Chapter Ten

Sydney woke in the middle of the night to find she was naked in a strange bed. Nice. This was turning out to be a fine damn week. Not that she generally had a problem with nudity, but it was a little disconcerting to know someone undressed her somewhere between thirty thousand feet and here...wherever 'here' was. She guessed she was at Kade’s house...well, she sure as hell hoped that’s where she was. She looked around at the benign setting. Sydney was surprised to wake up in such a girly room. The violet bedroom was decorated with cream, shabby-chic furniture. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought she was in a Vermont bed and breakfast.

“Hey, Sunshine, ‘bout time you woke up. My ass is getting sore sitting here playing nursemaid.” Sydney looked over to see a beautiful, tall, red-haired woman sitting in a large, white, leather chair.

“Nursemaid? Really? Okay, number one, I’m fine.” She winced as she sat up in bed, keeping the sheet up against her chest. “Number two, where is Kade?” She was still feeling like shit, but she wasn’t about to let 'Ginger' think otherwise. Between her unearthly beauty and pale skin, Sydney guessed the stranger in her room was a vampire. Show no fear.

“Yeah, okay. Well, Kade says you are not fine. And with Simone looking for your pretty little ass, I would be a little more grateful for a personal guard.” The woman walked across the room, opened a large wardrobe, and held up a dress. “I guessed your size and brought over some clothes. Your purse is in the bathroom. Luca brought it...thought you might need it, shoes are in the closet. As for Kade, he should be here soon. So you might as well know that you really don’t look so great. Might want to go take a shower.” She put the dress back into the wardrobe and opened another door. “Bathroom is here. Robe and slippers are in there too. Just like the freakin’ Hilton, huh?” She coyly smiled at Sydney. “So, guess that is about it. As soon as Kade gets here, I’m done. Xavier will be on next.” She walked over to another door and put a hand to her hip.

Sydney had just about enough of the welcome speech. She felt as though she was in a bad horror movie. “Thanks for the tour. While it is true that Simone sent someone to attack me, I do not need a guard. You can ask the last vamp...oh, that’s right, you can’t, because he’s now a pile of ash. That being said, thanks for the clothes. I don’t intend to stay here long, but I appreciate something to wear.”

The strange woman zipped across the room and was face to face with Sydney within seconds. “Sydney darling, I work for Kade, not you. If he says you need a guard, you get one. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Kade. I follow orders...that’s how this goes. And if you like living, human, you should accept it.” And with that, she strode out of the room and slammed the door.

Sydney shrugged. She was getting sick of this vampire shit. She wanted a shower, food and then she fully intended to leave. There was no way in hell she was spending her days living in a house full of vampires. Even though she remembered the wonderful feel of Kade’s strong arms on the plane, she wanted no part of his world. It wasn’t going to work. She reasoned that she could get a room at the Hotel Monteleone and work with Kade from there. She was willing to continue her partnership with Kade until they found Simone, or another dead girl showed up in Philly. There was so much to do. She needed to call into her office.

Her weapons? She ran over to the wardrobe and found her purse. Well, at least something had gone right: wallet, cell, charger but her weapons, that she’d so carefully prepared, were back in her condo. She felt naked, and it had nothing to do with her nudity. She clicked through her contacts and pressed the call button for Tristan. He picked up. “Tristan! Thank God.”

“Hey, Sydney. You okay? Kade called me and told me about the vampire. Listen, Syd...I need to talk to you.” There was a period of silence as if he was seeking the right words. “Kade told me that he told you everything about Simone. I know I should have told you, but I was just hoping that it wasn’t her.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know you guys have a connection to her. But Tristan, this is just another killer. We'll get her.”

“But, Sydney, that’s just it. You don’t know what she's capable of...what she did. Aw hell. I just don’t want to see you hurt. Before you even say it, I know it’s your job, but there are forces that could easily kill’re human. She got my sister, and she was a strong wolf. If you could have seen what she did to those girls…you just need to be extra careful on this case.” He sounded exasperated. “Look, I’m coming down there. My brother, Marcel, is the Alpha in the region, and before you say anything, which I know you will, don’t argue. It’s not negotiable.”

“Okay, Tristan. I get it. Simone-evil vampire. Me-weak human.” She rolled her eyes. Men. “I won’t argue...well, not now anyway. But, I need a favor. I need you to stop by my condo and bring my weapons. You know, the special gifts you gave me a few years ago. I also need my guns. I left them in the condo. I might need them down here.”

“Okay Syd. I will bring the weapons, but please just stay with Kade until I get down there. You’ll be safe with him at his compound. We can talk about next steps when I get there.”

Sydney sighed. What was it about these werewolf and vampire men thinking they could boss her around? Hello? Detective here. Vampire-killing cop. Ugh. Whatever. Just tell him yes so you can get your weapons. “Okay, Tris, call me when you get down here. Thanks for bringing my stuff.” She hung up, resigned that it was going to be even more difficult working with both Kade and Tristan.

* * *

After taking a shower, she gingerly brushed out her hair, still feeling the goose egg on the back of her head; at least the headache was gone. She dressed in a pair of black leggings with a sports bra and pink workout top, which clung to her figure, showing a hint of cleavage. Her stomach growled. She remembered Kade said that vamps ate food, but she wondered if they really kept any around for humans. She cringed, thinking about what they really ate: humans. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that human donors, both women and men, served themselves up on platters at Eden, but Sydney had never witnessed a 'feeding.' And in a house full of vampires, she didn’t plan on offering herself. Just play it cool, get your weapons, and you’ll get a hotel room in the French Quarter. You will be fine.

Deciding not to wait for Kade, she ventured out in search of food. A hand gently blocked her way as she took her first step out of her room. She looked up to see a good looking, African American man smiling down at her. He must have been at least six-five, lean and strong. He was dressed in casual, black sweatpants and a white, sleeveless, spandex shirt that showed every hard line of the muscles in his arms. He was statuesque and reminded her of a Greek god. “Mon Cher, where you think you’re going without me?” He grinned knowingly.

Sydney smiled back. She didn’t know this man, but her gut told her that he had good intentions. “I take it that you are Xavier? Hi there, I’m Sydney Willows, Detective Sydney Willows. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand.

He took it and kissed the top. “Ah, mon cher, so very nice to meet you. Yes, I am Xavier. I have been assigned to accompany you during your stay at the Isaacson Estate. I am a good friend of Kade’s, and we do intend to keep you safe.” He let go of her hand.

Okay, here we go again with the vampire hand kissing: so polite, so deadly. Sydney sensed he was a nice guy, for a vampire, so she decided just to go with the flow, no use fighting with the hunky, vampire guard. She would save her energy and deal with Kade once she found him. “Xavier, I really need something to eat.” She laughed a little. “You know, like human food. Also, I really need to talk with Kade.”

“Ah yes. This is N’awlins girl. You kidding? We’ve got plenty of food.” He laughed as if she was crazy. “Come on, you must be famished after your ordeal. We heard all about it, tough girl you are.”

They made their way to the kitchen table where an older woman served them food. Sydney polished off a pile of eggs and quite a bit of andouille. She loved New Orleans food and was pleasantly surprised that they had a human cook in the house. She ate her meal, and enjoyed drinking her hot, chicory coffee. Sydney wondered exactly how many people lived here. She learned from Xavier that the mansion was located in the Garden District. She was pleased to learn she was in a place where she could easily get to the French Quarter without needing directions. On one of her previous trips to the city, she stayed in a lavish bed and breakfast in the Garden District and knew exactly where she was.

Xavier kept her company while she ate. He told her how he’d come to know Kade in the year of eighteen sixty-eight. His father was of Acadian decent and married his mother, who was an African American, freed slave. He grew up in Lafayette Parish on the bayou, learning to fish and trap as his forefathers had done. Around his twenty-eighth birthday, he was attacked by the Southern Cross KKK and left to die in a field. As he struggled for his last breath, Kade found and turned him. Soon after, he’d come to live with Kade, Luca and the others. He was a loyal friend to Kade and currently worked for him as a technology specialist.

* * *

After she finished eating, Sydney walked into a large, sunroom in the back of the home, which was filled with orchids, lilies, and various other flowers. Someone had designed this room as if it were an indoor garden. The moonlight poured into the room, and she found herself resting on a large, overstuffed chair. Xavier told her she could wait for Kade in the sunroom, and that he would be nearby if she needed his assistance. Even though she thought there were other vampires living in this home, the house was curiously quiet. All she heard was the rhythmic serenade of the cicadas.

Sydney felt that familiar tingle up her spine and quickly turned her head. Kade. She blinked, and he stood in front of her taking her hands in his and bringing her to her feet. They were face-to-face, mere inches away. Seeing him again, her stomach filled with butterflies. This was the first time she really got to talk to him since he held her in the bed on the plane…since the kiss. She should be mad at him for bringing her down here. Yet her body reacted as he placed a chaste kiss to her lips. Aroused, her nipples hardened in anticipation of his touch. She wanted more, but it was clear he wasn’t about to give it to her yet.

Sighing, Kade sat down on the ottoman, and Sydney followed, sitting back down in the chair. He placed his hands on her knees. “Sydney love, so sorry to have left you alone for the past hour. I have much business to catch up on since I’ve been to Philadelphia. Please forgive me.” Finally, he felt relaxed now that she was home with him, safe. It was the one place he could be certain Simone would not reach her. He knew that they would need to resume their investigation, but was determined to enjoy the short solace.

“Kade, thanks again for getting me out of the condo. But as much as I love New Orleans, this was not how I expected to return.” She found it impossible to keep her hands off him as she reached for his hands. “I...I don’t think it is a good idea that I stay here in your home. It makes me really nervous…all these vampires roaming around your house. Besides, I know this city. I’d be okay on my own in a hotel. Okay, I don’t know it as well as I know Philly, but I can get around, and we can still work together. I talked to Tristan this morning and...”

Kade removed his hands from hers, stood and walked across the room. He turned and stared back at her with astonishment. Unbelievable. This woman had been in his home for less than twenty-four hours and was thinking about leaving already. And damn it all, she’d talked to Tristan about it. Sure, Tristan was a good friend, but he would not have her going to another man for protection, no fucking way. It was time he set her straight. “Sydney, I’m not sure what you talked to Tristan about, but while you are in my city, in my home, you will abide by my rules. We will catch Simone together, but you will do this my way. I am completely serious. And before you open that lovely mouth of yours, I will not have any arguments about it. I’ve already called your captain and given him my assessment of the situation about what happened back at your condo. There is agreement between P-CAP and your department that you are here on a consultation basis only. That means no leaving this house without my knowledge and protection from me or someone from my security team. On the case, I tell you what to do and when to do it. I will not have you getting yourself killed while you are here.”

He turned and faced outdoors, steaming with anger and arousal. That lovely little mouth, he wanted to kiss it, to make love to it, to feel himself surrounded by her lips. But she would not listen to reason, and he had enough of this 'I am a cop' nonsense. Simone would hang her from her wrists and skin her alive...he’d seen her do it before. They could work the case together, but Kade refused to let Sydney go it alone anymore.

Sydney jumped to her feet. She was beyond infuriated. “How dare you go and talk to my captain without my knowledge!” she yelled. “And you do not get to tell me when to leave this house! I don’t intend to wait around and do nothing while you go off and do business, or whatever you do. I am the detective. You are...I don’t even know what the hell you are. I sure as shit know that you aren’t a freakin’ detective!” She started to pace, afraid that if she stopped she’d be driven to violence...all the while knowing that would be futile.

Kade frowned. She was the most stubborn woman on the face of the earth. She was hot, sexy, beautiful, and damn hardheaded. “I run this city, love. All of the supernatural activity in this town, including any P-CAP investigations, only occur with my expressed approval and permission. That is all you need to know about my business. I am the law in New Orleans.” He moved toward her, closing the distance. “So unless you’d like to be tied to a bed, and believe me, I would love to have you tied to mine, you had better follow my rules.”

He had some nerve: arrogant, egotistical, dominant, sexy. Tied to his bed? Duly noted and under consideration. She shook off thoughts of sex and remembered she was fighting for her rights in this investigation. “Okay. Fine. No going out on investigations without you, but I am not staying in a house full of vampires. This just isn’t practical or safe. I am not going to end up a happy meal because someone got the munchies. And I am not going to waste my time sitting around here while you do business. Where you go, I go. We work this case, get the bad guy, and I go home. Seriously, I can’t stay forever, so I want to make the most of my time.”

Finally, capitulation. “Sydney, I want you to know that I admire your independence and tenacity. I just want to keep you safe. I want all my people safe.” He didn’t want her to know how deeply he was starting to care about her. He was pissed as hell knowing that she called Tristan instead of talking to him first. Hell, he wasn’t sure he even liked that he was so captivated by her. After all, he’d been alone for a few centuries now. He didn’t lack for female attention, and he had enough to keep him busy in life without complications. And Sydney was a huge complication. Yet he could not deny that he was very much connected to her and she to him.

Sydney backed away from Kade and sat back into the comfy chair. She pulled her legs up underneath her and faced him. So, this was how it was going to be? He acted like he cared about her, like he wanted her? But he was making her stay here, because he was some kind of a control freak? He didn’t just want to keep her, he said that he wanted to keep everyone safe. Fine, what did she care? She accepted long ago that she would spend her life alone. That was how she wanted it. She pulled up her emotional wall, nice and high, so he couldn’t read her disappointment. “Don’t worry about stroking my ego, Kade. I get it, you are the protector, and I am the consultant. No problem.” She was clearly annoyed with him. “So what’s next? Where do we find Simone?”

Just then, Luca walked into the room. “Kade,” he nodded and turned to Sydney. “Sydney. I’ve got a lead on Simone. There have been rumblings that she was seen collecting donors downtown at Sangre Dulce.”

“Sangre Dulce?” Sydney asked.

“Sangre Dulce is a local club specializing would you say?” Luca looked over to Kade hoping for some assistance. Finding none, he continued, “It is a fetish club. S&M. Caters to the supernaturals and humans alike. If Simone was looking for someone to torture, she could easily find a submissive there who would go off with her easily. I talked to Miguel, the owner, and he said a bartender reported that a woman who looked like Simone was in the club well over a month ago. We cannot be certain it was her, but we could ask around. And Kade, if we do go to Sangre Dulce, I would advise against taking the human.”

Sydney wanted to smack Luca. Why did he always have to be such a condescending ass? “Hello? Luca? That human is right here. I already established with Kade that we're going together.”

Luca stood stoned-faced. “Kade, she serves no purpose on this trip. Simone will have spies, and they will see her. And others...vampires...they will view her as available. She is not marked, nor claimed, nor does she work for us. They will recognize her as an outsider. It is not wise to bring her. I must insist that you reconsider.”

“Luca, your concern is taken under advisement. Effective immediately, Miss Sydney Willows is my employee.” Sydney shot him a surprised look. “She is the Director of Security in charge of my Philadelphia operations. She arrived yesterday to learn from you about security operations in New Orleans. She is known to accompany me to events. After introductions to Miguel, no one will touch her.”

“But, how will she fit in? They will sense she does not belong. It will be bad enough that we have no business that would even call us there.”

Sydney had an idea, “What if we were there for some kind of inspection? If it's true that Kade approves all activities in this town, could we tell Miguel we were there because of a complaint? Cops do it all the time for other businesses when we suspect suspicious activity. Or, we could just say I was there to see New Orleans. Lord knows there are plenty of freaky things going on in this city. What’s a little S&M in this town? Seriously you two...have you ever been to Bourbon Street on Halloween? Everyone lets their freak flag fly.”

Kade burst out laughing. A hearty, sexy laugh that made Sydney want to let her freak flag fly right there, right then, on the floor with Kade. “Sydney, you are quite amusing and you do bring up a good point. But going in under the guise of an inspection will only put people off. You must understand that people, who frequent this club, go there for privacy. Any complaints would be handled directly with Miguel. We don’t want people on the defensive. But if we go in as mere patrons? A date even? Now that would work, and I am more than willing to get freaky with you.” He smiled. Yes, this would work.

Luca resigned himself to the fact that they were taking the human. He didn’t necessarily like her or dislike her. But, he learned long ago that humans simply could not be trusted, not to mention the fact that Simone was dangerous. If she went after Sydney, it would put them all at risk. He didn’t like the fact that Voodoo and magic were involved either. They needed Ilsbeth. When was that damn witch going to call him back and let him know exactly when she was arriving?

But Luca had to admit that his good friend Kade seemed happier with Sydney here. He was clearly enjoying his human entertainment, and Luca did not want to deprive his old friend of a chance at happiness. Life was very dull at times when you lived for centuries. Sure, vampires often had sex or found other vampire friends to share their life with, but it was rare to find someone who you could possibly love forever, a soul mate. There was something about this difficult, human woman that made Kade seem interested in life again. Luca would wait to reserve judgment, but he would keep a close eye on Miss Sydney Willows. He could not allow her to compromise their mission to find Simone.

Sydney was excited by the plan. Finally, she had a chance to get out of this damn mansion and look for Simone. She still worried about the fact that she didn’t have any weapons, nor did she have many clothes. Especially the kind she would wear out to a night club. “Kade, I need to get out tomorrow. And before you say no, which I know is coming, I need clothes and shoes. This has got to be believable. I need to look like the kind of girl who is looking for a little adventure, if you know what I mean. These sweats aren’t going to cut it.”

Kade knew she was correct, but she could not go alone. He had a few meetings in the early morning. He would send someone with her to shop. “Okay, you’ll go shopping in the morning. But you go with someone. I will send Xavier with you. Even though vampires have weakened powers during daylight, Simone could be out looking for you, or have human minions spying about.”

Sydney wasn’t foolish. She may not want to stay in a house full of vampires, but if this Simone chick was out to get her, she wasn’t going without backup. “Thanks Kade. I'll need a few weapons too: stakes, crossbow. Tristan is bringing my gear, but he may not be down before we leave tomorrow night.”

Kade came over and sat on the ottoman once again. “They will not allow weapons into the club. For your shopping trip tomorrow, Luca will give you a gun with silver bullets and a few stakes that you can easily stash in your purse. Tomorrow night, we will need to give you a few special accessories before we leave...undetectable weapons that you can wear into the club. You should be safe with us, but should you have any issues, you’ll have the protection you need.”

After Luca left them alone, Kade let his hands roam up Sydney’s thighs to settle on her waist. He pulled her up, so they were standing close. “Sydney, I know you are mad that I called your boss. But if you want to stay on the case, we need to do this my way. I want you to know that I am sorry I have to put so many restrictions in place. We will go downtown tomorrow night and get more information about Simone’s whereabouts. I promise that this will be over soon.”

Sydney’s body was alive as she felt the strength of his hands on her waist. She didn’t want to forgive him so quickly for bossing her around, but my God, she still wanted him. She found herself justifying why he did what he did. He cared about the people he worked with and wanted them safe. Instinctively, she knew he would keep her safe too. She had no one, but for now, it felt like she had him. Her body responded to his as she allowed the palms of her hands to lie flat on his chest. She wanted to know what it would be like to be flesh to flesh with him, tasting him.

He leaned into her and held her tight against his chest. She breathed in his male scent and allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to have him inside her. A rush of heat caused her sex to ache. He looked down at her wantonly, searching her eyes for permission. She whispered, “Kade, this thing between us...I don’t know what to think...” She didn’t get a chance to finish her thoughts.

“Don’t think, Sydney, just feel.” Kade brought his mouth to hers and she opened for him allowing him to sweep his tongue into, over and around hers. He was demanding, passionate. Kade was tired of waiting. He wanted this human woman so badly, and he was finding it difficult to make excuses for why he shouldn’t just take her. Sydney moaned and kept pace with Kade as she ran her fingers through his hair, possessively pulling his head down to meet hers.

Kade refused to let Sydney think that she would control this kiss between them. He slowly pushed her back up against the wall and held her hands above her head with one of his hands. With his other hand, he pushed up her shirt, feeling the soft skin of her belly and then slid his hand up slowly cupping her breast. Shoving up her bra, he freed her breast from its confines. Kade’s breath quickened. He was overwhelmed with excitement, finally touching her silky peaks. He tore his mouth away from hers, lowered his head to her ripe flesh and licked her rosy tip.

Sydney shivered and groaned under his touch, and submitted to his need to dominate. She wanted to be dominated by him: so strong, sexy. “Kade, yes, please.” Sydney couldn’t keep silent in the throes of their passion. Kade sucked the nipple harder until Sydney felt a twinge of pain, then pleasure. She couldn’t believe she was letting him do this to her but she felt helpless to stop him. The desire she felt overrode any sense of logic she had. He pushed up the other side of her bra and gave her other hardened peak equal attention. He released her hands, and she held onto his shoulders for dear life as he made love to her breasts. “I want you so much, Kade. Please, don’t stop.”

Sydney heard the click of heels on the floor. Dazed and swollen-lipped, she opened her eyes to see 'Ginger', the redheaded vamp, watching her and Kade. Voyeur much? Refusing to be intimidated, Sydney glared at her, all the while Kade clutched to her body. Kade must have noticed her presence, because he slowly lowered Sydney’s shirt. Clearly irritated about being interrupted, Kade blew out a breath, “Dominique, you must learn to knock. This is my home, not the office. And as you can see, I am quite busy. What do you want?”

“Kade darling, I just came by to see how things were going with your lovely human.”

“As you can see, she is quite well. Now it is getting late, anything else?”

“Yes, Ilsbeth contacted Luca. He asked me to come by and tell you. She is coming into see you tomorrow night before we go to the club. She’s nervous about coming here. So Luca and I will go to her coven, secure her and bring her in safely. We should be here around seven. I would like to discuss the details, if you have time.”

Sydney felt oddly out of place during this discussion. Instead of getting pushed out of the conversation, she decided to remove herself. She was tired again anyway and needed a break from the vampires who seemed to be crawling everywhere in this house. “Kade, uh, I think I am going to head upstairs. I wanna give Ada a call.” She placed a kiss to his cheek and pulled away from him.

“Okay love. Oh and Sydney, remember our discussion earlier. No running off without me.” His face was stone serious. She needed to follow the rules if she wanted to stay alive.

Sydney walked out of the room ignoring Dominique. She wasn’t sure what kind of relationship Kade had with her, but that woman irritated Sydney. Dominique was not going out of her way to make Sydney comfortable. If anything, it felt as though she had interrupted them on purpose.

Kade wanted to go after Sydney, but was torn. Business needed to come first. If Ilsbeth was concerned about her safety, then his suspicions about Simone’s presence in New Orleans was confirmed. He also wanted to get things straight with Dominique. He would not tolerate her interrupting his personal business. Kade would not allow anyone to hurt Sydney, and his friends needed to get used to the idea that his detective would be around for a very long time.
