Chapter Twenty-One

Sydney felt sick as soon as she got in the cab. She kept telling herself she just needed time to think, time to work things out. She would call Kade as soon as she got to Philadelphia; tell him that she loved him, and that she just needed space. If she called him before she got on the plane, she would fold and return to him. If she just had some time to make a decision without Kade tempting her with his sex-on-a-stick, gorgeous body, and demanding presence, then she’d know she was making the right choice. She couldn’t trust herself to think clearly around him. Her libido had officially taken over in New Orleans. She had lost the capability to make intelligent decisions with her brain when she was thinking with her wanton, aching loins.

Sydney called Tristan before boarding the plane. There was no way she was staying in her condo after the attempted rape. She’d needed to repaint and decorate it since the place got trashed anyhow. Finally, Tristan picked up the phone. “Tristan, it’s Sydney. Listen, I need to talk. Um...I mean I need a favor.”

Tristan was suspicious. “Syd, uh...what’s going on? What do you mean how’s it going? How about...’how are you healing after the big fight’? And why do I hear airplanes? Where’s Kade?”

Sydney sighed heavily. Damn Alpha wolf. She couldn’t keep secrets from him on a good day. “Please, Tristan, just hear me out. Okay, here it is. I ran out of Kade’s house, hopped a cab to the airport, and I’m about to board a flight to Philly.” She silently cringed guessing what Tristan’s response would be.

“Sydney dearest, excuse me for saying so, but are you fucking crazy? Kade is going to go ballistic when he discovers you just left without telling him. Hell, even if you told him, he’d freak out. You do get that he claimed you? And then there is the whole completing of the blood bond, not to mention he keeps telling everyone that you are freakin’ his! My God, woman, have you lost your ever-lovin’ mind?”

“Thanks for the lecture, Dad. Seriously, I know. He is going to be mad. And yes, I get everything...blah, blah, blah...blood bond...yadda, yadda, yadda. I love him too, more than life itself. But I need time to think. I need to get back to my job, the kids. I just need...fresh think. Things are too intense down here. I need to make sure that I'm making the right decisions.”

“Fresh air in Philly? Okay, you have definitely lost it, girl,” he teased. “Sydney, seriously though, what is there to think about? No, forget it. You human women are irrational...unreasonable...whatever. I just want you to know that when this all goes down, I reserve the right to tell you ‘I told ya so.’ Now what do you need?” When push came to shove, Tristan would always be there for her. She was part of his pack...wolf or no wolf.

“My condo. The vampire. You know what happened.” She didn’t want to even say the words. “I need some time to get the place back together. I’m going to sell it...especially given the fact I might, and that is a big might, move to New Orleans. So, can I stay at your place for a while?”

“Mon Chaton, you are truly trying to get me killed, aren’t you? Since I do not have a death wish, I will politely refuse to let you stay at my house, but I have several rental properties. I have an empty, furnished apartment available in a safe part of town, okay? You're welcome to stay there. When are you getting in? Do you need a ride from the airport?”

“Thanks, Tristan. You're a lifesaver. And no, I don’t need a ride. Tony's picking me up and taking me to the Hilton. If you could get the keys and address to the station by tomorrow, I’d be forever grateful.”

“Yeah, you better be, girl. Kade is going to be supremely pissed when he finds out you're gone. I love you like family, but I'm not going to lie when he comes a knockin’. And he so will, just warning you.”

Sydney slumped in her chair knowing he was right, too late now. She already took off...might as well see this thing through. “Fair enough, Tris. And hey...thanks for saving my ass the other night.”

“And what a fine ass you have Syd. I should be the one thanking you though. If that vamp bitch had stabbed me one more time, it could have been the last howl for the wolf. You were pretty badass with that sword, girl. Call me when you get settled, Syd. I’m worried about you. Can I give you a bit of advice? You know, from a wise, old Alpha?”

She laughed softly. “Sure Tris.”

“You think too much. Open your heart to him, Syd. You deserve love. You get me? Stop thinking. Start living. Okay? Safe travels.”

She hung up the phone; Tristan’s words resonated throughout her very being. You deserve love. She loved Kade with every cell of her body. And he loved her. Maybe Tristan was right. Maybe she did think too much. As she boarded the plane, tears welled in her eyes. A mistake. She shouldn’t have left Kade’s house. Taking a deep breath, she held the emotion back. She just needed to think a little to get her life in order, and if she still felt like she did today, then she’d return to Kade, the love of her life.
