An explanation of the Crop Circle phenomenon might be in order here.

Crop Circles are circular patches of flattened crops which have appeared in fields of cereals in the South and West of England over the last few years. There is no firm evidence pointing to their cause: this has been taken by certain parties as a prima facie proof that they are of course caused by either alien spacecraft or by some supernatural intelligence, possibly in an attempt to communicate.

In recent years, circle systems have become increasingly elaborate, most notably in the case of a circle in the shape of the Mandelbrot Set, and another system which is shown on the cover of the recent Led Zeppelin compilation album, which seems to indicate that whoever’s up there they probably have long hair and say Wow! and Yeah! a lot. A number of staged circle-forging challenges in the summer of ’92 have demonstrated both how easy it is to produce an impressive circle by mundane, not to say frivolous methods, and also the surprisingly poor ability of ‘cereologists’ to distinguish what they describe as a “genuine” circle from one “merely made by hoaxers”.

Anyone with a burning desire to believe in paranormal explanations is invited to post to the newsgroup sci.skeptic an article asserting essentially “I believe that crop circles are produced by UFO’s/Sun Spots/The Conservative Government/The Easter Bunny” and see how far they get…
