I wake to the sound of banging in the kitchen and the scent of something burning seeping under the door.

All the signs indicating it’s Sunday.

Lita is at it again.

“Is that what I think?” Dace rolls toward me, grabs me at the waist, and pulls me tightly to his chest as he nestles his chin at the nape of my neck. His body so warm and inviting, I’m just rolling over to face him, when the banging stops, the oven door slams, and a long string of curses begins.

I try to stifle my laughter, but it’s no use. My giggling is so contagious it’s not long before Dace joins in and we’re forced to laugh into the pillows until we quiet down.

“She’s determined to perfect those muffins,” Dace says. “And I don’t know about you, but my stomach can’t survive another go of pretending to enjoy them. I’m pretty sure muffins aren’t supposed to be charred on the outside and soggy in the middle.”

“Tell it to Axel. He claims to love them. Says they’re the best he’s ever had.”

“And just how many muffins do you think Axel had up there in the Upperworld? While I didn’t really get the chance to explore, I seem to remember there being a distinct lack of bakeries in those parts.”

“You make a good point.” I strive for a sober expression and the tone to match, but the sounds of Lita cussing out the muffin pan is impossible to ignore and it’s all I can do to not burst out laughing again.

“Besides, what Axel loves is Lita, not muffins. And that’s just one of the side-effects of love.” Dace’s lips find mine.

“So, what you’re saying is that love makes you delusional?” I kiss him back. A real kiss. Not one of those playful nips meant to tease.

He grins, moving my lips along with his. “In Axel’s case, definitely.” His finger slips down the length of my neck and onto my chest where it settles at the small golden key. “What do you say we get out of town and go out to breakfast?” He pinches the metal between his finger and thumb. “My treat.”

With the way his body moves against mine, I was positive he was about to instigate another kind of treat. But, now that he’s mentioned it, I realize I really am famished. “Well, if it’s your treat . . . how can I resist?”

“Went over the numbers last night. Looks like the Rabbit Hole’s making a pretty nice profit. Funny how people are even freer with their time and money when you pay them a fair wage and allow them to live their own brand of happy.” He shoots me a sardonic smile, runs a hand along the dip of my waist, the curve of my hip.

“Who would’ve thought?” I kiss him on the cheek, untangle myself from the sheets, and slip out of bed. Pulling on some jeans and a sweater as Dace does the same, I reach for the soft buckskin pouch I left on the nightstand and loop it around my neck, as I study the framed picture of Jennika and Harlan’s Malibu wedding I’ve placed beside the photos of Django, Paloma, and Chay.

“I thought Lita would never leave L.A.” Dace moves to my side.

“I thought she’d wear that bridesmaid dress every day.” I smile at the memory. What a fun day that was, and I’m thankful we were all able to make the trip together.

“What do you say we make this a group thing?” Dace slips an arm around my waist, hugs me tightly to him. “It’s been a while since we all got together.”

“Not counting last Friday, at school?” I lift my gaze to meet his—still gorgeous, still icy-blue banded by flecks of bronze, still reflecting my image thousands of times. Funny how I still find myself checking even though the dark days are well behind us. I never have to worry about the beast resurfacing again.

“What happens in the Milagro High cafeteria doesn’t count. Besides, Auden wasn’t there. And now that he’s back in town I was thinking we could head over to our favorite blue-corn pancake place. Been ages since we were last there. Might be nice to go someplace where nobody knows us.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say. “Between juggling school, homework, and a full load of clients in need of healings, I’m starting to feel a little hemmed in. Can’t even remember our last visit to the Lowerworld.”

“It was last week.” Dace grins. “And I’m more than happy to give you a replay of exactly what occurred there.” He takes me in his arms and walks me backward toward the bed, until I place a hand on either side of his chest and push him away.

“Rain check. And trust me, I will hold you to it. But first, you have to make good on your promise to feed me.”

We head for the kitchen, finding Lita leaning against the counter, arms folded before her, scowling at the muffin pan as though it’s the enemy, as Axel attempts to eat one.

“Stop—put the muffin down and back away!” I say, using my magick to propel the offending pastry from Axel’s hand and straight into the garbage disposal where it belongs. “Turns out, we’re taking a field trip. And the best part is, Dace is picking up the tab.”

After a short wait, the hostess leads us to a table big enough to accommodate a party of six. And since we already know what we want, we’re quick to place our orders, which allows Dace and Auden to fall back into the same conversation they’ve been having for weeks. The never-ending negotiation over which days Epitaph is free to book a gig at the Rabbit Hole.

“I truly believe I should get an exclusive,” Dace says.

“I know you do.” Auden laughs. “Never thought I’d have to apologize for the way Epitaph is taking off.” He looks at Xotichl and smiles, and the way she returns the grin I know she can see it as well as she could when she had her sight.

“But you are still playing the Christmas party, right?” Lita looks between them. “You do know the Christmas party has always been a big thing for me. And since it’s our last year of high school and all, and possibly my last Christmas party—”

“Your last Christmas party? Seriously?” Xotichl laughs. “Wow, this is a much bigger milestone than I realized. Secret Santa just won’t be the same without you rigging it to make sure you get yourself.”

“Xotichl!” Lita nods toward Axel, slides a warning finger across her throat, knowing Xotichl can sense it. “Like I would ever do such a thing.” She shakes her head, does her best to look offended.

“Oh, you definitely would,” Axel says. “But don’t worry, it’s just one more thing I love about you.”

“Gross.” I roll my eyes, take a sip of my water.

“Ew.” Xotichl frowns.

As Auden groans into his napkin and says, “I think I’m speaking for all of us when I ask: Is there an expiration date on your love-fest?”

“I certainly hope not.” Lita leans into Axel, making exaggerated smacking sounds and kissing his cheek until we’re all laughing and begging her to stop.

“So as I was saying . . .” Auden clears his throat loudly, attempting to divert their attention away from each other. “To answer your question, yes. It’s tradition. Epitaph wouldn’t dream of missing your Christmas party.”

Lita grins, and pulling away from Axel, she says, “Did you see what I did there? I made you uncomfortable with an exaggerated public display of affection just so you’d agree to play the Christmas party. Works every time!” She claps her hands and turns to Dace and me. “Speaking of the holidays, are you guys staying here, or heading to L.A. to visit Jennika and Harlan?”

“Haven’t decided.” I shrug. “Honestly, I’m just trying to get through the semester. Not to mention that big, fat pile of college applications that need my attention.”

“Sing it,” Xotichl says, fingering the rim of her juice glass.

“Oh, please,” Lita huffs. “What could you possibly know about our angst and suffering? You’ve already been granted early acceptance into your first school of choice.”

Xotichl shrugs, not nearly as impressed with her accomplishment as the rest of us.

“She’s sad about leaving Enchantment just when things finally got good.” Auden squeezes her hand.

“Well, you’re not leaving yet,” Lita says. “And it’s not like it won’t always be here for you to come visit. And let’s not forget, we have Daire to thank for that. So, here’s to eradicating evil and saving our town!” She raises her orange juice high, and we all follow suit. Our assorted glasses and coffee mugs clinking together. “Though, I have to say it just won’t feel like Christmas without all the evil and demons and creepy Coyotes and the sky burning fire.” Lita laughs. And we’re all so happy and giddy from being together with a long and promising future sprawling before us, we toast to that as well.

Going through a whole series of toasts that grow sillier by the moment, until the server drops off our plates, and Xotichl squeals, “They look even better than I remember. They glow purple! It’s a shame you guys can’t see it in the way I do because they are truly glorious. This is clearly a chef who loves her job.”

“And what color are Lita’s muffins?” Dace asks, getting us all laughing again.

“Last I saw they were a deep charcoal black,” Auden quips.

“Maybe to you guys, but to me they glow the color of sincere effort.”

“Aw, thanks, flower.” Lita grins.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to eat them,” Xotichl quips.

“And thank you for that as well.” Lita stabs her fork into her stack, and we all follow suit.

The six of us eating in a happy, contented silence, when Dace calls for the waitress to refill his coffee, and I follow his gaze to see a bleached-blond ponytail with half-inch dark roots swinging over a shoulder.

The move oddly familiar, and yet I can’t place it.

Can’t make sense of the overwhelming dread it elicits.

It’s not until she wipes a hand over the front of her apron, and tightens her grip on the coffeepot she wields in her hand, that I’m able to place her. The elaborate snake tattoo that winds up her arm serves to confirm it.

“Marliz,” I whisper her name, as she turns on me with a frosty gaze. Not nearly as surprised to see us as we are to see her. “I haven’t seen you since . . .”

“Since you killed my fiancé.”

She lifts her free hand to her hair, pushes her bangs from her face. Revealing eyes that look tired, rimmed with fatigue. Though her cheeks appear fuller, her complexion flushed and radiant. And while I’m tempted to explain that, technically, it was Dace who killed her fiancé, not me, the hateful glare in her gaze tells me there’s no point in quibbling.

“With Gabe gone, I had no reason to stick around, so I left. Didn’t get very far, not like that time I went to L.A. with your mom. Still, I managed to make it out of Enchantment for a whole five months and counting.” Her lips lift a bit, but the grin is as tight, perfunctory, and frigid as her delivery.

“You could still go back to L.A.,” I tell her. “Jennika’s there. She’s living in Malibu now. Married to Harlan. I’m sure they’d be willing to help you get settled.”

She does an exaggerated shake of her head, causing her ponytail to sway from side to side. “No, thanks. I did my time in LaLa Land. Turns out New Mexico’s a much better match. Besides, it’s not just me anymore. I have my son to consider.” She lowers a hand to her belly, and that’s when I see it.

That’s when we all see it.

The unmistakable bulge straining the seams of her apron.

“Seven months,” she says with a triumphant grin, as though she’s been waiting for this very day. “Looks like a part of Gabe lives on.” She reaches into the neck of her apron, and reveals a long gold chain she arranges to hang down her front. The tourmaline engagement ring Gabe gave her now worn like a pendant, resting precisely at the place where her belly begins to swell with his child.

“So, coffee?” She waves her pot as her gaze moves among us, but we’re so shocked by the sight of her, Dace can barely manage a no, while I can hardly manage a shake of my head.

My pulse pounding, mind reeling, vision blurring, until my entire world shrinks down to one chilling fact: Another Richter is about to enter the world.

It’s the kind of blow I never considered.

I was so sure we got every last one of them—and yet, the evidence is right there before me in the form of Marliz’s protruding belly, along with the only tourmaline that managed to survive.

I struggle to keep my breath even. Fight to steady myself. Only vaguely aware of Dace fumbling under the table in search of my hand, as I lift my gaze to meet Marliz’s. The gleam in her eyes signaling just how much she’s enjoyed the reveal—taking great pleasure in upending our world.

She turns on her heel, starts to move away. Then glancing over her shoulder as though it’s an afterthought, she says, “Be sure to give my regards to Enchantment.” Her lips tilt in a sardonic grin. “Funny how often I find myself missing it. As soon as Gabe Junior’s old enough to truly appreciate it, I plan to return. And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to look you up when I do.”
