keep, exiting past the two red-cloaked guards.

‘Can I help you, friend?’ one of them said.

He shook his head, made sure they got a good look at him, then spun on his heel so that his grey cloak swirled out behind him, and left quickly.

He kept the glamour upon him until he was almost at the gates, then slipped into an alley to muster his power and reverse the transformation.

Vonn was waiting for his father, sitting a horse and holding the reins of another. His son was frowning at him, whether because he finally suspected something or because they had recently argued about the fisher girl again, he did not know. He would have to sit down with his son soon, bring him into the world that Evnis was walking. But not yet. He was not convinced that Vonn’s youthful idealism had matured into something more practical, or where his ultimate allegiance would lie.

He spotted the distant rider, closer now, swaying unstably in his saddle — and he wore a grey cloak. Definitely one of Alona’s guards.

‘Ride to Pendathran in the camp. Tell him Queen Alona has been attacked in the forest, that he should muster some warriors and ride out fast but without drawing attention. I shall take the wounded rider to Brenin and organize our evacuation. Owain is about to strike.’ Vonn stared at him, looking uncertain, then galloped for help.
