Brina had been given an empty cottage to stay in whilst they were in Badun and, after seeing the cramped sleeping quarters of most of their party, Corban was, for once, grateful to be linked to the healer. That sense of gratitude had been short lived, though, as she had made him sweep the cottage from top to bottom.

She had told, rather than asked, Cywen and Gar to share the small cottage with her and Corban and they were also only too happy to obey.

Corban stepped into the night, following Gar and his sister, Brina close behind him. Corban was sure he heard a rustle of feathers and saw a black, beady eye from the raftered shadows within the cottage as the door snapped shut.

Soon the thick wooden walls of the feast-hall loomed out of the darkness, pitch-soaked torches burning bright around the wide doors. They were some of the first to arrive, Brina keen to eavesdrop on the high table.

The hall started to fill, people trickling in at first, then in greater numbers and soon it was thrumming with conversation and laughter. Dath rushed in and sat with Corban, as did Tull with a clutch of Dun Carreg’s warriors about him. Then those at the high table took their places, after kings Brenin and Owain.

Rhin was the last to enter, a sable cloak about her shoulders, trimmed in white fox fur. The Queen of Cambren claimed her place at the high table, then made a show of insisting that her debonair young champion take a seat beside her. He was quick to ascend. Corban heard grumbling ripple through the hall, saw warriors frown. Champions were not supposed to sit at the high table; it was a privilege reserved for lords and their close kin.

Ronan pushed a way through the feasting crowds, making a path for Edana. When she was seated the young warrior scanned the room, came and sat on the other side of Corban, winking at Cywen. The warrior smiled as she flushed red.

Then movement at the back of the hall caught Corban’s attention, a hooded figure entering late, standing in shadow. Rhin’s champion rose and made his way through the hall, left with the newcomer. Suddenly a loud banging filled the hall, drawing all eyes to the high table. Lord Gethin was standing, cracking a spoon on the base of a wooden plate.

‘Welcome to my hall and my table,’ Gethin said in a loud voice. ‘We stand in the highest company the west has to offer, upon the eve of a momentous occasion.’ His eyes flickered to Brenin.

‘I have an announcement, something that will add to the joy of this gathering, I hope.’ He looked to the young woman that had followed him to the table. ‘Stand, Kyla,’ he said.

Hesitantly she did, eyes downcast. A chair scraped further along the high table and Uthan stood also.

‘Today, my daughter has been betrothed to Uthan ben Owain,’ Gethin said with a grin. Many in the hall cheered, cups banging on tables. But King Brenin’s face pinched into a slight frown. Quietly Rhin’s champion returned to his chair, leaning over to whisper in the Queen’s ear. Her expression clouded.

‘They will be handbound in the spring. I hope their union will be a mark of closer relations with our kin in Narvon.’ Gethin looked at King Owain, who nodded.

Beside Corban, Heb the loremaster muttered something to Brina.

‘Circles within circles,’ she said.

Suddenly Rhin stood, her chair falling behind her.

‘Where are they?’ she hissed, pointing a clawed finger at Brenin. He looked back at her, meeting the venom in her glare, but said nothing.

‘Do not play me for a fool,’ Rhin said, almost spitting in her fury, ‘I knew you when you wet your bed every night.’ Chuckles sprinkled the hall. ‘Do not cross me in this. I know they are here. You will give them over to me. Now.’

Brenin closed his eyes and blew out a slow, deep breath. When he opened them again his face was firm, resolute.

‘They are not your property, Rhin. And they have asked me for Sanctuary.’

Rhin’s face was cold, almost frightening. ‘Have you granted it?’ she whispered, though all in the hall heard.

Brenin nodded. ‘Aye.’

There was a moment of silence, Rhin absolutely still. ‘Very well. The Court of Swords will decide this. Morcant,’ she said, glancing at her champion.

He rose fluidly, smiling. Suddenly Tull was on his feet as well, stepping into the space between the crowd and high table.

‘What? No, no. Rhin, you must not do this,’ Brenin said, standing as well.

Must not? You forget yourself.’

‘But tomorrow — our pact. .’

‘You should have thought of that,’ she snapped, cutting him off. ‘I will have what is rightfully mine. And I will not bargain or plead with you, Brenin.’

Brenin opened his mouth, but Rhin’s tirade could not be staunched. ‘You summon us, me, like vassals to your gathering. Well, I came, but you go too far, you and your honour. You shall reap what you sow. Surely your father taught you that.’ She fastened her eyes on her champion.

The young warrior nodded, and moved to face Tull.

‘The Court of Swords will decide this matter. Now,’ Rhin said.

Brenin scowled, gripping the table. ‘So be it.’

Tull strode forward, drew his own sword and touched it to Morcant’s waiting blade, accepting the challenge.

Morcant laughed. Tull shrugged and stepped backwards, eyes on Rhin’s champion. The air whistled as he chopped his sword through the air, rolling his huge shoulders.

The room exploded into noise as people jumped from their tables, forming a half-ring around the two men. Coins chinked as wagers were exchanged. Corban stood in the front row and people took care not to jostle him because of Storm, who eyed the two warriors with suspicion.

Corban could not believe what was happening. His heart was pounding in his chest; he had never seen a duel before. Plenty of sword-crossings and sparring sessions with padded or wooden blades, but not with sharp, death-dealing swords of iron. He was suddenly scared, and excited too. Tull’s reputation was massive, and seeing him in the flesh it was impossible to imagine him ever being bested, yet there was something about Rhin’s champion. His confidence was unnerving.

A hush fell as the two champions approached the high table. Tull bent, grabbed a handful of ash from the corner of the firepit and rubbed it into the hilt of his sword. They bowed to Rhin and Brenin, then turned to face each other.

Corban expected them to rush each other, to beat at each other, but they didn’t. Morcant walked slowly around Tull, the older man turning with him, his sword-tip held low. Suddenly Morcant darted forwards, sword snaking out, almost faster than Corban’s eye could follow, but Tull met the lunge with little effort, turning his block into a swing of his own, his blade whistling through air as Morcant danced lightly backwards. He settled back into his slow walk around the big champion, lunging in, fast as a striking snake once more, then again.

‘They seek each other’s measure,’ Gar whispered to Corban. He nodded, but could not speak or move his eyes from the contest before him. Then Morcant was moving forwards, not with a single stroke as before, but a blurring combination of slashes and lunges. Tull met each one, stepping backwards until he was close to the ring’s edge. Corban could see sweat on the big man’s bare shoulders, stains on his leather vest.

Tull grunted with each block, feet planted, then stepped nimbly aside, Morcant’s blade slicing through air. Rhin’s champion staggered forwards a half-step, and suddenly he was on the defensive, retreating before Tull’s looping, powerful strokes. Corban resisted the urge to cover his ears as the iron blades clashed and rang.

Brenin’s champion was almost a head taller than Morcant, strong as an ox but also fast for a big man. His attack was relentless, and suddenly Morcant’s mocking smile was gone, his face drawn in concentration as he met each of Tull’s blows, every one powerful enough to gut a boar. But Rhin’s champion was quick, with an iron strength in his leaner frame. He parried an overhead slash, pushing Tull’s sword away and down, stepped close, inside the big man’s guard and spun away, cutting backwards with his blade. The tip cut into Tull’s waist, drawing the first blood of the contest. Corban gasped.

‘You bleed like the rest of us, then,’ Morcant said, his smile returning.

Tull touched his fingers to his waist, drew them away red, snarled, attacked again. Morcant retreated under another withering barrage, somehow managing to fend off the flurry of great two-handed strokes. Tull slowed briefly and Morcant lunged, forcing Tull backwards again.

The two warriors fought back and forth across the ring, Corban losing all track of time, flickering flames from the firepit making the warriors look like fiends, like Asroth’s Kadoshim themselves. Eventually they broke away from each other, stepping back in some unspoken agreement. Both were sucking in great lungfulls of air. Tull’s waist was soaked with blood, a thin line of red ran down his shield arm, from shoulder to elbow. Morcant was unmarked.

Tull snorted, gathered his energies. He battered Morcant backwards, then swung an overhead blow. Part-way through, he suddenly released his blade, snatched it with his left hand and slashed it diagonally instead of vertically. Somehow Morcant managed to change the angle of his block, but Tull’s blade still raked him from shoulder to navel, leaving a welling red line in its wake.

‘Ah-ha, old man,’ Morcant said, stepping out of range. ‘You are too famous for your own good. I have heard of all your tricks.’

For the first time Tull seemed hesitant. Corban glanced at Brenin, tearing his eyes away from the two champions. The King’s face was taut, worried.

Iron clashing on iron drew him back. Morcant was pressing the attack now, his sword slashing and lunging in a blur. Tull retreated, an edge of wildness, of desperation in his movements as he blocked and turned the hail of blows. Blood welled on his forearm as Morcant’s blade nicked him, then across his chest, his thigh. His back slammed into an oak pillar. Morcant slashed again, sparks flying as their swords grated until they were standing chest to chest, wrist to wrist, locked for a moment.

‘Soon, old man,’ Morcant grunted.

With a heave, Tull shoved Morcant away. Rhin’s champion staggered back out of range, but Tull did not follow. Instead he leaned one hand on his thigh, braced his sword-tip into the floor, dragging in deep, ragged breaths.

‘I must — confess,’ he gasped, ‘you are — quite good.’

Morcant smiled, stood tall. He was weary, but not as tired as Tull. ‘Ready to die, old man?’

‘Not yet,’ Tull said through gritted teeth. He flicked his wrist, his sword-point flinging rushes and earth into Morcant’s face.

Rhin’s champion grasped at his eyes, stepping backwards, raising his sword to protect his head and chest, but Tull did not strike there. He stepped forwards, swinging his sword low and hard into Morcant’s booted ankle. There was a loud crack, Morcant wobbling for a moment, then he crashed to the ground. Tull leaped forwards, trod hard on Morcant’s sword wrist and levelled his blade at the fallen man’s chest.

‘My King?’ Tull said, not taking his eyes from Morcant’s.

There was utter silence, broken only by the loud breaths of the two champions and the crackle of flames. Corban’s palms were clammy with sweat. He held his breath. All eyes turned to Brenin, knowing Tull asked his lord’s sentence.

The King of Ardan bowed his head, looked at Rhin.

‘Let him live,’ he said.

Tull was still a moment, then he shrugged, spat blood and saliva into the rushes by Morcant’s head.

‘As you wish,’ he said, lifting the tip of his sword away from Morcant’s chest. He traced a line up the man’s neck, over his chin, rested the point on his cheekbone, flicked his wrist, cutting a deep line below Morcant’s eye.

‘Here endeth the lesson,’ Tull said, then turned and limped from the hall, Tarben and a handful of warriors from Dun Carreg hastening after him.

Rhin glared at Brenin and pulled her cloak about her. ‘I seem to have lost my appetite,’ she said, and left, not even glancing at her fallen champion.
