Chapter 11

Gods, I love this woman, and it’s time to tell her so.

As soon as he broke the kiss, he cupped her face and said, “I love you. Truly. So much.”

She smiled and her expression grew into a grin. “I love you too. I have for years.”

“Really?” He scrutinized her and saw nothing but complete sincerity. “Is that why you didn’t date anyone seriously?” He caught himself. That was assuming a lot. “Well, not that it was any of my business. I wasn’t keeping track of what you did every minute of every day.”

Her gaze dropped. “I tried to. I told myself it was useless waiting for you to notice me. You had Ruxandra.”

He snorted. “Since the day I met you, I’ve wanted no one but you. I held off as long as I did because of her. I didn’t know if I could keep you safe, and I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you because of my former relationship with her.”

“Are you saying you and she haven’t been together since we met?”

“Yes. That’s what I’m saying. Furthermore, I moved to Boston to get away from her, but somehow she tracked me here.”

“Tracked you?”

“Yes. Vampires have superior senses of smell, vision, and hearing. I thought taking a train from New Orleans would mask my scent. Perhaps it did. Maybe Boston was just a lucky guess on her part. After all, she knew I lived here in the seventeenth century.”

Claudia leaned away, and confusion wrinkled her pretty brow. “You mean it was so long ago that it felt like the seventeenth century. Right?”

After a long pause, her eyes widened. “Right?” she repeated a little louder.

“Uh, no. I actually lived in the seventeenth century. I was born in Avon, England. I sailed to America as an indentured servant in sixteen-seventy-two. You should have seen the seventies, back then. Waaaay different.” He attempted a smile, but she didn’t move a muscle. Her jaw hung slack, and he had to snap his fingers to be sure he hadn’t accidentally mesmerized her. She blinked.

“I, um…” She never finished her sentence. She just turned away and appeared to be pondering deeply.

“I suppose I should have mentioned that vampires are immortal. Did you not know that?”

She bit her lip and stared at him.

“Claudia, say something.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Say that you believe me. I’m telling you the gods’ honest truth. Say you don’t hate me just because I revealed what I am. Say you know I’d never hurt you.”


Apparently she couldn’t say any of those things. Or anything else. Anthony took a deep breath and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I shouldn’t have told you so much and expected you to accept everything all at once.”

“No. It’s not that…”

“Then what is it?”

“I—I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had to tell someone they needed professional help before.”

He straightened his spine. “Professional help? Oh, my gods. You think I’m delusional?”

“Well…” She gave a little shrug and blushed. “Lil’ bit.”

He let out that deep breath he’d taken in a whoosh. “I knew you were accepting this too easily. Did you believe any of it?”

“Some. You said you’re a creature of the night, and since I’ve never seen you during the day, I figured that was true. I’ve never seen you drink blood, but I was willing to give you that one. I figured it was probably tomato juice that you pretend is blood. Or wine. Superior senses? Okay. But immortality? Really?”


“I, um…”


“I need to talk to my sponsor about this.”

“No!” He regretted shouting immediately.

She jumped backward about a foot. “I’m sorry, but I have to. Don’t I? I’m supposed to tell her everything that might affect my sobriety.”

His jaw dropped. “You’re going to drink? Because of me?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then why should you tell your sponsor? Would you tell her if you got a letter in the mail?”

“If that letter said something life-altering, yes. If it was another sale flyer or credit card offer, or a charity begging for money I don’t have, then no. I’d toss those letters in the trash and never give them a second thought.”

He rose and paced. “Claudia, you cannot tell Gaye. It’s not your secret to tell.”

“Oh,” she said quietly.

When she didn’t say anything more, he reseated himself beside her. He took both her hands in his and was relieved when she didn’t recoil. “My touch is cool, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It usually is. I just thought you had poor circulation.”

“You could say that. I haven’t fed recently. I’d warm up if I fed from a live source. However, I rarely do that… And when I do, it’s from a pig or chicken. Not humans.”

After a long pause she relaxed slightly. “Well, I guess that’s something.”

“Yes. I do what I can.”

She bit her lip and searched his eyes.

“What is it?”

“Ruxandra. Is she…”

“A vampire? Yes. I’m afraid so.”

“Does she have the same—um—ethics about drinking blood from humans?”

Holy shit. What can I say, honestly? “I don’t know what she does anymore. And I don’t care to.”

“Do you know where she lives…or un-lives? Is that a word?” She shook her head. “I’m so confused.”

Anthony pulled Claudia into a gentle embrace. “You are my only concern. You and Sadie. She’s my niece, not my aunt. My seventh great-niece.”

Claudia slapped a hand over her eyes, as if to say she’d had enough of this. But there was more he had to tell her.

He tipped up Claudia’s chin so she could see the sincerity on his face. “I know I’ll outlive you, and that’s another reason I tried to stay away. Some vampires lose so many friends and lovers over the centuries that they decide not to get involved with humans at all. It’s grim going through heartbreak after heartbreak.” He swept a lock of hair behind her ear. “Please don’t break my heart before we’ve had a chance to enjoy what makes the risk worthwhile.”

The expression on her face could only be viewed as sympathetic. “So, have you? Gone through heartbreak after heartbreak, I mean?”

“No. I’ve had plenty of casual affairs with humans, but nothing serious. Especially not if Ruxandra was around. She’s sabotaged every relationship I ever had a chance at.”


Anthony rolled his eyes. “She’s very creative, and I think she considers it a game. She wrote a letter to one woman saying she’d won thousands of dollars and had to go to Denver to claim her prize. She made others think we were married. She told a whole group of women I had syphilis. Basically, she’ll stop at nothing to get in my way.”

Claudia worried her lip again and looked at the floor.

“What is it, honey?”

“Has she ever killed anyone?”

Fuck. That was the one question he didn’t want to answer.

As if she’d read the answer in his eyes, she continued, “Do you think she’d kill me if she could?”

He stroked her cheek. “Kurt assured me you’re safe.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

He hung his head. “I know.”

She straightened. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. You’re thinking we should never have taken our relationship beyond friendship. That you put me in danger. Right?”

He nodded.

“I want you to know I don’t regret a minute of it. I wouldn’t do anything differently. Well, except maybe not wait five years to tell you how I feel. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. She can try to ruin it if she wants to. I won’t let her.”

Claudia cupped his cheek in a loving gesture that he didn’t deserve. How could she be so understanding?

He remembered their conversation about her sister. Perhaps that’s what made her…her. Someone able to empathize. Someone able to love. Someone he could love forever—if only.

He dove for her mouth and she reclined out of necessity. His kiss made her weak in the knees and her head spun. Hands were everywhere. One of his arms held her tight against him while his other hand traveled down her back, over her bottom, down her thigh, and back up. He dragged her skirt up almost to her waist.

Meanwhile, she was fondling his muscled chest with one hand and using the other to shove at his jacket, trying to push it off his shoulder.

She felt a sharp prink on her tongue and retracted it. But just the pressure of their lips and the vacuum produced by the suction felt delectable in and of itself.

He broke the kiss just long enough to whip off the restricting garment and fling it. She didn’t know or care where it landed. She simply wanted the rest of his clothes to join it.

He was more adept at removing her clothing. He had unbuttoned her blouse and was massaging her breast without her even feeling a tug. Her bra popped open in the back and her skirt’s zipper rasped.

I’d better concentrate on getting his clothes off, or I’ll look like I lost the world’s fastest game of strip poker.

She had to use both hands to unbutton his shirt and lost the tenuous balance that was keeping her on the couch. Anthony reached beneath her and caught her before she hit the floor. Instead of hauling her back up, he lowered her gently and joined her on the thick area rug.

He swept her hair back off her forehead and stared into her eyes as she finished fumbling with his shirt buttons.

“I love you, Claudia. I never thought I’d say those words to any woman.”

She’d just started grappling with his belt and stopped. “What? You’ve never said ‘I love you’ before?”


Claudia was speechless. Just as well. He used the opportunity to finish what would have taken her another few minutes. In seconds, they were both naked on the floor.

He leaned over her and kissed her at length. His hand fondled her breast and created electric sensations within her. After caressing the other breast, his hand slid lower. When he touched her sweet spot, she arched and moaned into his mouth. He leaned back and smiled.

She seized his cock and began stroking it. His eyes closed and he let out a low groan.

I’ve never imagined a cock could get so big.

“I’m glad you’re impressed.”

Had he just spoken? Had she? Claudia stopped what she was doing. He opened his eyes and stared at her, even though his lids were only half open.

“Did…did you just read my mind?”

“I think so. Yes.”

“And you replied in your mind?”

“Yes. I didn’t speak.”


Claudia was about to sit up, but he grabbed her arm.

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere. I just…” What was she about to do? Sit up and talk? Yeah, right. Talking could wait. Lovemaking was what needed to happen now, and knowing how much pleasure his body could bring, she didn’t want to wait.

He smiled and said, “I agree.”

“Shoot! Are you reading my mind again?”

“Don’t worry about it. There’s only one thing on both our minds.”

He crushed his lips to hers in a deep, drugging kiss, and she forgot everything except how he was making her feel. Good. So good.

He broke the kiss and his tongue swept over her nipple. She shivered. When he latched onto her breast and sucked, his fingers found her opening. He inserted first one and then two fingers while she writhed in pleasure.

He added his thumb to the frenzy and rubbed her clit. She arched right off the floor and let out a surprised gasp. He moved to the other breast and suckled as he continued what he was doing with his hand. The onslaught to her senses had her moaning uncontrollably.

She was close. There’s no way she could hold off until he was inside her. He seemed to understand and rubbed harder, faster, until she came apart in his arms. Her cries of ecstasy continued, and her thighs vibrated as she rode the wave of sensation. When she didn’t think she could take any more, she whimpered, “Stop…please.”

He withdrew his fingers and held her close while she came back to earth.

“Oh, my God,” she said.

He grinned and kissed her again. When he let her up for air, she murmured, “I love you.” With a glow in his eyes she hadn’t seen before, he said, “I love you too.”

There was nothing like it. She’d never made love while she was in love before. Suddenly she understood a quote she’d heard: “For men, sex is ninety percent below the neck, but for women it’s the ninety percent above that counts,” or something like that. Anyway, it made sense to her now.

Thinking about Anthony’s ninety percent, she opened her legs, as wobbly as they were. “I’m ready,” she whispered.

He kissed her forehead and asked, “Are you sure?”

“Try me.”

They both grinned as he positioned himself at her opening and entered her slowly until he was fully seated.

She cooed—that was the only word she could think of to describe the sound that came out. He felt so right filling her.

“It feels good for me too,” he said, and she was reminded about that mind-reading thing. At the moment, she didn’t care. She just wanted him to make love to her.

He began a slow rhythm of thrusts and parries until they acclimated to each other and moved together. She wanted to satisfy him as completely as he had her. The desire in his eyes was so authentic that she could feel it. Or maybe it was just her own yearning for him. Either way, having sex with him was more beautiful than she could have imagined, and she’d imagined it plenty over the years.

He surprised her by raising himself in a one-arm push-up.

“There are certain advantages that come with a vampire lover,” he said.

His free hand found her sweet spot and rubbed, bringing back the intense sensations she’d experienced only moments ago.

“Oh, my,” she whispered. “This is for you, Anthony. You’ve satisfied me already.”

“I want us to climax together.”

It took only seconds before her inner muscles clenched and exploded, sending her up and over some invisible cliff. She felt like she was flying…or like her spirit had left her body. The whole time, she was screaming in a voice she didn’t recognize.

Anthony’s body stilled and then jerked a few times.

When Claudia finally quieted and stopped vibrating, she opened her eyes and realized he had been watching her. He smiled like the cat who got the cream, so to speak.

Claudia grasped him around his neck and hugged him hard. He lowered his body to gently rest on top of her.

“Am I too heavy for you?”


* * *

A few hours later, Claudia was sitting on the edge of her bed, pulling on a pair of socks. “Are you sure you have to go?”

“Yes. You aren’t ready to witness my death sleep.”

“Who says?”

Anthony sighed. “Claudia, it’s disturbing. My blood drains away from my face, and my body goes rigid. Seriously. I appear clinically dead—with rigor mortis. You couldn’t rouse me if you wanted any afternoon delight anyway, so what’s the point?”

Claudia gingerly pulled up her jeans. “I’m too sore for much more nookie. I just wanted to—you know—prove I can handle it. If you need to crash here some night, I want you to feel that you can.”

Already dressed, Anthony strolled over to her and gently cupped her cheek. “I have no doubt you’d take care of me in an emergency, but this isn’t one.”

“We still need to talk about that mind-reading thing. What was that anyway?”

One side of his mouth quirked up, like he was thinking about smiling but suddenly changed his mind.

“There’s someone I’d like to talk to first. I’ve heard certain things, but I’d like to make sure it’s true before I spread rumors.”

“Would you like to invite him over? I’d be interested in hearing what he has to say too.”

“It’s almost dawn. He’s a day-walker, but I’m not. I’ll try to speak to him some night this week.”

Claudia’s eyes rounded. “You mean there are vampires who can walk around in daylight?”

“I only know of two. They’re a married couple who live here in Boston.”

“But how?”

He shrugged. “That’s another thing I’ll ask them.”

Hope for a normal life started to emerge, but Claudia tamped it down quickly. She didn’t want to set herself up for disappointment. Still, it would be nice to go on a picnic or something if we wanted to.

“Look. I have to go, but you have a great day.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you sleep much.”

“I’m not. I feel more relaxed and rejuvenated than I would have with ten hours of sleep.”

“Well, don’t be afraid to tell me you need to leave early if you’re tired tonight.” He walked her to the living room with an arm around her waist.

“I’ll be fine.” She tipped up her chin, puckered, and closed her eyes. He answered with a passionate kiss that made her toes curl. Wow.

“Wow, indeed. I love you, darling.”

“Love you too,” she said aloud, letting him know she heard him.

“See you tonight. Remember, I’m trusting you not to tell anyone what I told you,” he said.

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Good girl.” He smiled, then strode to the door and let himself out.

A little patronizing, but I can work with that. Instead of following behind him and locking the door, Claudia made a detour to her kitchen. Suddenly she was starving. She pulled a loaf of bread out of the cabinet, planning to make toast. Something easy.

A few seconds later, someone knocked on her door.

She set down the bread and strode to the door, pausing to look through the keyhole. Anthony was still there.

“Lock it!” he called out. Then he disappeared and she heard him trotting down the stairs.

She smiled. He does love me—in a kind of controlling way. She turned the dead bolt and slid the chain across for good measure. So, he’s a little domineering. I guess everyone has their faults.
