"Come on, Jack!" Vicky said in a stage whisper.
She stood in the hall with her coat already buttoned, raring to go.
"We can't leave without telling your mother."
"Telling your mother what?" Gia said, coming down the stairs.
She wore jeans and a navy blue wool sweater over a white T-shirt. She looked pale and haggard; dark circles rimmed her eyes.
She looked how Jack felt.
"We're going out to get a Christmas tree."
Gia stopped midstep and paled further. "Oh, God. Christmas."
Jack stared up at her. "Yeah, I know. Kind of slipped my mind too."
Gia chewed her upper lip a second, then said, "Vicky, would you do me a big favor and get my car keys from the guest room? I think I left them there."
Jack and Gia had spent the night there. Gia hadn't wanted to stay in the same room where the Lilitongue had been, and neither had Jack. They'd clung to each other in the dark, dozing for brief, fitful stretches.
Vicky hit the steps running as Gia reached the floor. She watched her daughter until she was out of sight, then moved close to Jack.
"I don't have any Christmas spirit," she whispered. "None. And I don't know if I can fake it."
"We've got to." Jack glanced up at the top of the stairway. "For her."
"I know, I know but…" Her lips trembled as her composure began to crumble. "I just don't think I can."
Jack gathered her into his arms. "You can. You're strong."
She sobbed. "I thought I was, but… I'm not. And how am I ever going to explain this to Vicky?"
Jack tried to steer her away from where she was going.
"Hey, do you think you could stir up another batch of that Stain oxy-clean gunk for me?"
Gia pushed back and stared at him. "Why? What for?"
"On the chance I might find someone who'd be interested in escaping something."
"What something?"
Me, he wanted to say, but didn't.
"I'm working on it."
"Jack, I don't understand. Even if you find someone willing, it won't work. The Stain can be transferred only twice. You know that. The book—"
"I've never been one to believe everything I read. But I can't put it to the test without the gunk."
"I-I saved it."
"Really? Why?"
"I don't know. I guess because throwing it away would be like throwing hope out the window."
"Yeah… hope."
He was low on hope, and running out of time. But he had to give this a shot.
Gia said, "How are you going to find this person before…?"
"Going on a little trip this afternoon."
"You're not leaving us, are you? There's so little time as is."
"Yeah, but if this works out we'll have tons of time."
"But how—?"
Vicky came bounding down the stairs.
"I can't find the keys, Mom."
Gia's smile looked forced. "Silly me. I must have left them in my coat pocket."
"Are we going, Jack?" Vicky said.
"Sure, if it's okay with your mother."
Gia opened the closet door. "I'm coming with you."
Vicky did her eye roll. "But Mah-om, we have to buy something."
"That's okay. You two can make a little side trip if you want, but there's no way I'm staying here alone." Her eyes bored into Jack's. "I want to spend every precious second I can with you."
Jack winked at Vicky. "You up for a little side trip, Vicks?"
She did her best to wink back. "Oh, yes!"
Jack swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. How was he going to tell her that after tonight she'd never see him again?