As this series comes to a close, I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the following people:

My agent, Marcy Posner, who believed in a book featuring a vampire in a time when “no one was buying vampire books.” Thank you for always working tirelessly on my behalf—for an entire decade now!

Brilliant editor Jennifer Klonsky, who began this series with me, and equally brilliant editor Nicole Ellul, who stepped in and helped me see it through to the end. Thank you both for your amazing insight, support, and guidance along the way.

Amalie Howard, for helping me get this book done, chapter by chapter. Seriously, I couldn’t have done it without you. Your friendship, encouragement, plotting genius, and always-insightful comments kept me going—and kept me sane. Tres leches!

Cindy Thomas, for always being there to work out plot tangles, listen to me whine about my characters, and to deliver the stink-eye when needed. Thank you for being such an awesome friend. Much love!

The HB&K Society, for all the fun, food, and conversation. Here’s to many more Berkshire writing retreats. Sit-n-dance!

The readers and bloggers who got behind this series from the get-go, for sharing the love and spreading the word. You have my heartfelt thanks and gratitude!

My brilliant daughters, Vivian and Ella, who read my chapters without complaint and don’t mind talking endlessly about imaginary people and what they should or shouldn’t do. Thank you for helping me plot and for coming up with really awesome ideas. Love you both!

And lastly, my husband, Dan—for everything.
