Inconsistency time! On p. 154/135 of Witches Abroad, Granny responds to Nanny Ogg’s intention of taking a bath with the words “My word, doesn’t autumn roll around quickly”.

In subsequent discussions on the net it was postulated that Nanny’s bath habits could well be explained by taking into account the fact that the Discworld has eight seasons (see first footnote in The Colour of Magic on p. 11/11), which might result in e.g. two autumns a year. And of course, on our world April is indeed a month in Autumn — in the southern hemisphere (don’t ask me if that also holds for a Discworld, though).

Personally, I tend to agree with Terry, who has once said: “There are no inconsistencies in the Discworld books; occasionally, however, there are alternate pasts”.
