RABBIT: Rabbit represents creativity, fertility, and new life. Rabbit teaches us how to plan and how to set plans in motion. Being a most common prey, Rabbit creates tunnels in the earth, open in front and back, which it can use to escape when necessary, reminding us never to allow ourselves to be boxed into a corner. With its ability to move from a statuesque pose to great speed, and to turn rapidly and double back, the spirit of the Rabbit encourages us to take advantage of fleeting opportunities. Active at dawn and dusk, Rabbits are guides to the mystical world, showing us how to recognize hidden teachings, intuitive messages, and signs in the universe around us.

RAM: Ram represents new beginnings, balance, and imagination. Ram teaches us to trust our ability to land safely as we take advantage of new opportunities and pursue new endeavors. Able to gain a foothold on a tiny piece of rock, the spirit of the Ram is one of courage and balance as we move through life and along our spiritual path. With its spiral horn being a symbol of creativity and imagination, Ram empowers us to be spontaneous and to seek out great adventures.

BISON: Bison represents abundance, gratitude, and the sacred life. Bison teaches us to work with the natural rhythm, to follow the easiest path, and not force our way through life. With its massive head and humped shoulders being symbolic of stored-up power and abundance, the spirit of the Bison reminds us that by combining our own efforts with that of the divine we can enjoy the abundance of the universe. Bison’s enormous size cautions us to stay grounded to the Earth and walk a sacred path, to always be humble and grateful for the gifts that come our way, and to honor ourselves and others.

TURTLE: Turtle represents perseverance, determination, and longevity. Turtle teaches us self-protection through nonviolent defenses. A shore creature relying on both land and water, Turtle prompts us to protect the earth so that she can continue to nurture us and provide abundance. One of the oldest reptiles on our planet, the spirit of the Turtle instructs us to get in touch with our primal essence, to retreat inward, slow down, and express our ideas only when they are ready. With its keen ability to sense vibration through its skin and shell, Turtle encourages us to awaken our senses, both physically and spiritually.

BOBCAT: Bobcat represents patience, insight, and solitude. Bobcat teaches us to be alone with ourselves without being lonely. An accomplished hunter that relies on strategy, stealth, and patience, Bobcat reminds us that to achieve our desires we must plan well, be agile, and above all be patient. With its sensitive tufted ears and acute eyesight, the spirit of the Bobcat encourages us to tap into the unseen world and seek out hidden meanings to better understand the spiritual path we are traveling. Its short bobbed tail, black on the tip and white underneath, is symbolic of Bobcat’s power to turn the creative forces of life on and off as needed.
