Wearily, Church tramped up the long, winding staircase to his chamber in the Court of the Soaring Spirit. His officer’s uniform was filthy with the mud of Flanders, and he was sickened after seeing wave after wave of fresh, hopeful young men shot and gassed and blown to pieces over a few inches of soil. For the first time he could understand why the Seelie Court had turned its back on Earth.

Tom sat by the fire, smoking. ‘Anything?’ he asked.

Church shook his head. ‘One of the Watchmen in Paris gave me a lead, but it didn’t pan out. He said the Germans had the skull and box for some kind of ritual. I think it was just wishful thinking.’ Church flopped into a chair and tossed his gas mask to one side. ‘Tell you what, though — the spider-zombies are everywhere. All over Europe I came across people with spiders stuck in their neck, or arm, or whatever.’

‘The Enemy is exerting its influence. I imagine a war of that magnitude would spread despair like the plague.’

Church could tell Tom had seen some of the horrors of the First World War with his premonitory powers. ‘That’s it, I think. They’re controlling people who can position themselves to generate despair. How do we fight something like that? It’s like an infestation.’

‘You spread hope.’ Tom’s eyes sparkled.

‘I managed to save one of the Brothers of Dragons before Veitch got to him,’ Church said. ‘He’s just a kid, but when you look in his eyes it’s as if he’s a hundred years old. The things he must have seen on the battlefield-’

‘Death forges the Brothers and Sisters of Dragons,’ Tom said.

‘Then he’s going to be one of the strongest of all of us,’ Church replied bitterly. ‘I’ve left him with Decebalus and Aula. They’re doing a good job with all the others I managed to bring back. Our recruits will be ready when we need them.’

Niamh walked in clutching a letter. She looked troubled. ‘I found this on my bed,’ she said, puzzled. ‘I was in the other chamber. No one could have entered without my knowledge.’

‘Who’s it from?’ Church asked.

She handed it to him. The writing was copperplate and dignified. ‘Jerzy,’ she said. ‘He’s inviting you to a show — and offers an answer to “The Question of the Skull and the Box”.’
